Wednesday, June 29, 2011

SwEeT SuMmEr TiMe

Things have been crazy busy as summer has approached... it’s one of those non-stop feelings where you barely get the laundry done and then a suitcase is being packed up again. Exhausting yet exciting/fun at the same time. Lots has happened over the last 5 weeks. 1) We moved 2) We went camping 3) Took a trip to San Diego to watch the braves 4) Diesel man got “fixed” 5) weddings, weddings and well more weddings.

We moved into a two bedroom apartment right before Memorial Day. We literally moved half a mile away and now are in a new ward and new stake. If you would have asked me a week after we moved I would have been mad, unhappy and stressed…NOW I am happy with the move, now that we are all  mostly settled in. But it was not a nice easy breezy move in. We got the keys on a Wednesday afternoon, moved EVERYTHING in the next day. By Friday our fridge, stove, washer/dryer were on sitting on our balcony and the flooring was being ripped out in the kitchen/laundry room. Then by Saturday evening we had new flooring in the kitchen, laundry room and both bathrooms. The compensation from the complex, a free carpet shampoo, what a joke. But I took full advantage of that and made sure everything was  put away and hung so that you could see all the flooring. I don’t have pictures of the new place yet but one day I will. Nothing to exciting just an apartment right. 

Next on the list we took a last minute camping trip to the usual spot of Duck Creek. We enjoyed the time up in the mountains but I(Katie) froze at night and while in the water. The weather was so cold that on our way home it was snowing while going down the mountain. Shane was on a lucky streak catching fish that weekend and caught some ridiculous amount of fish like 50, while I sadly had not so good luck with 12. I let him win. HA Duck Creek still had snow on the mountains. The snow that has started to melt has made the lakes, ponds, and streams crazy full.IMG_1818IMG_1811 IMG_1870 IMG_1820 IMG_1873 IMG_1826 IMG_1823 IMG_1915

The annual trip of heading to San Diego with my family to watch the Braves was a success minus the bubbling and peeling our skin is now doing. Forgot that the beach sun is intense. OOPS! Great seats at the game with a win by the Braves makes for a happy Katie.

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One of my best friend’s Aubrey got married back in May. What a beautiful bride with a perfect day. We are so excited for the Andersen’s. Her sealing was only the second one I have attended since our wedding day, and it was a great reminder of all the blessings of the temple and eternal marriage. Her reception was just what I expected, totally Aubrey and gorgeous. CONGRATS AUBREY!

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We have many more family trips, reunions, beach trips, and camping trips yet to come. SO EXCITED, but know summer will fly fast when we are this busy. Bummer!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Weekend Get-A-Way

Shane’s good friend, since he was a young boy, lives in the fabulous city of San Diego. We are sad to say that we don’t visit him and his wife often enough. But we took the opportunity to get-a-way this last weekend for a quick, not long enough trip to San Diego. We picked the perfect weekend, the weather was just right, lots to do, and great company. We were able to spend time with good friends, hit the beach, sight see, and eat awesome food. What more could you want in a weekend, well the 5 pounds I ate of food to magically disappear would be nice. But we can’t always get what we want.

    We were able to visit Old Town in San Diego and visit the Mormon Battalion. If you have never been, I recommend that you go. I even got to be the demonstration solider. What a sight I really was. I can’t even imagine carrying all they did and having the little amount of food, water, and storage   for personal belongs.  Seriously take a look at the gun, it’s pretty much my same height and weighed between 10 and 15 pounds. 223163_657751279238_23704572_34726799_2259179_nIMG_1745


We also went to the Tide Pools at Point Loma and the boys enjoyed playing with the sea life. Shane didn’t learn his lesson with the first crab when he grabbed on to his finger so tight he said it felt like he had slammed it in the door. OUCH!!! Us girls pointed out all the sea life, enjoyed the breeze/ocean view, and stayed far away from grabbing anything.


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Pregnant?! I Highly Doubt It.

