Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A father's love

Budweiser only wishes they could come up with an ad this heartwarming.


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Sunday, June 02, 2013

Standing my ground

So much agitation on the internets tonight makes me think it's time for some cool blues. Clarence Gatemouth Brown.

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Saturday, June 01, 2013

I'm Gonna Cry

I've known the redheaded lead singer of this group since she was a kid. She's the daughter of my friends Mark and Molly Bode. Practically watched her grow up. Couldn't be more proud of her if she was my own.

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Sunday, May 12, 2013

A star is born

Commander Chris Hadfield is leaving the International Space Station today. He's been literally orbiting the earth for a long time. A couple of days ago he had to do a space walk to fix an ammonia leak on the station. His last gift to us earthlings is this video, karaoke from outer space.

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Friday, May 03, 2013

Cheating and Lying Blues

Getting down to the roots. This guy is new to me and I didn't want this song to end. And even if you hate the blues, watch this vid for the old school dancing.

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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Boston, you're our home

Feel good video of the day is Big Papi at the Red Sox game today.

In case you can't view it, he said, "This is our fuckin' city." Right on the TV set where the whole world could hear. Everybody loved it. Last I heard, the FCC is giving him a "heat of the moment" pass on it.

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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Hula's that girl?

Doctor day so been offline. Just catching up on the news now. So here's something I've never seen before. Imagine there's a movie to go with this little clip. I really want to find it.

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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Moses, don't get lost

Working on clearing out the archives on quiet Sunday afternoon. This seems like the perfect time to post this video. John Davis And The Georgia Sea Island Singers:

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Saturday, February 23, 2013

You make me feel like dancing

I imagine this will be posted everywhere today but I'm posting it too for the archives. Our First Lady is so cool. Michelle Obama and Jimmy Fallon in drag...

[More segment clips here]

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Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday funny

OMG! Larry fell down. Whew! He's alright. (Admit I watched this more once in a row).


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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Warm hands, cold art

Something in me loves guerrilla street artists.

I regularly constructed such spontaneous street art in my youth, if on a smaller scale.

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Thursday, January 03, 2013

The swearing in of Senator Chris Murphy

Apparently darlin' Joe Biden was having fun at the swearing in ceremony in the Senate. The maniac media gone into a feeding frenzy at CSPAN collecting Biden's most charmingly unguarded utterances, but this is my favorite moment of swearing in day. You'll recall Chris Murphy is the Democrat who beat crazy wrestling mogul lady Linda McMahon in Connecticut.

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Thursday, November 08, 2012

I just want to thank you, for letting me, be myself -- again

Another sweet moment for the 2012 archives: President Obama thanks the OFA staff.

[More posts daily at the Detroit News.]

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Sunday, November 04, 2012

A 2012 election message for white people

Everybody is posting this one. Just got around to watching it this morning. It really is good. So for the archives and anyone who might have missed it.

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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Old and bold

They're talking politics at the assisted living facility. This could be me if live long enough. Audio is NSFW.

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Friday, October 19, 2012


I've been offline all day doing travel prep. Travel tomorrow so I'll be offline until late. So stealing shamelessly from mistermix at Balloon Juice. This is very good. Don't know if it will catch on, but I'm definitely stealing this meme from POTUS. Romnesia is the perfect definition of Rmoney's latest pander to the ill informed.

[More posts daily at the Detroit News.]

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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Bill Clinton ups the ante in Vegas

For all the media salivating over a mythical Obama/Clinton feud, the Big Dawg has become Obama's most effective surrogate. Clinton's speech mesmerized the crowd in Vegas. And no worries about Bill being too polite:
"I had a different reaction to that first debate than a lot of people did," Clinton told nearly 2,000 supporters at a campaign rally for Obama and other Democrats. "I thought, 'Wow, here's old moderate Mitt. Where ya been, boy?'"
You can catch the rest of the transcript at the link, but worth watching the delivery for the voice inflection:

Good stuff but I don't recall much of this sort of adulation while he was in office:
Clinton's rally at the Springs Preserve was plugged in the local media for days. Among those in the crowd was Darlene Love Smith, 49, a Las Vegas bus driver on disability.

"I've always loved Clinton," she said. "He's down to earth, and he says things like he's out for the people — and I believe that he is."
I didn't love the Clinton presidency. In fact, I hated a lot of his policies from the triangulation strategy that cursed us with centrism worship that survives to this day, to the signing of NAFTA. It was a big part of the reason I ended up supporting Obama over Hillary. I believed she would perpetuate that legacy. Figured we at least had a chance for something different with Barack. Wish that had worked out better.

Nonetheless, and having nothing to do with his sex drive, until recently I thought Clinton always felt more smarmy than down to earth. Since he went vegan and lost so much weight, he seems more genuine and credible to me now too. Maybe because he feels more relaxed and less driven by ambition these days. Guess old age eventually does that to all of us.

In any event, happy to have him on our side and appreciate he's working so hard to keep Ratfker Romney out of the White House.

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Mitt Romney, completely wrong

This has been circulating on the social media for a few days. Finally broke down and looked at it this morning. It's better than I expected. Mitt debates himself:

As someone on the twitter pointed out, with that strategy he can always win.

The title of the post comes from this I picked up on the Facebook today. Quite amusing to see what happens when you do a google image search for "completely wrong." Couldn't agree with the results more.

On a slightly related note, I generally hate gifs. Moving images give me a headache. So I'm not going to post it directly, and no idea on the context, but this is a really a great Mitt gif if you like those things.

And the hits keep coming in on the Big Bird meme. Diane found a new Sesame St poster that I liked a lot and has collected a bunch more new stuff at her place.

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Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Don't mess with the Big Bird

Sesame Street asked for this ad to be taken down so don't know how long it's going to stay live. And the tragically jaded cool kids of the campaign media were all, look at Obama jump the shark. But I thought it was a clever ad. Made me smile.

Probably would be more effective if the Obama administration had managed put a few more of those fat cat banksters in jail. Or at least hauled their sorry asses to court. But still a good ad.

On a related note, Rmoney is doing a campaign stop in Asheville, NC this week. In a bit of exquisite cosmic synchronicity, the venue cancelled a Sesame Street Live performance that was supposed to playing there at the same time. They say it was cancelled long before because, slow ticket sales. Maybe that's true, but it's still an odd and amusing coincidence. Feels like a subliminal message from the universe.

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Sunday, October 07, 2012

Why Obama Now

I see dozens of these sort of videos on any given day. This was the best one I've found in the last couple of days.

Come to think of it though, I can't remember seeing any of these being made for the Rombot. Even McCain had a few creative fans. Think that says a lot about the enthusiasm for Willard.

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