Christmas 2008, Taylor kissing Gracie (our baby Jesus! :) in our little family nativity on Christmas Eve.
We think of our Gracie even more during this time of year, we miss and love her so much!!!
Pictures of Gracie's Tree don't really do it justice. It is so much prettier than the pictures portray! We were able to make it so nice all because of our wonderful family, friends and blogging friends who donated to the Gracie Tree fund!! Without all of you, this wouldn't have been possible, we thank you from the bottom of our 'hearts'!
And last, a picture of our sweet baby last Christmas opening a gift bag. Little did we know that would be the one and only Christmas we had with our girl. I remember packing away her ornaments last year wondering what 2009 would bring. I would never have guessed the road we were to take this year. It is human nature to dislike and resist trials in our lives but I have to admit that it brings a dimension to your soul that you cannot achieve in any other way.
We are so grateful to all of you who we met at the Festival, who stop and tell us how touched you have been by her story. For all of our friends and family who continue to bless us with their support and friendship. The relationships we have formed through this blog and the existing friendships and family relationships that have deepened because of it have enriched our lives forever. We are grateful our baby's life has had an impact on so many through this invaluable blog. Thanks to all of you, we are able to honor Gracie through the Festival of Trees and raise money for precious children who have vibrant futures ahead of them!! Thank you!
My sweet angel baby......we miss you so.....
(Gracie 4 months old)
The kids have started school and Callie is in kindergarten!! I have to admit that I was sad knowing that my little girl was big enough to go to school every day and that I would no longer have her permanently with me. I have an empty house every afternoon but so far have managed to keep very busy!! It is good for me to stay busy because it makes time go faster and helps me not to dwell on the fact that Gracie is no longer with us.
My friends and I have started shopping for Gracie's Tree for the Festival of Trees. It is going to be so special! I will make sure to post more about it in the future.
We appreciate everyone's love and support from the bottom of our hearts!
We miss you Gracie Girl!!
(press pause on the music playlist at the bottom of the blog to be able to hear the music on this video without interruption)
We had never met Paul Cardall before Gracie's funeral. We connected through our blogs while she was in the hospital in February. Our relationship started with correspondence through the blog and then through email about his music. I had wanted a change from the usual music we had been playing in her room. With a one disc CD player, the CD's we had were getting old and repetitious. I was looking for something peaceful, something instrumental to play. I received a copy of Paul's Primary Worship CD and knew I had what I was looking for. It quickly turned into our favorite CD, the one we played over and over and over in her room the last two weeks she was alive.
I mentioned in a previous blog post that my step-dad Gary had secretly emailed Paul and arranged for him to play at Gracie's funeral. That was the beginning of a beautiful friendship between our two families. Paul, Lynnette, and Eden hold a special place in our hearts and we love them not only for everything they have done for our family but also for being such an example of love, faith, enduring to the end, patience, long suffering, optimism and hope.
This is a picture of Paul, Tom (and Lynnette) coming through the line at Gracie's funeral. A picture of the first time we met them in person. We were then, just as we are now, overwhelmed by Paul's kindness and love towards our family. We are blessed that Gracie's life has touched and inspired him enough to write a song for our little sweetheart. Paul wanted the video to show the full circle of her life from heaven and back again, starting with her funeral and ending with her birth. I think he did a wonderful job. It was emotionally difficult going through every picture and video of Gracie for this music video. I gave Paul a LOT of pictures and videos to choose from and then he put everything together to form this music video.
It was an interesting thing to review her entire life through pictures and videos over a matter of a few hours. Only then was I able to get a comprehensive view as to how many struggles she (and we!) had to endure. Gracie is my hero. We are so blessed to have had her in our home.
Paul also posted this video to his blog and wrote a beautiful post about Gracie and our family, to read about it click HERE . He dedicated the video to every family who has lost a child.
We pray nightly for all of our heart friends who are struggling right now. The only thing we know is that we have a Father in Heaven who is mindful of us and our trials and who will always be there for us if we will let him in. If we will just try to continue on in faith, we will make it through.
I saw this quote on a plaque at Deseret Book:
"Faith in God includes faith in his timing."
Neal A. Maxwell
We are fortunate to have been able to feel our Savior's love through all of the kind words and actions of our numerous friends and family members. You continue to strengthen us, thank you!!I was going through the video on our camcorder and came across this cute little clip of Gracie smiling at her daddy in her bouncer. I love how she does her little coy look away and lets a smile slip in once and a sweet. All while trying to turn her head against the force of that darn feeding tube pulling on her cheek. It was fun to watch all the clips on our camcorder in succession. Gracie changed so much from the time that we first brought her home. I didn't notice it while I was living it. Only in reviewing her little life on film did I see her cute personality evolve. It's as if she came alive after coming home. Smiles were not her strong suit during those first 76 days in the hospital. I don't think I would be smiling much either. We were so blessed to have been able to get to know her in our home, the place where she felt safe.
The more that time goes on, the more our life turns back into the 'normal' we used to have. I find it sad in a way because there is a portion of you that wants to just sit frozen in time and try to never forget the memory of your baby girl. But the freshness of her memory fades the more time passes. You always have memories with all the photos and videos but the fact of the matter is that every day that passes is one day farther from being with your baby. I know people have said that it is one more day down that you will be with her again and I guess that would be helpful if I didn't have so many days ahead of me.
We are holding it together and trying to move forward with faith. Faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ is what gets us through this and other trials. I don't know how anyone can go through something like this without faith in a higher power. We continue to think and pray for all of our little (and big!) heart friends out there who are still fighting the good fight.
I came across the following in an article in the Church News on May 23, 2009. It said:
President Hinckley said he enjoyed the words of Jenkins Lloyd Jones written in a June 12, 1973, Deseret News column: "Anyone who imagines that bliss is normal is going to waste a lot of time running around shouting that he's been robbed.
"Most putts don't drop. Most beef is tough. Most children grow up to be just people. Most successful marriages require a high degree of mutual toleration. Most jobs are more often dull than otherwise.
"Life is like an old-time rail journey---delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders and jolts, interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed. The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride."
That is the trick, being thankful for being able to have the ride. We have a happy life despite our trials and that is due to being incredibly blessed by our wonderful family and friends and membership in the church. I continue to get emails from those of you who don't know us and have been touched by Gracie's life. We are humbled by the power of her story and grateful that she was able to change so many lives in her short time with us. What a gift she will forever be to me. I will hold her memory close until we meet again.