    Ok, ok this post is not what many of you might be hoping for. I just needed to grab all your attention somehow. HA 

    Two weeks ago tonight I was coming home from my first night of boot camp and got the strangest phone call from my mom.”Katie, I think Bella (my parents Shih Tzu) is in labor.” I of course immediately denied any thought in my mind that this could possible be true. She doesn’t look pregnant, nothing really has changed, and well frankly Diesel and her just don’t get along. They don’t want anything to do with each other. BOY, were we wrong. The phone conversation carried on and I kept saying I’m sure she isn’t in labor, and things will be fine. Lo and behold no longer than 20 minutes later, my mother called “WE HAVE A PUPPY!” Shocked out of my mind I quickly drove to my parents house to see. Let’s just put it this way there is no doubt that my little wiener dog Diesel man knocked up Bella. It’s very clear and I am sure you will agree by the pictures below. We got very lucky and there is only one puppy. You may ask why I am considering us lucky to only have one, well none of us have ever really experienced this whole newborn puppy stage and plus my parents are the one’s with the dog currently since she still is nursing. 

     It’s been two weeks ago and the puppy is getting bigger and bigger by the day. Her eyes finally opened over the weekend. It’s like having a little kid around. My whole family isn’t sure which one of us will take on the little girl but there are plenty of us that are willing to take her. Just a matter of figuring out which has the right home and most time to do the puppy stage. I am not quite sure if I am ready for that stage again. But we will see what the next 4 weeks hold and if my mind quickly changes as she becomes more lively. We will keep you posted on all her milestones!!

Isn’t she so cute? We are curious to see what she looks like since she is a Schweenie. Will she take on the wiener dog body and features or be like a Shih Tzu OR be a total mix of the both of them.

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Monday, April 18, 2011

Life Can Get A Little Crazy

Sometimes do you ever wonder where in the heck did the holiday season go or even better yet where did last week go?! I seem to have been asking myself this a lot lately, it just feels like time is only getting faster and faster. Which honestly scares me. I don’t think there is any way to slow life down, but if you know, please  do enlighten me.

We seem to always have something to do whether it be going to concerts, spending time with family, church callings, date nights, school or the gym. I feel like we never just sit and relax sometimes. Even though I know that is where my butt is going after this post. I recently bought a groupon with a couple girls for a boot camp class.  Tonight was the first night of BOOT CAMP,  not going to lie I was a little stressed about it at work today the more I thought about all the possibilities my work out could have. My body feels fatigued and weak at the moment. But I know in the end I will be so glad that I pushed myself out of my comfort zone of body combat and the cardio cinema. Let’s hope I don’t get lazy continue to push myself and get the most out of this.

What else have we been up to you might wonder… well every year when the ACM’s are in town we seem to find all sorts of fun cheap or even FREE concerts to go too. This year didn’t fail us either.  We hit up Fremont Street to see Randy Houser, Easton Corbin, and headliner Ronnie Dunn. This is always a good time and this year proved to be nothing but interesting with all the street performers. Basically felt like I was on Hollywood Blvd. “Vegas Style!” The other concert we went to was a very relaxed night of acoustic music with several country stars and rising stars. Good music and good company, nothing better than that.

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Shane is finishing up his first semester of college in a couple weeks and I am so proud of him for finishing it up. One semester down many more to come, but all in a good way. As, I see him doing homework and cramming last minute for exams, I am so glad that I am done with that chapter. After getting back into the school routine I am sure Shane is ready for summer break to camp, travel to California, hang by the pool, wakeboard and most of all enjoy time with his wife.  Or so I would like to think! I know I am ready to be laying by the pool and getting my tan skin back. I hate being white like a ghost in the winter. Bring on the brown skin!

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Wishing I was back in Cancun on the beach….

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Playing Catch Up!

It has been so long since this blog has been update, sadly, that I am going to try and give you a run down of what we have been up to the last several months.

First things first, if you will remember a couple posts ago I discussed the “happy hunting” season that was coming to the Huntsman Family, right?! No such luck, Shane went out several weekends looking for the big trophy bull Elk, but came home emptied handed. Crazy snow made it hard for them to get near the “big” ones. I’ll let you know to try and cheer him up I told him no worries honey, I am putting in for tags next season and I’ll get the big one. HAHA He was a good sport about it and was able to still have fun with his boys out hunting.


