"Love your little ones--even the ones that drive you crazy. If you could see them the way God sees them -- you would be astounded at their glory."

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Happy Official Birthday Macee!!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I am ready for a new week!!!

I use to be so good at posting every few days and I too have become a "once a weeker." So what's up with this weather in Utah. All in favor of letting Spring be here say I!!!! Don't get me wrong, if it's going to be cold, I love the snow but this has been pretty rough. I think it's because I have 5 little kids that would love to be playing outside and cannot! And I am not a good mommy and can't get up the patience to take them all somewhere fun. Maybe I better "buck up" and do something! Mick and I got to go the Jazz game Monday night and watch them play the Spurs. We have awesome seats and Mick snapped pictures the entire time. It was an intense game and probably the best we have been to over the past few years. (Not saying much since we only go about twice a year). When I was making this slide show it came to my attention what a "good mom" (yah right!!) I was. I didn't get one picture of Mick at the game. I felt so awful. But don't worry, I got plenty of Korver. Now isn't he just a fine young man!! HAHA!!! And the picture of the Jazz bear and the girl in front of us was awesome. He climbs up the railing to find her carrying a dozen roses and then her cute little friend proposes to her! I thought it was sweet.

For those of you who know Mick he lives and breathes for this stuff. One of the coolest things about the game was they announced that Terry Francon, the Boston Red Sox manager was in attendance that evening. I called Eric and he said he was in Utah meeting the the Utes doing some fundraising. Well, Mick was on the lookout the rest of the night. He was determined to go find him and get a picture. Unfortunately it didn't happen but it was cool. Although we aren't Red Sox lovers, ok, although we are Red Sox haters.... you can't help but like the guy. He does an awesome job at game management (obviously)!!! So it was fun. The roads were bad but we made it!

We have been laying low this week due to our kids being sick also. Mays had pneumonia which was awful. He has now totally recovered but I hate the whole respiratory thing. Watching your babies struggle to breath is NOT FUN!!! Although I do enjoy all the extra snuggling. Migs was sick also but they caught his early and just put him on meds!

The past couple weeks have been really hard for me. Here goes the pity party. My emotions are so far out of wack anyway and I have some family stuff going on that I just have to sit back and watch that breaks my heart. Literally. I have a friend that is struggling with the loss of her mother which by the way when she reads this I want her to know she is seriously one of the most amazing people ever. She took care of her mother in her home for years while she was struggling with Parkinsons. Her kids got to spend so much time with her. She made daily sacrifices to take care of her mom and I hope she realizes what a wonderful woman she is for that! I luv ya EM!

Anyway, the last straw was over the weekend when our beloved prophet died. I know death is okay. I believe in everything after but.... what an absolute amazing, amazing individual President Hinckley was. His smile, his sense of humor, his passion for life, his genuine love and concern for everyone. WOW! You cannot say enough about what a wonderful, fulfilling life he lived. He touched so many people and I will personally miss seeing this cute little old mans face. I know his reunion had to be outstanding!

Anyway, late Sunday night after watching a few tributes I was just sad. Sad for the prophet, sad for my friend and sad for my sis. Eric was asleep next to me and I just went into Mick's room and asked if he would say a prayer. I cried the whole time but Mick just held my hand. What a sweet boy.

The good news is... I am not sad for myself. I have the most amazing family and kiddos so for this, I am grateful. Sorry for the long post. Just several thoughts flying around in this little brain!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I just wanted to post this picture separately because I thought it was precious. This was Macee the night of her party. Eric got home late from Mesquite and she just cuddled up to him and was out like a light.

My beautiful Macee is turning 7 on January 31st. This year she wanted to do a party with her dance team so most of these girls are on her little Hot Shot team. She was able to invite her 2 cousins and her BF Emery. We had a lady come in and do their hair and makeup so they limited us to 10 girls. Our theme was "I wanna be a Rockstar" (a Hannah Montana song). Our featured guest was Hannah herself (HAHA). They had a ball.

I just want Macee to know how proud of her I am. She has been struggling a little lately with being the only girl. Part of the selfish mom is okay with this because I know that she will be my best little girlfriend for the rest of our lives. I do wish she could enjoy sisterhood but I think with 5 brothers she will be able to pick 1 or 2 that she can really bond with. I love her. I am so lucky to have her. She is the biggest helper in the whole entire world. I always complain because we are forking out so much money for dance but she is the Princess and I am sure this will be life forever. I can't wait to spend a week just her and I in Florida. All I can think is next year she will be baptized. This is such a hard thing for me. I know it should be this wonderful time and don't get me wrong, it is. But this is such a huge milestone in their lives. When Mick got baptized I was just so sad, not being able to even believe he was this old, let alone questionning if we had raised him right so far that he could be accountable for his actions and thoughts.

