"Love your little ones--even the ones that drive you crazy. If you could see them the way God sees them -- you would be astounded at their glory."

Monday, March 31, 2008

Yes - Still Prego!!!

That is really all I have to say today! Obviously a little frustrated. I know they come when they want but hello... this is #6 give me a break and just let me be done!!! HEHE!! Going to see the doc in another hour and she plans on stripping me again! What a fun time that is! I will keep everyone posted!

Sunday, March 30, 2008


So, for those of you wondering... I AM STILL PREGNANT! I really thought for sure this little man would be here by now. I went to the doc on Friday and I was dilated to a 3 and 80% effaced (too much info?) She stripped me and said it should be any day. This kinda threw me into panic mode so I have been working crazy hours to make sure that all my "JOB work" was wrapped up. Eric actually took Macee into her competition today so that I could spend a few hours getting things caught up and ready! (What a good daddy!). Well.... still no baby. I have had contractions on and off and started having them a little strong at about 11 pm last night so... I grabbed the scriptures (since I am SOOOO far behind) and got the treadmill down (for the first time since I left for Florida) and thought I would see if I could get them to continue. No such luck - 1 every 10 minutes just ain't gonna cut it! I will go again on Monday and I think she is planning on stripping me again. Then I might cry and beg them just to start me.

I know I am impatient and I thought for sure with this last one I might be more patient but it's total opposite. I am soooo done being pregnant! Anyone have any great suggestions? At this point I am willing to try anything (maybe) except the caster oil (however you spell it!) I will keep you updated!

Tribute to my 3 year old

Mr McGwire turned 3 today! What a year. Pretty sure he is the best example of terrible 2's ever but boy do we love him. McGwire has one of the goofiest personalities you will ever see. He is definately not a morning person. In fact he is downright grouchy when he wakes up. I still cannot believe he is already 3. He potty trained late, still has a binky and is a midget for his age. He fell off the growth charts this year but slowly has climbed into the 1% for height and weight. His best buddies in the world are his brother's, especially Maddog. He doesn't know what to do when Maddux has to actually leave a few hours for preschool.

McGwire has the sweetest sensitive side to him. He will lay with you and just give you the softest rubs on your arms and face. He is my snuggler and I hope he never grows up! I love you Gwire. Happy Birthday.

Happy 3rd Birthday Gwire

Saturday, March 29, 2008

These are a few pictures of your day! We celebrated Gwire's 3rd birthday (a day early) with the Madsens and Macee had a dance competition at Viemont High School. They did awesome and she is so fun to watch. I do not know where she gets her showmanship but she amazes me! I honetly get teary everytime I watch her.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Just a few random pics for the week. Our backyard neighbors just had puppies a couple weeks ago and the day they were born, Maddux spent several hours watching the whole process (a little crazy). Jeff, the dad, said that Maddog could pick a puppy and when he turned in the papers it would be his and Maddog's as long as he would come play with it and feed it! He is in heaven but drives me crazy because he asks 10 times a day to go see his dog! He is funny.
The second one I love!!! Mick got a new PS game for Easter and I walked up to his room looking for the baby and he was sitting right next to his big brother with a control in his hand just thinking he was big. Mays LOVES Mick!!! Every morning he runs to him and jumps in his arms and squeezes him. It is awesome. I am glad Mick is such a great example because Maddux is the same way. Mick gets dressed and Maddog wants to wear the same thing. Mick gets dinner and Maddux wants to eat the same thing.
Anyway, hoping we have a baby in the next few days. Macee has another big dance competition Friday and Saturday and then we are happy to have him come anytime soon. Even if he doesn't have anything to wear because I haven't been out to the garage to get the baby stuff out yet!! HAHA!!!


Monday, March 24, 2008

More St George

Here are some pics from St. George. My mom gave me her memory card that had over 200 pics that are adorable that I need to go through. Anyway, I have no clue how the boys got sunburned because 90% of the time they were covered from head to toe in dirt. It was fun. Looking forward to this season!

