Life has been crazy busy lately. Dave has been working non stop on his Masters, surf team contests, teaching, and bishoping. I am staying busy with baby showers, outings, working, resting my back
(shifted T4 vertebrae and pelvis, thank GOODNESS for my chiropractor! Make sure to hold your children on BOTH sides), keeping PHOEBS entertained, and young womens! I'm amazed how fast the weeks are flying by. Here's a lot of pictures to show how awesome our life is.
(Dave always says "lets show everyone how awesome our life is" very sarcastically when I update the blog. . .but I really just want to document our family history honest!)Last Saturday was the Timmy Dowell Memorial contest we go to every year.

We got to witness the beautiful Garcia family be sealed for time and all eternity later that evening. It was the most beautiful sealing I have ever been too. Such an awesome eternal family!

Had 3 baby showers. Starting off with this expectant hottie.
(remember how cool it was to say "hottie"? I still think it is.)
Earlier that day we went to the beach with aformentioned hottie and other hottie friends (yay Kristin for taking pics! Sorry Jill, I know you think you look fat, but really you look phat).

This is Melissa, Isabelle, and Adriana Pena. They got baptized on May 19 and are so solid. I feel extremely fortunate to hang with them in young womens.

Last Saturday we went to Dane and Miley's Mickey Mouse Clubhouse birthday party. Best theme for a 2 year old! Also got to see this pretty lady.

Went to a farewell dinner with my padres
(Left for Hawaii for a while). My dad is Phoebe's best friend. Nana is a close second. She lights up whenever we turn the corner to go to my parents and starts yelling "PAPA!! NANA!!! PAPA!! NANA!!!"

Speaking of the little tiger, Phoebs has been quite the 21 month old lately. One minute she's doing the hot dog dance, the next she's using her body as a piece of canvas.

Sporting some major stilo these days.

Did someone say hot dog dance?! She hung out with her idols "NONNIE!!!"
(Mickey and Minnie) yesterday.
And watched daddy surf.