Things have been crazy busy as summer has approached... it’s one of those non-stop feelings where you barely get the laundry done and then a suitcase is being packed up again. Exhausting yet exciting/fun at the same time. Lots has happened over the last 5 weeks. 1) We moved 2) We went camping 3) Took a trip to San Diego to watch the braves 4) Diesel man got “fixed” 5) weddings, weddings and well more weddings.
We moved into a two bedroom apartment right before Memorial Day. We literally moved half a mile away and now are in a new ward and new stake. If you would have asked me a week after we moved I would have been mad, unhappy and stressed…NOW I am happy with the move, now that we are all mostly settled in. But it was not a nice easy breezy move in. We got the keys on a Wednesday afternoon, moved EVERYTHING in the next day. By Friday our fridge, stove, washer/dryer were on sitting on our balcony and the flooring was being ripped out in the kitchen/laundry room. Then by Saturday evening we had new flooring in the kitchen, laundry room and both bathrooms. The compensation from the complex, a free carpet shampoo, what a joke. But I took full advantage of that and made sure everything was put away and hung so that you could see all the flooring. I don’t have pictures of the new place yet but one day I will. Nothing to exciting just an apartment right.
Next on the list we took a last minute camping trip to the usual spot of Duck Creek. We enjoyed the time up in the mountains but I(Katie) froze at night and while in the water. The weather was so cold that on our way home it was snowing while going down the mountain. Shane was on a lucky streak catching fish that weekend and caught some ridiculous amount of fish like 50, while I sadly had not so good luck with 12. I let him win. HA Duck Creek still had snow on the mountains. The snow that has started to melt has made the lakes, ponds, and streams crazy full.
The annual trip of heading to San Diego with my family to watch the Braves was a success minus the bubbling and peeling our skin is now doing. Forgot that the beach sun is intense. OOPS! Great seats at the game with a win by the Braves makes for a happy Katie.
One of my best friend’s Aubrey got married back in May. What a beautiful bride with a perfect day. We are so excited for the Andersen’s. Her sealing was only the second one I have attended since our wedding day, and it was a great reminder of all the blessings of the temple and eternal marriage. Her reception was just what I expected, totally Aubrey and gorgeous. CONGRATS AUBREY!
We have many more family trips, reunions, beach trips, and camping trips yet to come. SO EXCITED, but know summer will fly fast when we are this busy. Bummer!