Sometimes do you ever wonder where in the heck did the holiday season go or even better yet where did last week go?! I seem to have been asking myself this a lot lately, it just feels like time is only getting faster and faster. Which honestly scares me. I don’t think there is any way to slow life down, but if you know, please do enlighten me.
We seem to always have something to do whether it be going to concerts, spending time with family, church callings, date nights, school or the gym. I feel like we never just sit and relax sometimes. Even though I know that is where my butt is going after this post. I recently bought a groupon with a couple girls for a boot camp class. Tonight was the first night of BOOT CAMP, not going to lie I was a little stressed about it at work today the more I thought about all the possibilities my work out could have. My body feels fatigued and weak at the moment. But I know in the end I will be so glad that I pushed myself out of my comfort zone of body combat and the cardio cinema. Let’s hope I don’t get lazy continue to push myself and get the most out of this.
What else have we been up to you might wonder… well every year when the ACM’s are in town we seem to find all sorts of fun cheap or even FREE concerts to go too. This year didn’t fail us either. We hit up Fremont Street to see Randy Houser, Easton Corbin, and headliner Ronnie Dunn. This is always a good time and this year proved to be nothing but interesting with all the street performers. Basically felt like I was on Hollywood Blvd. “Vegas Style!” The other concert we went to was a very relaxed night of acoustic music with several country stars and rising stars. Good music and good company, nothing better than that.
Shane is finishing up his first semester of college in a couple weeks and I am so proud of him for finishing it up. One semester down many more to come, but all in a good way. As, I see him doing homework and cramming last minute for exams, I am so glad that I am done with that chapter. After getting back into the school routine I am sure Shane is ready for summer break to camp, travel to California, hang by the pool, wakeboard and most of all enjoy time with his wife. Or so I would like to think! I know I am ready to be laying by the pool and getting my tan skin back. I hate being white like a ghost in the winter. Bring on the brown skin!
Wishing I was back in Cancun on the beach….
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