
Verse A Day

Friday, January 31, 2020

Goodbye Haiti

January 25th:  Saturday

We left the Mission-Haiti compound fairly early as the ride to Port Au Prince is quite long, and we had a stop to make along the way.  We stopped by a Pediatric hospital in Cayes, a city closer to Ti Riviere.  For obvious reasons, we weren't allowed to take pictures, but what we saw inside this hospital was nothing I could have prepared myself for.  It was a big dark room.  No indivudual rooms for each patient, just one big room with bed after bed, after bed.  It wasn't sanitized like our hospitals, and the patients basically just laid there with a family member sitting by their bedside. 

This was outside the entrance.
 As we were leaving this pregnant woman walked out, with a catheter in hand.  
 Again, the ride through Port Au Prince was gut wrenching.  The people and filth.  Just unbelievable.

 The trash littered along the roads was never ending.
 We made it to Port Au Prince safely before dark and stayed at a motel near the Air Port.  
 One final meal with the whole Shalom crew!
We were up early Sunday morning to get to the airport.  Thankfully we made it through customs ok and all of our flight connections went smoothe.  Until next time.. Goodbye, Haiti.

Final day in Ti-Riviere/Beach Day!

January, 24
Our last full day with Mission-Haiti in Ti Riviere.  I did not want it to end!

My favorite dish washers!
 Our first stop of the day was the JAK Academy school where both of our sponsor students attend!  Loved seeing their school and watching them play with friends!  The kids were doing 'stations' just like our kids do in the states!  

 It was recess time for the little preschool kids!  
 My sponsor girl wasn't feeling well.  She had a temp and was just hanging out with her teacher.  
It broke my heart!

 My sponsor boy on the other hand was feeling great and loving life on the playground!

 I was able to bless a few other sponsor students with gifts from their sponsors in Sioux Falls!  

 Lunch time = rice and beans every day!

 A group of students from Dordt college built a bridge which is a huge time saver for teachers and students walking to JAK Academy!  Cuts the trip in half!  

 Our next stop was the LSF Clinic that has been operating for about a year.  
Such a blessing to the people of the community! 
 Something we had looked forward to all day was Beach Day!  It was everything they told us it would be!  Beautiful!!

 The Haitian beer on the beach was pretty amazing too!

Sea Urchin 

 A little piece of the beach that came home with me!

 Gregory and I
He translates for Mission-Haiti and does other work around the community for them.  
Great guy!  So fun!
 Hannah, Jen and I riding home from the beach in a Tap Tap!  
 Olgens and I.  
Another translater/employee of Mission-Haiti!  These guys made the trip so much fun!

 The local crafters setting up for 'Market Night'. We were able to purchase handmade items for souvenirs!  I bought plenty!

10,000 Reasons being sang in English and Creole at the same time.  Beautiful!

The Mission-Haiti orphanage kids performed for us!  It was so cute!

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