Showing posts with label barking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label barking. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Piss and Vinegar

Mom says I must be feeling a bit better because my levels of "piss and vinegar" are rising, whatever that means! I guess she didn't appreciate the barking at the neighbor during her precious nap.  But besides this piss and vinegar business, the big news around here is THAT I'M WALKING a few steps at a time.  YAY!  Hopefully I've pulled it together fast enough to avoid going to the special clinic.

So, I looked up this piss and vinegar, and found an entry at

Main Entry:
full of beans
Part of Speech:adjective
Definition:healthy and energetic
Synonyms:bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, full of ginger, fullof pep, full of piss and vinegar, full of vitality,peppyvivaciouszingy

Huh, I'll take it, even though I know she said it with a touch of annoyance; my barking drives her batty sometimes.  But she is thrilled that I am getting better. barking and all! Woohoo.

How could anyone ever get annoyed with me? ;)

* * *

p.s. Mom went out with our friend, Joe, for burritos and now SHE is full of beans!