Saturday, February 7, 2009

I did it!

For those who don't know, I'm training for a half marathon. It's the Canyonlands Half Marathon in Moab UT on March 21st. I've been wanting to join most of my family and do this for a few years now, and this year just seemed like the right time. I started training the 1st of December. I had to join a gym because it was too cold and dark to run outside here. Saturdays are saved for the long run and today was 8 miles! I'm so proud of my self, that is the farthest I have run before and I don't think my time was too bad either (1:25). For the most part I feel pretty good, although I've been having some trouble with my IT Band (hip pain) so, I'm working to fix that. Lucy likes to go to the gym with me, and will ask me as we are leaving "you do a good job running?" Of course that is in between all of her goodbyes to anyone who will listen. She will also run around the house saying "I have to go running, I have to go running" or "I run fast, like Dash" (from the Incredibles). It's pretty cute.

Perhaps I should mention that we are having a heat wave here. It was 32° when I went running this morning and now it is up to 45°. I can go outside in jeans and shortsleves and the temperature feels good. I think I've lived in the cold too long.


Alyce Dribnak said...

Way to go Meg! I think that time is right up there with Sarah. I'm the turtle of the family, just call me "Martin". Looks like I'll have a whole crowd welcoming me across the finish line. "smile"
Good Job!!!

Melinda said...

You are crazy for doing a marathon. Where do you find time to run for hours?? I think you have lived in the cold for way too long. It has been 85 here, and oh so lovely. I love the heat. Keep up the running, I do miss running. I need to get back into it!

Becky said...

Way to go. I was going to run a half marathon the day after I turned 30 in Napa. Then I found out I was pregnant! There goes that goal. (I had a lot of plans for this big year.) How has the training been? Good luck!

Becky said...

oh yeah... you should stop by and see ron and his family. They are on 400 west (Denney's is on the corner). His is the ugly green one. HAHAH!! Seriously, if your whole fam is there you should say hi. His girls are adorable.

CommonMama said...

MMmmm I was just thinking about doing a little race to force myself to start running again. Good luck! As for the cold, it is 33 degrees and a few weeks ago it was -33. That is a difference of 60 degrees. Can you imagine a summer day where we go from 80 to 120 degrees? It is a little sad when it is 33 and we get all excited thinking spring is coming.