We are nearing mid Nov. and I am just now getting time to recap the month of October. Time just never slows down around here! October was a fun month, but then again they are all fun around here!
Friday, October 3: Derek & I went to the Jason Aldean concert! It was a ton of fun!
Monday, October 6: Derek turned 34!
Thursday, October 9: I took the boys up to Colman so we could see my Grandparents before they left for Texas for the winter!
I love capturing these moments. Boston & his great grandpa catching up about school about sports!
Friday, October 10: Bronx's 15 Month Check up! He still is only 20 pounds and a few odd oz.! Such a string bean! He and Brigham both got their flu shots & did great! Brigham didn't even cry, which was a huge shocker to me!
Saturday, October 11th: A day I had been looking forward to for weeks! Me & a few girlfriends took a road trip to do some shopping! It was a fun day! I can't wait to do it again!
Monday, October 13: Grandparents Day at school & early dismissal! Boston had ALL of his grandparents at school with him!
2 days before the deadline, Boston decided he wanted to participate in the Library's pumpkin decorating contest. You had to paint a pumpkin to be a character from a book. After we got the little boys to sleep, B and I looked through our books, and decided to go with the Old Lady! We started it around 8:00 and by 10, it was finished! It turned out much better than I was expecting and Boston loved it! It was a lot of fun, so I am sure we will do it again next year!
Tuesday, October 15: B is excited to bring his pumpkin to school!
Wednesday, October 15: Bronx got his first horsey ride at HyVee! He loves to say 'Neigh'!
Saturday, October 18: Bronx loves to snuggle me and I just love that. Little boys grow out of this stage too quick, so I soak up every second of it!
Brigham got to go with Grandpa Ron & Grandma Lisa to the Pumpkin Party in Iowa! He was so excited about going. Boston had his last football game, so he missed out this year. Brigham came home with a goose egg & scrape on his forehead, and was ready for bed 10 minutes after walking in the door :)
Friday, October 24th: I helped out for Brigham's Preschool Pumpkin Party! During prayer, the teacher was thanking Brigham for bringing his class a treat. She called him Boston during the prayer, and he was very quick to interrupt her and say 'Ugh, my name is Brigham!'. :) The teachers both called him Boston a few times during the party.
Showing off his decorated Gourd!
Tasting pumpkin pancakes. He is pretty shy and silly if you ask him about it, but we think he has a crush on the little girl with the dark hair sitting next to him.
Her name is Hannah and she is just a doll!
Bronx also got his first hair cut! The older boys were desperate for a trim, so we decided to just have all 3 of them done at the same time. He sat so good & loved having his very own sucker!!
Brigham's head full of hair before his cut!
After pics. Adorable boys!
Bronx's 1st Haircut certificate with some little baby curls!