Sunday, September 15, 2013

End of Summer

It was a big week for Charlotte-- her first soccer game (with our favorite coach Jesus from last year's team)...

...and the first week of a new year of ballet lessons.  Charlotte has several friends from the ward and our neighborhood in her class and she enjoys riding to her lessons together.

Eleanor is finally too big for the "Puj" tub we have been using in our bathroom sink.  It's time she graduated to the big kid tub!

Grey loves "Ella"...maybe a little too much.

 Sweet as can be and sitting up like a big girl!

Bubba is the snuggliest of our babies and loves to nap, even with his Daddy right beside him.

This is Charlotte's new friend, Caroline, who was a birthday present from the American Girl store.  Caroline and her book are a big hit around our house.


Amanda said...

Ariel I'm in love with Eleanor. She's adorable! I can't believe how big your kids have gotten. What a beautiful family.

Derek and Becca Theurer said...

I can't believe Eleanor is sitting up! She's so big. And Charlotte looks so cute dressed for ballet. I've just been thinking about you this week and missing you. Hope you all are doing well!

Halo BW said...

Summer well spent!