St George Pics

Easter 2008

The slideshow below is a little lengthy so I apologize but I still have to post our St. George trip so I didn't want to make like 4 different slide shows. Easter this year was a little unplanned because of the last minute trip to St. George but the kids had a great time. The first series of pictures are coloring Easter Eggs. Something we love to do at the Madsen home! The second is our Easter Egg hunt Sunday morning. The Madsens had invited us to Easter dinner so we went up Sunday night and did dinner and another Egg hunt. It was fun cuz we got to snuggle the new baby (only 2 weeks old). We had a great time!

Happy Easter

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Road Trip at 38 weeks!!!

Okay - so who's the crazy lady that ended up taking her kids to St. George? HAHAHA! We had a ball. We all have lobster faces yet are white everywhere else... The kids and I just got home and I am waiting for Eric to finally return from his long road trip to Washington. I decided late Thursday night, after the doc had given me the go-ahead, to jet down to St. George. My mom and dad had already taken Mick and Maddux (since I was originally not planning on going) so I just had Mays, Mace and Gwire! We made good time and the ride was not bad at all. I am soooooo glad that I was able to watch Mick play. I am so proud of him and the approach he has on the game. He did a great job - with a few Bill Buckner's here and there but he hit the ball well and was on base a ton. He also made a couple big plays and pitched phenomenal. My dad was going to take him to Vegas since he is the only person we know that can hit a slow roller to the first baseman and still be safe.

He plays hard and he plays with heart. He has such a good time with all the boys. What a great group of young men!! They are so fun to watch. I am sad I will miss the next tournament after watching this one. I will get some pictures posted in the next day or so. The kids did really well and I have to say a great big "THANK YOU" to my mom and dad. There is no way I would have survived down there without them. My mom's poor knee will prob be hurting tomorrow (she had a knee replacement done a couple months ago and this is the most she has been on it I am sure, except for when she had to babysit me in Florida with Macee's dance) and my dad was fighting a yucky cough and congestion. They are so awesome. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

My dad called to make sure we were home and Maddog talked to him. He got off the phone and started to cry and I asked him what was wrong. He said "I really miss Grandma and Grandpa, can we go back to St. George?"

It was fun... we had a ball... and oh my gosh, is it really Easter tomorrow? So unprepared!!! Oh ya, Mick was reading my post and I failed to brag that he did hit his first homerun of the season!! Go MICK!!! Go TIGERS!!!

Monday, March 17, 2008

St. Patrick Celebration

So here is a little slide show of our day. We woke up and had Green Eggs "without" Ham. The kids thought it was fun. All the kids, except for Mick because he is too cool, spray painted their hair Green. They thought they were so "special" especially the little guys. We had green Mac and Cheese for lunch and will color Easter Eggs for FHE. Will post pictures of that later!!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Ode to Heartburn

Here I am, 4:30 in the morning. Another restless night of sleep due to my friend "heart-burn". I must say, 6 pregnancies and this would be the first where I have experienced any type of heart-burn at all. It has kept me up all hours of the night for the last week. I at first thought it was the Cafe Rio but have now decided it really does not matter what I eat. Oh well, 3 short (ya right) weeks and we will have a baby. So I am really debating on the name. I kinda had my heart set on Mattingly and the more I throw around the name Murphy, the more I really like it. We also went to a UV luncheon where Dale Murphy was the guest speaker and what a cool man he is. So... I guess we have a few weeks. I have just never been this close without having a name picked out. Eric rolls his eyes every time I ask him about it!

Players and Former Players

So, I started a new link on the lower right because I have found a few of Eric's players and former players from years past and their cute little families. I wanted to differentiate my link list so hopefully, we can compile a few more and it will be a fun place to be able to see what everyone is doing in their lives after UV or even CEU!!!

So for any of you wives (because we know this is "our" thing) run into our blog and would like to be added to the list PLEASE leave a comment and we will try and get this going. Also, if you know of anyone else please let me know and we can see if they would like to be added. I have 3 or 4 already but for some reason it's not linking so hopefully I can maybe get the right addresses.

