Showing posts with label San Francisco. Show all posts
Showing posts with label San Francisco. Show all posts

Saturday, January 1, 2011

A Day in the City!

Day trip to the city, the sisters were all in town. The weather was perfect, it was Brad's last day at work before Christmas, so the family went in to pick him up. While in the office Wes managed to find a baseball, throw it across the room and knock over a cup of somebody's hot drink - it was awesome. Kids should not be allowed at the work place:) After, we headed to the Ferry Building for some delicious Taco's, then took quite the hike over to the Yerba Buena Gardens play ground. We played candle tag and took some seriously awesome slide photos but they were too blury - so here's the left overs. All the kids were to afraid to go down with Melly and Nikki, because their jackets made them go crazy fast. Brad even got taken out by them once!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Annual Pre-Christmas City Trip

Our traditional night trip to the city, with a new comer - soon to be a family member:)) Yes it's Ryan Barlow - Nikki's fiance!! Wahoo. We showed him the usual rounds, Blondies for pizza - cable car ride, Ghirardelli's for ice cream sundays - Union Square Christmas tree and a street car to get back to BART. Everybody but Wes had a great time. That night we were just frustrated with how miserable Wes was, but it turned out the poor little guys had massive, double ear infections - but no fever. What bad parents!

Our traditional night trip to the city, with a new comer - soon to be a family member:)) Yes it's Ryan Barlow - Nikki's fiance!! Wahoo. We showed him the usual rounds, Blondies for pizza - cable car ride, Ghirardelli's for ice cream sundays - Union Square Christmas tree and a street car to get back to BART. Everybody but Wes had a great time. That night we were just frustrated with hw misrable he was, but it turned out the poor little guys had massive, double ear infections - but no fever. What bad parents!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

An Almost Perfect Race

Michelle: Come on ladies it will be fun, lets run a race in San Francisco. It's only 10K.
Nicole: Yes! I'm in, I just ran 7 miles this morning.
Rachel: Really? Can't we just get together and hang out?
Denise: I'll only do it if someone will walk with me.
Rebecca: Nope - no fun. I have been working my tail off out here in Phoenix - no way am I coming on a trip to wake up early and run.

Michelle and Nikki talked us all into it. Airplane tickets were bought, babysitters arranged, just one small item overlooked - signing us up for the race. According to 3 of us - AWESOME!! We had a great weekend of shopping, eating and movies. Then on race day, the young ones woke us all up and convinced us of taking them to the City so they could "sneak in." As we pull up we hear the starting gun go off and the announcer yell "They're off!" Out of the car hop Michelle and Nicole and run through the starting point 3 minutes behind the pack. Us oldies walked it far behind them. The weather was GREAT - I've never seen a nicer day by the bay. We finished it off with a walk across the Golden Gate Bride. Fun Weekend.