Showing posts with label Grandma Ski - swim lessons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grandma Ski - swim lessons. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Great Grandmas

Another summer with AMAZING Grandma Ski swim lessons!! It is a week of swim lessons, playing, sun, food and fun. This summer was our biggest group ever, we had cousins, aunts, uncles and endless entertainment.

Thank You Grandmas you are the BEST!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Swim Lessons with Grandma Ski

Grandma Ski came to stay for a few days and taught all the GREAT GRANDKIDS how to swim. Rebecca and Carter were in town too. The kids learned in leaps and bounds. These photos say it all.

Cole improved his freestyle. . .

and learned the back stroke and breast stroke. He's now ready for swim team!

Grandma Ski was an increadible teacher and had Drew swimming by the end of the 3 days.

He is a great jumper/ diver.

Here he is treading water. This lesson came in handy quickly. We were all just playing in the water after swim lessons, grandma heard Drew yelling "HELP!" She looked over and grabbed him and asked him what he was doing. "I was sinking so I treaded water!"

Drew can now swim across the whole pool! Great swimming Drew-bee!

Sammie Lou learned how to use her arms. This was a huge step, considering she didn't even want to get her face wet when we started. She talked herself into going under water by pretending to be a turtle. Sometimes she'd say she was a baby, daddy, mommy or grandma turtle. Really no family member was left un-turtled!

She's still hasn't perfected taking a breath yet. Which can prove to be very important.

Regular grandma helped too!

When Carter "relaxed" he was a GREAT swimmer.

If he wasn't relaxed we could always distract him with a little hoop action.

We also spent plenty of time just playing and hanging out around the pool. Our cousins Makenzie and Quintin came down to swim for one afternoon. It was so great to get to see them. Cole and Quintin became fast friends.

They invented the "pool of death" which they played in for hours. It was given it's name because although it looks like it is fun and semi-safe. It was really sinking death trap, especially for the little ones. Who of course were not going to be left out from the games!

This was the kind of playing that was going on when Drew had to use his water treading skills. Notice the tight grip on his arm!

Sammie Lou was sent to take a nap everyday. She did not appreciate the view of the swimming kids below, while she was literally locked in her room!

The boys and their "sammuri tails" It was keeping their hair out of their face while they had lessons. Brad was completely mortified when he saw them like this. He threatened to shave thier heads if they wore it like that again. In true Drew fashion he still kept it in all day.

Bec and Cartie! Did you know she's having a GIRL!!

We had a great 3 days hanging out by the pool with 4 generations. Grandma Ski you are truly amazing. I don't know any other GREAT GRANDMA'S who teach swim lessons for 3 1/2 days straight. It will be something we remember FOREVER! You are a talented, funny, amazing woman. It was treat to get to hang out with you this week. Thank you so much for all you are and all your help. We love you. And Mom, thanks for hosting us. It was a lot of wear and tear on your house and your pool heating system, not to mention all the drinks! We are so lucky to have such a great family.