
Happy Halloween!

Con Amor,

The Queen of Hearts,

The Mad Hatter,

And Alice


I love this song. And thankfully did not marry a monster.

Which is the name of the song "Married a Monster." Yes, I am biased since my sister wrote it (she didn't marry a monster either), but I find myself singing it in the shower, in my car, in the garden, and it's pretty much stuck in my head all the time, which is a good thing since I really miss her all the way in stinkin' HI. (PS family-I miss all of you Hawaii, Spokane, Idaho dwellers, can't we all just call San Clemente our home?)

But back to the song, here it is and hopefully you love it as much as I do.


According to Kari, the hairstylist

My bangs need to grow out one more inch before I can go butchesque. And since they grow pretty fast, I'm thinking they'll be ready by Christmas. Until then, I guess I can hold onto my mane.


I really want to go short.

Getting my hair cut Wed. To chop or not to chop? That is the question. Wish me luck!


A day in the life

of 14 month old Phoebe. Here it goes.

Generally we wake up around 7 and she has her baba. Play dress up. Tidy up around the house. Practice good hygiene. Park it up. (she is obsessed with steering wheels, uh oh.) Ride big plastic horses. Have cultural awareness lessons with friends in Small World. Take a Jamba break. Head over to NaNa's and PaPa's to work/take a nap. Band practice. Hang out on the stairs. Greet dad home from work. Hang out with jr. high friends. Enjoy beautiful fall sunsets. Then its back to bed to rest up for another eventful day.



was one of THOSE days.

Hopefully tomorrow will be as fun as thisor relaxing like this, because if it's not I'm gonna die.


Pumpkin City

We started a new tradition this year. It involves hay, tractors, animals, and. . .PUMPKINS! That's right, Pumpkin City is here in all of its glory! Not without its fair share of heat induced melt downs, Phoebs enjoyed the tractor, sitting on the pumpkins, stealing all of Miley's treats, dancing on the stage, and riding around with her friends. I came away with a white pumpkin. Curious to see how a white pumpkin pie will turn out. We shall see. . .