What I had planned for tonight:
A leisurely dinner with the kids
A walk through the woods (maybe to feed the ducks?)
Early bedtime--SO exhausted all day
What actually happened:
Spent the last six hours in the emergency room.
Here's the short version: somebody took (or it somehow detached itself and walked away?) the axle from Neil's bike while he was at work. When he was crossing an incredibly busy street near campus--where there have been pedestrian deaths from oblivious drivers--the front wheel fell off his bike and he was thrown over the handlebars out into traffic. He managed to drag himself to the curb before he blacked out. When he woke up, he was covered in blood and surrounded by passersby who'd seen the whole thing; they called 911. Fortunately one of the guys walking by was also trained in emergency medicine. The students all stayed with him until I got there. I had just walked in the door (at the library with the kids) when I heard the phone ringing and answered it to hear a very confused Neil telling me, "The paramedics fixed me...can you hear me? I got my new jeans really bloody. There's just a lot of blood, but they fixed me up." Which of course was terrifying to hear, because he was not exactly coherent.
We went right over to urgent care; they told us it would be at least an hour wait, so we took the kids home and called a friend to come stay with them. Neil changed into a set of clothes that weren't covered in blood and I cut away the gauze that was completely covering his head (and scaring the heck out of the kids, who were absolutely terrified. As was I when I first saw him. Removing the massive bandages and cleaning off the blood helped a lot). Then we went back to urgent care, where we waited for two hours and tried to remove the rocks and gravel from his skin. I noticed that his pupils were unevenly dilated and he was really nauseous, when I tracked down a nurse she
finally got the doctor to come look at him, who came in and immediately ordered an ambulance to take him to the emergency room. Following that ambulance with my husband inside was not one of the highlights of this year.
So we spent about three hours in the ER (trying to keep someone with a concussion awake by playing Phase 10 is interesting); they X-rayed his chest, which had been pummelled by the handlebars, and took several CAT scans of his head and jaw and neck. (Six hours after the accident, he still does not have feeling in his jaw). They stitched up his chin, which had a really ugly laceration--really nasty--and scrubbed again at all the rocks and gravel. Apparently some of it was driven in deeply enough that he may have permanent black marks on his elbows.
Funniest/saddest part of the night: the nurse asked him what the date was, and he said, "Oh...we're not on a date. I wanted Rachael to go to the library tonight and have some quiet time to herself, but then I fell off my bike so that couldn't happen. We're playing cards right now to keep me awake, but this isn't really a date. Not like a real date, because we're at the hospital, so that wouldn't be a very fun date." Then I said, "Um, honey, she wants to know what the date is today, like what day it is" and he said, "Oh! I'm sorry! November 30. No. October 30. Yes, October 30. Nine-thirty, October 30, nine-thirty. Wait...that's not the same thing, is it? I don't even know what the date is when I feel okay." (Now I can remind him of this when he teases me about telling the nurse "I do feel a bit discombobulated" before I totally passed out while having my wisdom teeth out.)
The short story is that he has a concussion, but no fractures. He ended up with three stitches in his chin, which has a really ugly gash (it kind of looks chewed). Both his elbows are very lacerated and raw, and he has punctures and abrasions all over his arms and hands. His face looks like he was in a fistfight; his jaw and browbone are swollen and we were told to expect massive bruising. His cheek and eyebrow are lacerated and bloody. We were SO fortunate that his injuries were comparatively mild, since he landed right on the side of his face and elbows. No shattered bones. And I am so, so, so grateful to the people who sprinted over to him to get him out of traffic and started taking care of him right away. And to our friend Andrea, who dropped everything and came over immediately to take care of our kids for the next six hours. What a blessing. As is the fact that Neil's laptop landed on him, not the road.
But on the other hand, as Neil commented very feelingly, if I found the person who took that axle out of his bike, I would punch them in the face. With a brick.