I have been soooooo blessed with wonderful children and I just pray that I can raise them to be good people. I love you Macee!!!! Your brothers love you and I know you are priceless with your daddy! Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Just a quick post for the week. I just put a few pictures that we have taken over the past few days. I didn't even know that the one with Mays and I sleeping had been taken. I have been so extremely exhausted lately and I had went and laid down in my bed to try and get him to go to sleep and it looks like he put me to sleep instead. For all you who know me, I usually jump on Disneys website after Christmas and get their after Christmas sales. This usually always involves next years Halloween Costumes. Well, since the boys are loving the Power Ranger thing I ordered 4 costumes. A couple were like $7 and the other 2 were only $10. I hope they last until Halloween. They haven't wanted to take them off all day. Macee told me I should have ordered her a pink one and she would have dressed up with the boys.
Anyway, not much new. I have been trying to start doing little projects to get this house ready to sell. I keep asking myself if I am crazy to do all this right now but I also now that we aren't all going to fit in this house much longer. We have started looking at plans and it's all pretty exciting. Hoping to break ground within the month!!! So the doc office called the other day and asked that I come give some more blood. He hadn't realized when he looked the results from last time that my iron was low. He kept asking questions like, "have you been really tired", "are you feeling okay". Funny thing.... If I could I would probably have a 3 hour nap every day go to bed at 9 and wake up at 8 the next morning. For me this is crazy because I am the one that goes to bed at midnight and is up at 6 am. I have just been SOOOOO tired and thank goodness I know have an excuse. So, I went and gave more blood and my Iron count is extremely low. They put me on some huge ugly horse pills that look like straight blood and if that doesn't bring it up in the next couple weeks they have to start injections. LOVELY!!!! But at least now I have an excuse for the reason that I have been so tired. Thank goodness for Shari who has been helping with little projects around the house. I can't even imagine showing this house over the next 6 months. I really hate that part but.... you gotta do what you gotta do. We are hoping that the house will be built by Sept. Our builders told us to list the house right now and face the problem of selling early if that happens. I keep joking with Eric that it will sell quickly and then we will move our family into a 2 bedroom apt for 6 months. How crazy! Well - gotta go! We have dance and scouts so.... tis the life!!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

So I am going to put a little post on because I know what it's like to go look at your friends and families blogs and see they haven't posted for awhile (hint, hint) so... not much has been going on this week. Really busy with appointments with work. I did get the chance to go down to UV yesterday and attend their monthly Wolverine Luncheon. At this time they announced Eric as the new head coach as of July 2008. Both he and coach Gardner had the chance to stand up and speak a bit. Eric is amazing. He is seriously a natural born speaker. Maybe it's the 15 years of coaching or... I don't know but he is the guy that gets up in Sacramanet meeting to talk and has absolutely nothing wrote down. And then there is me who follows and I read straight from a piece of paper cause I am so nervous. Anyway, he did awesome giving his little speach. I was so very proud of him. I had thought about taking my camera but I know Eric and how that would have not went over well with him so I will have to capture his first game or something. Anyway, I have to admit... as happy as I was inside for my hubby my heart was sad for Coach. You can see in his eyes and actions that this is VERY hard on him. And why shouldn't it be. The man has been coaching his whole life. When I think of the day Eric finally hangs it up (if that ever happens) I can only imagine how hard it would be. It's his livelihood! (did I spell that right?) (Traci???). Eric has always spoken highly of what a good man coach is and Eric comes home daily and just expresses his feelings about how hard it is for someone to come up and be so totally excited for him and his new position but yet see the sadness in coaches eyes. Anyway, I know this is stupid but our thoughts are going out to him if that matters at all.

On a happy note.... McGwire is officially out of diapers. WooHoo!! I thought for sure we were going to have 3 in diapers the way he was going. But I should have listened to the rest of the world when they said he would do it on his own time. Mick and Macee were both done by 18 months and Maddux was 2. So this was hard waiting for this but when he decided, he decided. No accidents whatsoever and he even wears his undys to bed. I told Eric I was so shocked because most of the kids wake up first thing in the morning and head straight to the bathroom. Not Gwire. I keep asking and asking and he will roll in there oh... around 10 or 11. Crazy kid! Not much left. No pics today maybe over the weekend. Not much planned. Maybe some cleanup.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Okay - for all you MURPHEY fans. Fess up!!! I really would like to know who is voting and why. I prefer Mattingly and I am shocked so many like Murphey (I'm not sooo in love with it). Eric really likes it and I would hate for my husband to win!!! SOOOOO..... That being said leave your comments PLEASE!!!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Okay - I found this awesome Yankee template and I have been working for the last darn hour to get it to work. Anyway, for those of you who have changed the template you understand that you have to add all your "widgets" or am I totally crazy and there is an easier way? Anyway, want everyone to know that I have changed it so anyone can post a comment, not just google users. I couldn't figure out all the hits on the cite with no comments until a cousin told me she couldn't post a comment. Hopefully this helps. Also - if you woulnd't mind voting again I would reallllllly appreciate it. It totally erased my poll which stinks but we will start over and leave the Yankee page on until the baby is born!!!