Since we are on this subject I will just share with you my very biased opinion of my husband and the way he approaches his job and his communication with players. Eric comes home every day with his cell phone to his ear. My kids totally joke with him to the point that he will sometimes stay in the truck just so he doesn't have to hear the wrath of the family as he walks through the door. He has know been coaching college baseball for over 15 years (crazy to think) and in that time has met so many amazing young men. It's so hard to explain. We have become accustom to MANY farewells, weddings and soon baby blessings.

Anyway, the phone thing... after all these years of boys coming in and out of the programs Eric still knows what they are all doing in their lives. He talks to them on the phone ever so often and he has a genuine, I don't know... how do you say this without sounding totally sensitive (which we know would be bad since we are talking about grown men) He genuinely cares about each one of these young men.

Besides the plethora of baseball knowledge that my husband has (HAHA) I, personally, think that one of his best coaching abilities or whatever the hay you would call it would be the ability to gain a mutual respect between he and his players. He seriously is amazing and cares so much about each of these guys. Okay, can't really explain it and if he reads this he will probably kill me but... I really have always appreciated the relationships he has made in baseball.

So - for all you players and former players.... would love to catch up on your families!!!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

A few Random Pics

Just a few random pics for the week. Everyone has been bugging for the belly shot and I am not real comfortable with it - just to let you know. But HUGE!!! And then there is my Mays with his cute bow. He is adorable and has girly hair. Wouldn't he be a beautiful girl? And then there is the tomatoe soup! He has been by far my dirtiest baby and by the way, Madsen women, I don't even care when he gets dirty. He just takes 3 baths a day!!! And then the last pic is him just handsome!!! I find myself taking more pictures of the baby than the rest. Is that aweful?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Shout out to the In-Laws

Before I forget to do this again... I wanted to take just a second and let my mother-in-law and sister-in-laws know how much I love and appreciate them. Those of you with children know how hard it is to leave for a few days, let alone a week, having to worry about your younger kiddos. My boys split time between the in-laws while we were in Florida because Eric was out of town the entire time also.

They had a ball. My boys are good kids but still boys... Therefore, they aren't the easiest of children but I soooooo appreciate the help that we received from Eric's family. I know I have said it before but I am so glad I married such a wonderful man with a great family. They are awesome. Thanks again!!!

And BTW, Eric's cute little sis, Em is going in to have her baby tomorrow.... Yes, she watched 3 extra boys 38 weeks pregnant (gotta love her!) Good luck Em - I am sure this princess will be beautiful like Peighty! Quick background on the Madsen kiddos. Eric's mother has 13 grandsons (almost) and only 4 grand-daughters so we are soooo excited when we get new little girls on the Madsen side. Unlike my side of the family, we have 10 girls and 7 (almost) boys. This sounds pretty even unless you take into consideration that 5 of those boys are mine!! HAHA - One of my sisters has 4 girls and the other has 3 and 1 boy. My bro has 2 girls and 1 boy. So it is more lopsided than it looks - until the Madsens come into the picture that is!!!

Anyway, good luck Em!! Can't wait to see her!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Macee - the Trooper

Okay, finally a new post! So my Macee is a trooper. I wish so badly I had more pics of her in Disneyworld but since I was dying back at the hotel this is all you get. When I told her I was going to fly out early and she could fly back with Grandma she really wanted to be with mom so this is how the morning went... We went to bed at 12:45 waiting for the hotel people to come get our luggage put downstairs. We took a little nap until 2:30 am and went downstairs to catch a shuttle to the airport. Macee slept outside the hotel (picture below) until the shuttle arrived. We got to the airport and had to stand in line for 30 min before Southwest even opened their check-in. Once again Macee layed down and slept on the "oh so clean" airport floor. We got on our first airplane and she fell asleep. 45 minutes later they had us get off that airplane and reboard because it was having technical problems. She slept all the way to Chicago where we had to run from one end of the airport to the other to make our connecting flight. She then fell asleep and slept all the way to Utah. I went immediately into the doc office and by the time I got home at 3pm she was asleep. She woke up the next morning at 8 for school. We still tease her about sleeping an entire day. What can you say, "play hard!!!"

