"Love your little ones--even the ones that drive you crazy. If you could see them the way God sees them -- you would be astounded at their glory."

Sunday, January 6, 2008

This is a short New Years Day/Eve post. We were very lazy all day. I laugh when I read other peoples blogs about pj day. Every day is PJ day at our house. I work out of a room in my basement and only 1 or 2 days go out on appointments so for me to be in pj pants and a t-shirt is totally the norm. And my boys do not like clothes so... we just keep the house nice and cozy. Anyway, layed around the house most of the day. Maddux and Gwire put some clothes on to go play in the snow for a bit. We went to dinner at Tucanos with my sisters and their families and then came home. The Burgi's came over around 10 and we rocked with Guitar Hero until a bit after midnight. Pretty non-eventful but nice. I still have done no goal setting so maybe in a few days I will think about that! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!


carrie said...

Hey....I love what you wrote about the jammies. I know I'm the one who wrote about having a "pajama day"...but let's just get real here....that happens a lot more than I care to admit. ha ha I start to forget that I'm wearing pajama clothes...and they just become a regular outfit. Does that make sense?? I like to call them my "lounge clothes"....'cause they're just so fun and comfy. My kids are wearing pajamas today, as a matter of fact, for their outfits!! My two little boys are home sick from church, and so I decided to just put Jaxon, Bo, and Bella in pj's.... It's better that way!! :o) I love that you're so laid back....