Okay, this is the last post of the day. Just another fun day in the snow in Joes Valley. Anyway, a few thoughts for the week. Eric has been out of town for a few days and will be returning in the morning. I honestly dread this time of year when we get to see him 3 days out of the week. The morning that he left I woke up just sad. I know that sounds totally stupid but he is an awesome dad and husband and an amazing help with the kids. Not only that, but I miss just being able to talk. Okay - enough with the pitty party. This trip, he went to a coaching convention in Philadelphia. He called late last night and sounded like a little boy before Christmas day. His BYU buddies were going to take a train to New York today and asked if he wanted to "sluff" the convention and head down with him. So he and Coach went with Ryan and Bobby and headed into New York. Eric called a few times throughout the day and sent pictures over the phone. He was seriously in heaven. For someone who has been a die-hard Yankee fan his entire life, he has never seen Yankee Stadium. He said he had the chills the entire time! I was seriously so happy for him. They did the tour of the stadium and then went down to Time Square and ate at the ESPN Zone. I think they returned to Philly at 11:30 pm. He is insisting that He and I and Mick are going this year to catch a game before we no longer can.

So.... I have been staying up into the wee hours of the morning conquering Guitar Hero I and II for the kids. I am doing this as a service to the kids because for those of you who own the game, you know that you have to pass off songs in order to be able to access other songs. So... for my children, (HAHA) I have passed off all the songs. Well, it was a really late one last night. I hate to admit this but I went to bed at 4:30. I am really an insomniac when I am pregnant and do not sleep well anyway so... to say the least I was very tired this morning. I was so glad when Eric called and said Mick's practice was cancelled. Macee (my early riser) was up at 8:30. She went and got the baby out of bed and played with him. Mick came up to my room around 8:45 all dressed and ready to go. I informed him that he didn't have practice and told him I had stayed up late. He told me to go back to sleep and he would get breakfast for Mays. So.... McGwire and I turned on cartoons in my room and the next thing I know, Macee, Mick and Maddux were waking me up at noon! They had known to put the baby back down at 10:30 for his usual morning nap and McGwire had also fallen back to sleep, along with me. I love my kids. Yes, I feel like the laziest mom in the world but my 2 oldest are so amazingly responsible I am blessed. So I pulled myself out of bed and made them lunch. We hung out and played until 3 and then everyone, except Mick, laid back down and slept until 6!! Are you kidding me? Who sleeps that much? Needless to say, I think we all deserve one of these days once in awhile. I feel so refreshed and couldn't thank my kiddos enough!!! Our church moved back to 1 so we can sleep in again in the morning. The kids are all excited to go their "new classes" in the morning. Anyway, sorry to inundate you with all these new slide shows but it had been awhile. By the way, I am so suprised the name thing is so close. Please don't be afraid to comment on who you are and why you voted the way you did. I only know of 3 people that voted and why. I am very interested.... Have a good week.

This is a short New Years Day/Eve post. We were very lazy all day. I laugh when I read other peoples blogs about pj day. Every day is PJ day at our house. I work out of a room in my basement and only 1 or 2 days go out on appointments so for me to be in pj pants and a t-shirt is totally the norm. And my boys do not like clothes so... we just keep the house nice and cozy. Anyway, layed around the house most of the day. Maddux and Gwire put some clothes on to go play in the snow for a bit. We went to dinner at Tucanos with my sisters and their families and then came home. The Burgi's came over around 10 and we rocked with Guitar Hero until a bit after midnight. Pretty non-eventful but nice. I still have done no goal setting so maybe in a few days I will think about that! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Trying to get a bizillion pictures off my camera I ran into a few I thought I should share. Maddux had a cute little pre-school Christmas program. These are my favorite. These adorable little kids that call shouting singing! Loved it!!! And the Santa.... are you kidding me. He is seriously the real deal. Right when he walked in McGwire instantly kept yelling, "santa... santa..." He sat down in his chair and Gwire went and sat right at his feet and kept tapping him on his knee saying, "Hi Santa." "Santa, I want Power Rangers." "Santa, I want Transformers." "Santa I want...." and on and on. Well, the preschool kids are supposed to go first but.... this adorable Santa could not resist. Either that or wanted to get the obnoxious little 2 year old off his feet. But the way he talked and visited with the kids was amazing. He was adorable. I loved the pic of Eric and Macee snoozing. Eric is so not a napper but he actually spends a little time at home over the holidays, which we LOVE!!! He came home from the school around 1 that afternoon and Mace just snuggled up and they took a 3 hour nap! You go DAD!

Lunch with the girls!! My mother-in-law and sisters-in-law invited me to have lunch with them a couple days after Christmas. We went to Olive Garden (always a good choice) and had a fun little lunch. I am really a lucky person to have in-laws that are so amazing (not trying to kiss butt I promise). No - but seriously, they are such an awesome fun family to be around! Thanks for inviting me Madsen ladies!