Friday, March 7, 2008

My Friday Grateful List

Really quick post - My Friday Grateful List... Jason and Carrie Christensen. Nummy, Nummy!!! Thanks a ton.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Florida Dance!!!

So, I could go on, and on about how wonderful the dance competition went. We arrived in Florida Thursday evening. The girls had a little practice and were instructed to get their cute little butts to bed to rest up for the next day. That was a little difficult for the 2 little 7 year olds in our room but we did get down around 11. We had to be up and catching a bus to the competition at 6:15am. We stayed with Cassidy Parchman and her mother Becky. They were so fun to stay with and get to know better. Cassidy is the only sister to 3 brothers, a 5 year old and twin 3 year olds. So she knows the "only girl" routine. Becky was wonderful and we really did enjoy their company. So... we get on the bus and head down to the Contest of Champions. The atmosphere was awesome.. the competition was in the Disney Wide World of Sports Complex and it was seriously what you would see on TV. Our little ones did 5 numbers throughout the day. The competition ended with the awards ceremony at 8 pm that evening. We were not allowed to take the girls from the facility so it made for a looooooong day!!! But, they definitely got their second win during the awards. Our little girls team took 4 1st place trophies and 1 second. They also took the "National Champion" ranking for their age division. They seriously danced their hearts out. It was sooooo awesome! It was the 25th anniversary of the contest of champions so at the end they brought out this huge cake (fake of course) and here comes Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Pluto and Donald Duck. For the older girls they probably didn't think this was great but for our girls they were stoked!!! Hot Shots as a studio did fabulous. As you can see from the trophies, we brought home 22 as a studio. Our juniors were also crowned "National Champions." The girls then proceeded to get on a bus and all go get in the pool until midnight.

I would like to say the rest of the trip was wonderful but I so unluckily started feeling sick the next day. By Saturday night I was feeling awful and stayed back at the hotel room the next 2 days. I was so glad my mom was there because I felt so bad for my Macee having me in bed. I want to make sure my mom knows how much I truly appreciated her taking Macee each day. She is always fun to have on vacation and I really needed her this time. Thanks a ton Mom!!! I was soooo excited to go on this trip to spend some quality mommy-daughter time with Macee so it really bummed me out. We ended up getting an early flight home so I could get into the doc. I ended up with bronchial pneumonia. CRAPPY! My ob called today to make sure we had done okay on the trip and I told him what had gone on. He laughingly in a serious tone told me it would be a good idea to stay in bed for a few days. Hmmmmmm 5 kids, hubby out of town... that's probably not going to happen but we will try. I think I am just more drained than anything. Upped the iron so hopefully that will help!

Eric made the statement, "I bet you are thinking it wasn't that great of an idea to go aren't you." I told Eric that it was just bad luck the whole getting sick thing but I seriously felt awesome the first 2 days we were down there and would not have missed that competition for the world. Macee is still bouncing off the walls. I am sure everyone that she talks to thinks she is crazy but what a high for a 7 year old. I will post later on the whole Disneyworld experience and post more pictures.

The one cool thing we got to do the day of the competition is go to a Braves/Dodgers spring training game. It was at the sames sports complex and we had a couple hour break so that was awesome. It was 80 degrees and we got a little color. I was excited cuz I got a couple pictures of Joe Torre - who is know helping on the Dodgers staff because the Yankees management sucks!!! (Just had to make that little poke!) Anyway, I just laughed and told my mom, I never go an vaca without having to go to a game here or there and here I was in Florida with nothing but my Macee and still ended up at a ballgame. Guess it's more in the blood than I thought. I will post pictures later! Gonna go lay down! Later!!!

Contest Of Champions!!