The Holidays – Why is it when we get older do the holidays seem to come and go so quickly. This is something that I am definitely not a fan of. It felt like right as I got into the whole season it was already over. But overall we had a fabulous Thanksgiving and Christmas. We spent Thanksgiving with my family this year and it was fun to be able to spend that with my family. Even though we see them every other week on Sunday’s its always a different feeling when you are able to spend a holiday together. It reminds me of how much  I really do love and appreciate my family and my in laws. Christmas was spent with the Huntsman’s this year. My first Christmas Eve away from home, but let’s just say my in laws are an awesome family and it felt as though nothing was different from any other Christmas. New Year’s we spent with friends the Warren’s and Wadsworth’s. It was a nice relaxing evening of good food and laughs. Picture wise I do not have much to show from the holidays which makes me realize I really need to start taking pictures a lot more. 


January – The New Year has brought some change into the house, Shane started his first semester of college. Woo hoo. He goes 3 nights a week which to me is a bummer cause then I don’t feel like I see him as much but I’ve decided while he is at class for 2 1/2 hours I could at least hit the gym for a hour of it. Then come home do a little relaxing, watch my girl shows, and then he is home. It’s working out well and he seems to like his classes so far. We have been able to spend LOTS of time outside  so far because of gorgeous spring like weather. I will take this 65 t0 70 degree weather over 40’s any day. I am such a Vegas girl, its almost pathetic. It could be 55 outside sunny, and I am freezing. That’s what I get for living in wonderful Las Vegas for 24 years. Shane, CJ(Shane’s younger brother) and I  have been to Valley of Fire and the Nevada Hot Springs. Of course at the hot springs we get all the way to the bottom to start taking some pictures and the camera battery was dead. Guess, I will now learn to check it before we leave the house. The boys were able to get in the Colorado River, CJ even swam across the river and back. CRAZY kid! The water was freezing, they both came out blue… literally. Diesel is our little trooper that loves the outdoors. When we take him hiking with us he is always way ahead and climbing over rocks. He can’t get enough of it.

Valley of Fire

February – The biggest change that has taken place so far this year is the fact that I have gotten a new job. I just started at an dental office this week. This I think will be a overall good change that I think is something that I have needed. I was with my old company for 5 1/2 years and loved every minute of it. But felt like it was time to build onto my resume a little more and break out of my comfort zone. Shane is in the middle of the metro police hiring process again. We are hoping that this is the lucky year for us! So far it is looking good. Let’s keep our fingers crossed. Lastly, February is the month I look forward to every year, and as most of you know this is because King George aka George Strait comes to town Superbowl weekend. I went again this year, along with my parents, brother and sister in law. It is always a fun time had by all. I believe my sister in law Jessica got a good chuckle out of watching my brother and I karaoke the whole night. What can I say we are die hard fans!!

I believe this catches me up to date, hopefully it won’t be another 6 months before I blog again. But I can’t promise anything. =)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Diesel + Windshield Wipers = HILARIOUS!!

The past couple of days have been super rainy, cloudy, and just yucky. I noticed the other day that Diesel really acts funny when the windshield wipers go on. But didn’t think much of it. Until today when he really got all sorts of worked up over the windshield wipers being on. I had to capture it on video because I thought it was just too funny not to share.

I have totally been slacking the last couple of months on blogging so hopefully soon I will sit down and fill you in on what we have been up too.

MERRY CHRISTMAS… in a couple of days! YAY!

Monday, August 23, 2010

The New Addition…. AKA new ride!



Yes, it has finally happened. After us having one car for the first year of marriage we have made our first  “big'” purchase. It was super nerve racking I must say but now that it is over with not sure what all my stress was about, but I guess that’s part of being a woman.

We bought an 08’ Jeep Grand Cherokee 4x4, and we love it. After going through the list of cars we wanted and what we could afford this is what it came down to. My biggest concern was enough space to put at least 2 kids in. No, this is not a pregnancy announcement and you will not see one of those on our blog for at least 2 more years. Glad we settled that! HAHA It has plenty of space to me and of course it has the 4wd, biggest request of Shane’s. I think we will get lots of good use and years out of this sweet Jeep. Where did we buy it you ask? We took the risk and went through the auction. It saved us probably a good $2500 to $3000. Good Deal!! That may have been part of my nerves, not being able to see it and just trusting the guy that it looked in good condition. We are super happy with our purchase and can’t wait to take him camping and on any road trip!