Psalm 119:165 “Those who love your law have a great peace.” (NAB)
“Great peace have they who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.” (NIV)
“For those who love what you reveal, everything fits…no stumbling around in the dark for them.” (MSG)
“You give peace of mind to all who love your law. Nothing can make them fall.” (CEV)
Heavenly Father,
Why should loving your law give us “great peace”? Your law…what you will for us or command of us or speak to us….is structured to bring us into harmony with the One who created us. Who else but you, would know what is best for us? The Message calls your law….”what you reveal”. A perfect description! When something is revealed it is made known, made clear, set in front of us in a manner we can understand. It is both an “unveiling” and an explanation of what is shown. When we love what you reveal to us, “everything fits”. That is what peace is…everything fitting perfectly. No arguments, no disagreement, no misunderstanding, no left over pieces. You “revealed” your Son, Jesus Christ to us. Jesus is “the Word”. Jesus is the incarnation of your law. With Jesus, everything “fits”. Jesus reestablishes the harmonic relationship we were meant to have with you. Through him, peace once more is possible. This is “great peace”….mega-peace, all-encompassing peace, peace that “surpasses all understanding”. As humans we can’t even dream up how perfect this peace is. This is the peace of abiding completely with our Father. We are “home”….we are one…we are complete. Only by loving your law…your Word, Jesus Christ…can we find this peace. But once we have it “nothing can make us stumble”….”no stumbling around in the dark”. We now have an abiding inner source, to light up our path at all times. The more we love your “law”, the more his light shines for us. Darkness robs us of peace and causes confusion and fear and immobilizes us. Light….through your law….brings “great peace”, assurance, clarity, discernment, confidence, peace of mind. The word “law” in scripture always refers to your “word” and can usually be substituted with Jesus Christ. “Those who love (Jesus Christ) have great peace.” “For those who love (Jesus Christ) everything fits.” “You give peace of mind to those who love (Jesus Christ).” How wonderfully true! Thank you! Amen.
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