Monday, August 15, 2016


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Maggie: Weeks seem to be flying by at the moment. We are both busy at work, and our weekends are a mix of adventures, shopping together, regular home chores (washing!) and trying to get the garden organised before spring. I might try to document some of these changes in the garden on the blog because it is always fun to go back and see how the garden has come. A few weekends ago now we went to a friend's place for his annual birthday bonfire party. Girls had a blast, splashing around in the muddy paddock (so did the dogs), eating, hanging out with the big girls and finally watching the bonfire. Two very tired poppets by the end of the night, but they had a memorable evening.
Elisabeth: Rob took these portraits whilst I tried to keep track of two girls and two crazy dogs around the bonfire!

Playing catch up with Jodi's 52 portrait project.

Monday, July 25, 2016


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Maggie: Such a gorgeous smile.
Elisabeth: Watching a yacht come into the cove.

Rob took both these photos.

Joining in with the 52 portrait project.

Monday, July 18, 2016


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Maggie: Finally- we are back on track again. Yesterday the light was right, the girls were in a good mood and we ran outside together. The girls have rediscovered a harmonica which they have been playing ever since!
Elisabeth: The swings are fun to play with but not particularly well used as a swing yet!

Glad to finally be back on track with the 52 portrait project.


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Maggie: I took these photos over a week ago- but didn't get a chance to download the images due to a three-day (and night) long power outage. We actually stayed with my parents (who only live 15 minutes drive away) as I couldn't face a cold hut with no cooking facilities or running water! Maggie has been a bit out of sorts all week, not sure if she has been fighting a slight virus or if the upheaval of her routine is the cause.
Elisabeth: Whereas Elisabeth revelled in the excitement of staying with Gramps and Grandma, declaring after the first night spent on mattresses on their lounge room floor- "that was the best night".

Joining in a week late with Jodi's 52 portrait project.


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Maggie: I've been in a bit of a rut with the photos, Rob took these of the girls on his regular day at home with them.  They ate apples and then ice creams on the verandah of the laundry hut.
Elisabeth: Cheeky girl. Ice cream is one of her favourite things!

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