Showing posts with label miscellaneous. Show all posts
Showing posts with label miscellaneous. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Mother Wound

This morning I came across an article that talked about the difficulties and challenges experienced between mothers and daughters which are often not openly spoken about.  The root of these issues is the "Mother Wound", the "pain of being a woman passed down through generations of women in patriarchal cultures".

According to Bethany Webster, the author of this article, our patriarchal, male-dominated culture has conditioned women to think of themselves as “less-than” and not deserving or worthy.  When such “less-than” feelings are internalised and passed down unconsciously, they often form "limiting beliefs" about one's own true potential and power.  When the daughter does recognise them as such and decides to actualise her own potential, then she does so with the risk of possibly being rejected to some degree by her mother where upon seeing her daughter embracing empowerment may trigger sadness or rage within the mother at having had to give up parts of herself in her own life.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Sister Moon Circles in 2017

After much delay, 2017 will bring with it a number of long awaited programmes, commencing with the Sister Moon Circles.

These circles for women will be held on a Friday evening on or around the new moon - the esoteric time of new beginnings, the first of which will be Friday, 26 May 2017, after the summer heat has passed and to coincide with the commencement of the "dark half" of the year, when we are drawn naturally to go within.

With 2017 being a "1" year in esoteric numerology, a time of new beginnings and as such, let us gather once more and strengthen the bounds of sisterhood.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Monday Night Meditations are Back

Resuming on Monday, 11 July 2016, these non-secular meditations will be held every Monday evening (except for public holidays) at The Goddess House (Parafield Gardens), from 7:30pm to 8:45pm.

Monday Night Meditations offer a great way to commence your working week with feelings of centredness, as well as being relaxed and focused. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Mother Daughter Bond

As women, our bond with our mother is probably one of the more power relationships that we may ever form.  Whether we realise it or not, this relationship sets the stage for all the other relationships that we will have.  Or so is the view of Bronwyn McNutty, the author of the article from which the following excerpt has been taken.
For better or for worse, what does our relationship with our mother say about us?  How has this relationship impacted upon the future relationships we form?  No relationship is perfect or indeed easy.  Drew Barrymore, Megan Ryan and Britney Spears have all had very public bust-ups with their own mothers.  Yet that bond with the first person of our gender can have a much deeper and lasting impact on us than we may actually realise.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The Sacred Feminine or Goddess Feminism?

I have just received the following article from Carol Christ, author of many books of the Goddess and feminism as well as leader of a Goddess Pilgrimage to the island of Crete which I thought I would share as she touches on a number of rather interesting points, in particular the use of language and how it can be widely interpreted.
As Priestess in Residence of The Goddess House, I use the term "Divine Feminine" not in a similar context as Ms Christ's use of the term "sacred feminine" in her article (or at least not as we believe).  To me, the "Divine Feminine" represents the Great Goddess in all her guises - from the care-free maid through to the wise (yet terrifying) Crone who is also the initiator and keeper of the ancient mysteries.  Additionally, the use of the term "Divine Feminine" also represents the "energy" that is perceived with the concept of "feminine" - be it nurturing, love or even "warm and fuzzy" as well as "protective", "war-like", "frighting" etc.  And I draw me use of the term from Goddesses depicted in mythology, very few of which are depicted as "delicate" as is often the common association to the word "feminine".

Friday, December 11, 2015

We were made for these times

The following article by Clarissa Pinkola-Estes, poet, Jungian psychoanalyst, post-trauma specialist, author of Women who Run with the Wolves, recently came up on my feed which I thought needed to be shared as indeed, if mainstream media is anything to go by, times do appear to be extremely bleak for not only our species but also our planet.  Yet, Ms Pinkola-Estes urges us not to give up hope, for ....

We Were Made For These Times

by Clarissa Pinkola-Estes

My friends, do not lose heart. We were made for these times. I have heard from so many recently who are deeply and properly bewildered. They are concerned about the state of affairs in our world now. Ours is a time of almost daily astonishment and often righteous rage over the latest degradations of what matters most to civilized, visionary people.

"Dancing the Sacred Wheel" now available again

The second edition of "Dancing the Sacred Wheel: A Journey through the Southern Sabbats" is now available through or direct from the author (Australian customers only) for an autographed copy.

Great Goddess Isis

Great Goddess Isis

Exhortation of Isis

You are She in the dust of whose feet is the hosts of Heaven,
Whose body encircles the Universe,
Who turns the Earth in its orb,
Who gives light to the Sun,
Who rules the World.

You tread death underfoot.
To Thee, the stars are responsive,
To Thee the seasons turn and the Gods rejoice
And the elements are in subjugation.

You are She that is the natural Mother of all things,
Mistress and governor of all elements,
The initial progeny of worlds,
Chief of Divine powers,
Queen of Heaven,
Principle of all the Gods celestial and the light of Goddesses.

At Your will are disposed the planets of the air,
The wholesome winds of the seas
And the silences of the unseen world.