Boston gets to sit next to Noah! They were in the same class last year too!
Bronx liked the rocking chair in the reading area.
Boston had to do a little scavenger hunt of different things in his room!
Tuesday, August 18th: The kids' last day of summer break! My boys have had so much fun this summer with their daycare friends. Tomorrow, Boston, Owen, Makinli and Oaklee are off to school! Daycare days will be quieter without them, and in a sad way! They were such a big help to me and all played so good together!
I ran out on the deck to get my flowers out of the rain and these 3 little ones just stood by the door smiley and knocking at me!
It was a busy week! I had 13 kids at daycare on Monday & Tuesday. I was maxed out.
Believe it or not, most of the time the busiest days are the easiest! Here are all their little cups and water bottles sitting by my coffee mug!
Wednesday, August 19! Boston's first day of 3rd grade! Ready or not, he's off!! He is starting to think all of mom's pictures and crazy chalkboard signs are lame.
Last year he wished he had a girlfriend and this year, he wishes he was 18! So grown up!
Boston, Justin & Bennett. He's so glad to have a few buddies in his class!
These two aren't sure what to do without their big brother around! They loved playing with him!
Brigham had his Pre-K Open House at 6:00. He was so excited it was his turn!
Bronx loved playing with all the kids.
Mason & Brigs
Brigham has so many friends in his class this year which is a big change from last year. Last year he started school not knowing anyone in his class. I hope the kids get some learning done!
Brody, Mason, Brigham and Ethan
Friday, August 21
Grandpa Ron & Grandma Lisa watched the boys so that Derek and I could go out for supper with some friends! We started our A-Z Eating Out! We spun a wheel and chose a play to eat that began with that letter. G for Guadalaraja's! It was really good food!
Saturday, August 22
My baby is drinking out of a big boy cup now!
Derek and I went up to Colman for the Gary Hemmer Scholarship Golf Tourney! It was a fun day!
Our golf group!
Sunday morning before church! The boys love it when daddy is home to fix their hair!
Monday, August 24
Doing some fingerprint painting!
Brigham had been waiting for this day for weeks! His first night of soccer practice! He is just so excited to finally get to play his own sport! He team name is Chuckles! :)
Tuesday, August 25
These 4 are all ready for preschool tomorrow!
Brigham's first day of Pre-K! He was so excited. Unlike Boston, he was very concerned about what he would wear on his first day of school, so we had his clothes all laid out the night before! His Michael Jordan shirt, socks and shoes!
The boys killing some time in the lunchroom! We drop Boston off around 8:00, so we have 20-30 minutes of downtown in the lunch room before Brigham's school day starts.
Brody, Mason & Brigs
Daycare buddies all at SFC! Bennett, Mason, Brigs & Otto!
No tears this year! Lots of smiles!
He came running out with smiles at 11:00 saying 'Mommy!!!!'
National doggy day!
Thursday, August 27
Not a fun way to end the night.. we got water in our basement. Our sump pump had never ran since we lived in our house. I checked the storage room and near windows around 8:00 and didn't see a thing. When Derek got home and looked downstairs at 8:30 we had water coming in a window and the storage room had 1-2 inches of water! What a mess, but so thankful it wasn't worse. It was more shocking than upsetting. We think the sump pump got clogged up of clay/mud because as soon as Derek stuck his arm in the sump hole and swished stuff around, it started going down right away and so far, we haven't had any other issues. Justin Elgersma came over right away and helped us suck up water and pull back carpet. So thankful for such good friends!
Derek getting home from work.. he was drenched!
After we had sucked up some water and moved some furniture out of the water.
We got the scrap piece of carpet all rolled up and hauled outside to toss.
Friday: We are getting things dried out downstairs!
The storage room is clean & dry!
I had a few stacks of old pictures on the floor that I was still organizing, so when I walked into the storage room and saw all the water last night and ALL the photo's floating around I was so sad! I got them scooped up right away, laid them all out individually to dry. This newspaper clipping of my graduating class took the worst of the water damage. So thankful that pictures of my parents as children and their wedding photo's are all OK!
This was the SFC parking lot the next day! School was 2 hours late because of the water!