Friday, May 29, 2009

Cuteness Alert and Bye Bye Binkies

Thats Aubrey at one, oh how she loved her binky. Truthfully I loved it too. It made life so much easier. But alas all good things must come to an end.Approahing age 3 there are certain things that are no longer acceptable by society standards. Like using a diaper, sucking on binkies, and sleeping in bed with your parents. This week I tackled the binky.
The ones they had were getting really gross, like chewed on full of spit you get the idea. So on a whim I cut the ends off all of them and threw them in the garbage with Aubrey at my side all the while explaining they were now too yucky so we needed to throw them away.
As a result we are on day 4 of being binky free and the girls have handled it like champs. Sure they occasionally go to the garbage and gaze longingly at the last known binky spotting. Aubrey will even ask at bedtime only to be reminded they are gone and gross. To which she replies I chewed it, it yucky. So I'm feeling pretty good about my success I may even try potty training...maybe.
Happy Friday, have a great weekend everybody!!!!!!!!


Carrie said...

YAY Kelly! WOOOOOOT! Potty training...phbt! That's for babies. ;-) LOL

Mandy said...

Cute pictures and way to go with getting rid of the binkies!!! What a BIG accomplishment, now potty training will be a piece of cake:)

Liz said...

Hooray for you Kelly! :D

Everything's downhill from here...right?!