"Love your little ones--even the ones that drive you crazy. If you could see them the way God sees them -- you would be astounded at their glory."

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Shout out to the In-Laws

Before I forget to do this again... I wanted to take just a second and let my mother-in-law and sister-in-laws know how much I love and appreciate them. Those of you with children know how hard it is to leave for a few days, let alone a week, having to worry about your younger kiddos. My boys split time between the in-laws while we were in Florida because Eric was out of town the entire time also.

They had a ball. My boys are good kids but still boys... Therefore, they aren't the easiest of children but I soooooo appreciate the help that we received from Eric's family. I know I have said it before but I am so glad I married such a wonderful man with a great family. They are awesome. Thanks again!!!

And BTW, Eric's cute little sis, Em is going in to have her baby tomorrow.... Yes, she watched 3 extra boys 38 weeks pregnant (gotta love her!) Good luck Em - I am sure this princess will be beautiful like Peighty! Quick background on the Madsen kiddos. Eric's mother has 13 grandsons (almost) and only 4 grand-daughters so we are soooo excited when we get new little girls on the Madsen side. Unlike my side of the family, we have 10 girls and 7 (almost) boys. This sounds pretty even unless you take into consideration that 5 of those boys are mine!! HAHA - One of my sisters has 4 girls and the other has 3 and 1 boy. My bro has 2 girls and 1 boy. So it is more lopsided than it looks - until the Madsens come into the picture that is!!!

Anyway, good luck Em!! Can't wait to see her!


Anonymous said...

It was fun to look through your blog. Your family seems to be doing very well. Congrats on the new one coming soon. We heard you had a blog so we went a searchin. I hope all is going well, and Murphy sounds cute!!

Jessica said...

It was so good to hear from you guys. Thanks for commenting and if you guys have a blog I would love to get the address so we can see what and how you guys are doing. Hope married life is still wonderful!!!

carrie said...

You ARE so lucky to have great inlaws!! SOOOOO lucky!! But then I'm sure they feel lucky to have you, too!! I can't wait to talk to you. I miss you!!