While I want nothing more than to sit back, watch a movie, and make something, I'm going to be disciplined today. No, I don't mean I'm in trouble. I mean, I'm going to MAKE myself start on my resolution of cleaning and organizing better.
On today's list is the easiest room to start with- my bathroom, which is also, incidently, the smallest room in the house. And probably one of the most cluttered. I have no more counter space. I have stuff filling all available spaces. Time to toss the almost empty bottles of stuff I've been saving for 2 years. Time to get the dirty clothing out of there.
Once my bathroom is done, I'm planning to start organizing my craft area. Pack away the Christmas crafts that never got done (Christmas themed, and while, yes, I could keep it out and work on it, frankly, I'm sick of Christmas crafts), and try to make space in there.
A side effect of doing this- I need to sort out books on my book shelf. I have a lot of specific books I keep, because I re-read a lot of stuff. However, there are a lot I don't plan to re-read at all. There is a used book shop in town, so I'll start sorting them out to take in to the shop. That will feed my book addiction nicely, because then I can pick books out for just $.99, instead of $1.99 or $2.99, or even $3.99 for some of them.
So, to recap:
- Clean & organize bathroom. Put wire shelf in below the sink. Sort & discard half of the magazines (there must be over 100, they take up an entire shelf in my bathroom).
- Sort & organize crafts by what they are. Pack away Christmas ornaments, and Christmas crafts.
- Sort the book shelves. Set aside all books I no longer want, for the book store. Relocate the books on my craft shelf (it used to be a book shelf, but I need the space, darnit!) to the new space on the other shelves.
Will I ever get it done? I hope so. I have a reward in mind. Tonight, the theater in Lansing is showing "The Christmas Carol" on IMAX for FREE to facebook fans. I'm a fan! I am! Mostly, because they do 1 movie every WED for free to fans.
I wanted to go during the day, but the only showing is just a smidge too close to allow me to arrive home before the kids get home from school. Nick said I can go tonight, though. But, I want some serious work done first.
Wish me luck! And no- you will not get photo updates, cause it IS -that- messy.