
Blessed by everyday blessings

these are a few of my favorite things

~smiling faces~

~hugs and kisses from grandchildren
and hearing the name Nanny from far away places~

~mostly old sometimes new~

~quilts with love stitched through and through

~Babies and butterflys and all things created~

~To know you are loved makes life sweet with grace traces ~


Showing posts with label simple pleasures in photos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label simple pleasures in photos. Show all posts

Thursday, September 18, 2014



Put the soup on!

Get the sweaters out!

Spice the cider!

Time to 
Decorate with Pumpkins!

Welcome Fall

Hard to believe it is really here.

As you can see

I've been getting the fall decorating fever!

If you want to catch the fever too you can check out 

It is a delightful time of year!



Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Simple pleasures of Spring...

Star of Bethlehem

Spending time with Emerson.
She is simply growing up toooo fast.
She thought she might be too old to take pictures with the tulips.
I'm glad she changed her mind.

Still sweet at Seven.

sweet color combinations of tulips

 Collection of Pink and white buttons in an old vinegar bottle.

Flowering Crabapple trees

Color of the year ...Radiant orchid
 in my back yard :)

(Rarely am I in sync with the fashions of the world)

Spring sewing....
Slowly but surely I'm making progress on
my snow themed Blue and White quilt which is a
 Craftsy 2012 BOM detour.
20 blocks has turned into 36.
I have 5 more blocks to make.
That makes me happy.
You can see more of the blocks up close here

Three more blocks to add...
 A modified block from Anne Sutton's
Block #12

Pinwheel YUM!

Need I remind you, I love Tulips!

"Spring Snowflake" block.
from "Quiltmakers 100 blocks" Vol. 1

Remembering it snowed on May 3 last year
it seemed like a perfect fit to my quilt. 

I am stretching myself.....
Learning how to do Needle-Turn Applique.
from a distance it looks fabulous...
up close...
leaves a bit to be desired.

But you've got to start somewhere
 so it is what it is and
 it is going in the quilt.

Blessed by grand children!

Addi Grace and Clayton.

 I will 


Monday, January 27, 2014

Romanticizing the Polar Vortex....

Just when you think you are done with cold...
         It's Back.

Here is how I deal with cold...... 

I put Quilts on every bed

I Dream about living someplace else

I thrift store shop and buy
 white dishes from France

I teach little girls how to sew
This is  needle holder.   There are needles
stored under the pink heart.

I live with Red.

I Love my Grandchildren!

I marvel at Miracles.

wait patiently for perfect days
 to build a snowman 

I try to Keep a Happy Heart.
I do not like to be cold.

I fill cookie jars with
Hot Chocolate mix.

I Fluff my nest.

I take Pictures of snow.

I Look for beauty
 in the season to pass the time.

I sew for people I love

I sew for ME!
Meet Mr. UFO (unfinished object) for January.
I need to finish Him this week.
He has been Mr. UFO for way too long.

May your day be cozy.



Monday, January 21, 2013

week #4

Wow the weeks sure do fly by.  I am trying to make my days a bit more intentional in 2013.   FAITHFUL(my word for the year)...  How is that going you might ask???  
Seems like if I gain in one step, I 'm  lacking in others.
Daily Bible reading....  not so good...see next step
Scripture memory- motivated by Beth Moore.... YES MAMM! Gold star here!
As Beth reminds us your brain is going to fixate on something...
YOU get to choose what that will be. 
I have 2 verses hidden in my heart. That is a extra one to boot.
Romans 12 :1-2
 "Therefore I urge you brothers (SISTERS) to offer yourself as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God. This is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, then your will be able to test and approve what God's will is,
 his good , pleasing and perfect will."
Living each day as an act of worship and living each day pleasing to God.
It is changing my attitude about a few things.
I'm blessed because of it!
With all I am.

