Showing posts with label TRUECASTSTUDIO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TRUECASTSTUDIO. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

2014 Designer Con THEGODBEAST / KABUTO MUSHI style!!!

2014 Designer Con 

Huge thanx 2 everyone who came by our booth @D-Con!!!  Here are some quick pix of the weekend...

All packed up with my new killer Kabuto Mushi tote (gift from Kris of "CoffeeCupRobot) & ready 2 roll.

Touched down @ LAX.

Playin' & buildin' toyz w/ Spy Monkey himself @ his home.

Jeremy gets excited playin' toyz w/ friendz!  hehehe...

What an intelligent builder!

A Spy Monkey WoM armory "Space Crab" build I did & a "RoboGoliPhant" build Mark of Fantastic Plastic Toys did @ Jeremy's!

Our Designer Con booth all set up.

Mystical Warriors of the Ring spread, including the title belt & 4 brand spankin' new MWOTR test shot figures!

True Cast Studio's "The Walking Dud!"

THEGODBEAST "Kabuto Mushi" in D-Con exclusive color swaps!

Pat Bussey's Bio Masters!!!  Coloring pages 4 the kiddos!

Full color Bio Master prints including Glyos "Travelers" & "Kabuto Mushi!"

Vampire Taco break 4 lunch!

Sneak peak #1 of December's Kabuto Mushi release...homage to TF "Insecticon!"  40 factory paint apps!!!

Nash (huge TF fan) scored the very 1st Dec. Kabuto Mushi figure!!!  Super kewl kid & family!!!  Huge thanx 2 them 4 their support of Kabuto Mushi!!!

Nash's post D-Con pic!  

"Orangeslime's" post con swag pic from Instagram!

And another collector's post con swag pic from Instagram!

Jason Ho (hiding behind a Space Invader...hahaha) holding sneak peak #2 of December's Kabuto Mushi release...homage to "Kamen Rider!"  (Scarf I custom made & will not be included with the figures in Dec.)

Patrick Thai brought his Laragons 2 show me how friggin' AWESOME they are with "Kabuto Mushi" riding them!!!

Close up #1

Close up #2

Marc & Matt doing their panel...I tried 2 crack Doughty's stoic luck even getting him 2 smile.  ha 

However, making Doughty where the "Boo" hat made EVERYONE smile & laugh...hahaha  The elusive "Bearded Ghost Mushroom Head Sasquatch" form the great northeastern woods!  Such a rare west coast sighting...where is Patterson with his camera?  hahahahaha

TGB ridiculousness!!!

Part of the swag I scored @ D-Con!!!

Plane ride home 2 KC!!!

Tremendous thanx 2 Ayleen & Ben 4 having us & puttin' on such a perfect con this year!!!  We hope 2 return next year & have an even better time (if that is even possible)!!!  

The absolute best part of Cons for me is hangin' out w/ my friends & collectors!!!  Thanx again 2 everyone who I spoke & hung out with!!!


The following pix Ryan Brottlund "Saul Goode" took of our booth @ D-con!!!  Thought I should post them since his are way better than mine! ;)

Also, some neat pix from Brian Six!!!