Monday, December 27, 2010

Annual Pre-Christmas City Trip

Our traditional night trip to the city, with a new comer - soon to be a family member:)) Yes it's Ryan Barlow - Nikki's fiance!! Wahoo. We showed him the usual rounds, Blondies for pizza - cable car ride, Ghirardelli's for ice cream sundays - Union Square Christmas tree and a street car to get back to BART. Everybody but Wes had a great time. That night we were just frustrated with how miserable Wes was, but it turned out the poor little guys had massive, double ear infections - but no fever. What bad parents!

Our traditional night trip to the city, with a new comer - soon to be a family member:)) Yes it's Ryan Barlow - Nikki's fiance!! Wahoo. We showed him the usual rounds, Blondies for pizza - cable car ride, Ghirardelli's for ice cream sundays - Union Square Christmas tree and a street car to get back to BART. Everybody but Wes had a great time. That night we were just frustrated with hw misrable he was, but it turned out the poor little guys had massive, double ear infections - but no fever. What bad parents!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!!

Waiting for the go ahead!!

They are off!!

Sl2 was so cute, she helped Wes with his stocking before she went to hers. Such a sweet sister:) Here's a conversation she had with Brad the night before.
Sl2: Big sigh - "I hope I'm on Santa's good list."
Brad: I think you are, don't you?
Sl2: I'm always mean to Wes :(
She said it like it couldn't be controlled, it was just a curse she was always going to live with. Luckily she did make the good list - even though Santa did lock her in her room Christmas night. She was more than a little upset about that!


Santa brought a TRAMPOLINE!!

As we were sitting down to eat our Apple Braid (thanks Shannon - it was delicious), we look out the window to see our 90 year old neighbors pulling out their ladders?? They were trying to clean out their gutters before all the rain came. So over went the boys - in their matching PJ's to help clean the gutters. It was really cute.

Lou-lou couldn't leave Rapunzel's side. The nutcracker music was on, and they put on quite the Ballet for us all.

Watching Animal Planet while the boys finished the gutters.

Then Christmas at my Mom's began!! Michelle & Porter were smart and labeled their seats the night before. The king and queen of Christmas we called them:)

There's not 2 live girls in bed - just Sammie Lou & Tangled:)

Friday, December 24, 2010

Twas the Night Before Christmas

Another fun and eventful Christmas Eve day! We headed to Hank and Colette's for a wonderful turkey dinner and program. Finished off with the famous "Live Nativity" that featured a very pregnant Mary, and didn't feature a very GRUMPY Wes (little punk!) After that we headed out to see some local AMAZING Christmas lights, the fireman even came out to see it. They gave all the kids stickers and made us do some carols, then did a 10 point turn in the court with their LARGE ladder truck to leave - it was pretty entertaining:). By time we made it back to our house Mrs. Santa had come and left us some jammies, which of course lead to a pillow fight with Porter:)) We finished the night off with some mint hot chocolate and a plate of cookies for Santa. It was a wonderfully memorable day for all.

Monday, December 20, 2010


Posted by Bec:)

After what seemed like FOREVER for Carter we made it to California for Christmas.
No joke I heard him out back screaming at airplanes as they passed over: "Please, Please take me to California!"
Needless to say we hit the ground running as soon as we got there, with a 2 week itinerary of what was happening everyday!
1st on the list: COOKIES!
Meet THE Cousins!
Carter thinks that Cole and Drew are the BEST! It is so great to see him idolizes them, plus the best part about it is they are GREAT examples! Nothing better then cousins!
Carter was more into making frosting colors and eating it then actually decorating the cookies!

Cute & Melly and Sammie Lou...
Some of the crew...Carter was too focused to look
Lou was in charge of making them SPARKLE....That required an endless about of sprinkles!
Some of the final products....
It was loud, messy, & tiring....half way through Uncle Porter decided he need a nap!