Exercise..... NOT Happening :(   BUT  I just became a winner tonight for
 2 free weeks at my local YMCA. 
 God  is moving me in that direction. 
Heaven knows I need it! 
Water.... here is the plan.... at least 5 glasses a day.
I'm having  a hard time with that.  Average 1-3.
Dishes/ Kitchen ....  I am so proud of myself!  I have lived the last 30 years of my married life waking up to dirty dishes in the sink- it was just too much after making supper to clean it all up also.  Insert bad parenting there.... I have 3 girls who should have helped me  and a husband who should have said you cooked... I'll clean  up.
No more excuses...
Here is what changed ....
I made a new curtain for my kitchen window....
I wanted to keep my kitchen clean for Christmas season.
I have changed my thinking.....morning time is precious time.
I have decided that I would rather do dishes when i'm tired at night..
3 girls are now doing their own dishes at their house
husband is still here... and still hates doing dishes.
 I still don't have a dishwasher or a maid
NOW i'm waking up to clean dishes on the counter.
It takes just a minute to put them away and....
 I  LOVE  not wasting precious creative morning time doing dishes. 
NOTE..... it took 28 days to make this a  good habit.
OPAM (One project a month)   I got DISTRACTED but hoping to make some progress tomorrow.
I taught my self to finger knit.
My hot chocolate station.... for now graced in garland.  Next year this is going to be on my christmas tree.... all 11 yards of it!
And  I wanted to work on some sewing techniques so.....
I'm late to the party but doing the
2012 Craftsy Block of the Month(BOM)
It is FREE
slashing JANUARY blocks---
Should I tell my husband that I cut up his white dress shirt???
I am going to see how many blocks I can get out of an XLT!

WONKY  #----using scraps
Added the snowflake to the pattern.
Embroidering the snowflake but ran out of floss :(

FEB---- using old shirts
My windblown star is now a stary snowflake.
I sew much like I cook. I  Don't usually follow the recipe exactly.
This arrangement just put a smile on my face.
SO it is a star but different than the suggested arrangement.
You can do that right : )????
I Love that Creativity has no rules!
I am making all the blocks in blue and white,
and trying to not buy any fabric for this  although
I already broke that pledge and bought a half a yard to add to my blue and white stash.
I Added some Black and white pictures to my WINTER TREE

Yes this tree will stay up until FEB!!!
Today we are getting snow!
It is a nice surprise.

One little snowman said
"I'm Hungry"
and this Nanny is saying I'm tired 
 and I still have to do my dishes
I'll post another day on January comfort Food!
If you are visiting...
I'd love for you to say hello down below!
Stay cozy@ home!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Zippity Doo Dah Jelly Roll Happiness

Once upon a time.... I won this jelly roll. Zippity Doo Dah designed by Sandy Gervais.  It was the very First Jelly roll to inhabit my stash.   It was a treasure and so cute all rolled up. I marveled at it for a long time, then one day knowing that there was no going back once it did this ..... I opened it up!


Have I told you before that I love red, white and blue ??
YES I do!

Early in the spring....
I came across this site www.jellyrollquilters.com and guess what they were doing, a Jelly Roll mystery quilt.  It was sure to be beautiful they promised so I jumped on the bandwagon.  Soon I had 2 friends who are experienced quilters on the band wagon too.

I know some of you quilters are probably jelly roll pros and use a lot of jelly rolls, but for me when I buy fabric I always buy a little extra.... just in case. With a jelly roll.... there is no extra. I love all the different strips of fabric but you get 40 strips of 2 1/2" wide fabric,  that's it.  I was a little hesitant making the first cut,  but this project was a great confidence booster.

 ( This translates into MORE reasons to buy Jelly rolls !)

 HORRAY for  Me!

In the process of the mystery I discovered.... I am not a mystery girl.   I like to know how it is all going to look in the end. I am definitely a visual person... See it then do it.  I had a hard time deciding what to use for the background fabric. I wondered if I had sorted my strips "correctly".  So long after the mystery was revealed and  my two other quilting friends had their mystery all pieced together and were Glowing that they had accomplished the task at hand..... I started because they kept asking me.... "Have you started yet???"  Now mine is finished sans the borders.  Hopefully that will be added in the next few days .

The strips were separated  into 3 bags for months.

Finally after some serious goal setting and a few deep breaths,  months 2 and 3 of the mystery became touchable blocks.....


Once I had these done I was thrilled.
Pretty easy blocks but still thrilled!

Month 4 created more hesitance and a few more deep breaths were needed because I had to cut the strips for this month IN HALF  to  1 1/4 inches .  After I had accomplished those Sweet little 6" Log Cabin blocks.... I was in Love!  This is the first time I have ever done a Log Cabin block.   I was so proud of myself... They turned out perfect and so like a proud momma with a camera I thought they needed their own little .......

        FALL photo shoot.  







zippity DOO DAH !
It is all together!
All in it's flimsy glory!

We had show and tell at our quilt meeting last week.

Here are the quilts of my two quilting friends

Linda used Papillon by Three sisters/ MODA

Jeanine used Lollipop by Sandy Gervais/MODA

They both own long arms.... theirs are all nicely quilted!
Thanks for sticking with the proud  momma: )
Thanks for stopping by.
Say hello down below
pretty please.
It would make my day!


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