Showing posts with label blogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogs. Show all posts

Thursday, May 31, 2012

all the kids with the pumped up kicks

Inspired by Buzzfeed's list, here is a collection by me featuring of some of the cutest kids with style. 
Apparently, it's a thing on the internet.

 Who cares if their parents probably dress them? Who cares if those adorable clothes are probably super expensive and will last these kids 6 months to 2 years before they'll grow out of them? Who cares if they might turn into pretentious hipsters when they're older? They're kids now and they look so good.

When ever I have kids, you can be sure I will not be able to afford these hip, chic clothes from the 
American Apparel/Anthropology/Urban Outfitters kid collections. 
But if I could? Hell yeah, I'd dress my kids up in cool clothes so they look like mini adults, but they'd never be allowed to go outside or move or anything for fear of ruining them.

Nah, who am I kidding? I'd never feel comfortable shelling out money for these things if my kids want to be normal kids who run around and fuck up the nice things their parents buy them. Plus, my kids will learn to be stellar thrift store rummagers just like their mama. But I will not object to taking them shopping where we will try on the CUTEST ensembles, snap a photograph, and pass it off as the real thing ("Why is your daughter standing in a dressing room? I though you said this was from the daycare graduation party last year...").

gwen stefani's kid, kingston, is cooler than me.

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