Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Back to School!!

1st Grade & 4th - I can't believe it.

We are quite the sight walking to school. Ms. Georgia (the crossing gaurd can spot us coming from a million miles away:)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Goodbye Melly and Porter:((

O how we miss them. We were lucky enough to have "Aunt Mewie & Uncle Porda" live by us for a short time. We all shed a few tears on moving day:(

They are the highlight to every event, they gave us constant entertainment and laughs. I left my phone at their house one night, when I came back this was the wallpaper on my phone - AWESOME!

They provided the best wrestling matches and birthday cards, library and nail dates, crafts, dance shows, cupcakes & desserts, CRAZY water slides, clean laundry, babysitting and waxing services, really their talents are endless. I'm not sure we really provided anything for them - but they are the world to us!!

Michelle and Sammie Lou had a special bond.

Porter too!

MOVE BACK SOON!! We MISS you. Love you tons!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Quick Trip to Tahoe

A quick weekend trip up to Tahoe, with no camera!! It was a fun trip including biking, hiking, swimming and more but not well documented, here's a few iphone photos!

On the way up we stopped by a Costco and got Cole contacts!! Can you spot Drew, checking out the whole process??

Ps, bec, these photos won't do well large:)

Friday, August 20, 2010

Giant Slip n Slide!!

Leave it to the Foulgers to make the BEST slip n slide ANYWHERE. Everyone tried it from the moms to Wes and Kate to Indo. It was fun, slippery and scary, we all had grass burns among other injures to help remind us of the activity for days after. Thanks again to the GREATEST aunt and uncle anywhere.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Drew Turns 7 on 8-9-10!!

The night before, Aunt Melly made him some yummy strawberry filled cupcakes!

All Drewbie wanted to do for his birthday was to go to Santa Cruz!! So off we went, with friends in the morning then daddy and family came later that night for the rides.

At the beach the kids did all the regular beach stuff and dug a hole to the water, caught a seagull and got a talking to by the lifeguard. It was an eventful day!

Here's the ride Michelle snuck him onto, once it started we were all a little worried he was going to slip out of the harness! Then the lift operator made it go around many more times than usual - for those of us observing, we were pretty sure he was doing it so he could see up Michelle's dress a few more times! It was pretty funny - I think EVERYBODY on that round was sick when they got off.

Here's the ride we snuck Sammie Lou on to.

Cole was tall enough to ride on all the big rides.

Wesley's favorite ride. He did NOT understand the concept of waiting in line. It killed him to wait in line, watching his ride go around and around "mum - mum - MUM!! (why am i not on that ride?!)"

Michelle did Lou-lou's hair just right so she could pass on this ride.

She was pretty sad when the ride operator said NO-WAY, but a little ice cream with Kiera cheered her up!

We finally headed home around 11:00pm. A 12-hour birthday party -- what a lucky boy! I love you my sweet Drew. He's my funny comedian He loves to get a laugh from a crowd. He can shake what his momma gave him (it just comes naturally to him). He is either in a quite mood and it's impossible to get a word out of him or he's Mr. Inquisitive, asking every question imaginable. He's very observant and wonders how everything works. He's our most adventurous about food , yet still has to master eating at In n Out. Teachers and coaches LOVE him. He is a great athlete and enjoys science and art. We love having him in our family, we were lucky to get him. Happy birthday my sweet boy!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Spencer & Wes

I've always thought Spencer looks more like Brad than any of my kids:) Spenc and Wes created a special bond this summer. He taught Wes how to do a high-5

and Wes taught Spencer how to hold him to show off his best trick.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


We stopped by the tide pools for a few hours.

It was fairly easy to get across to the "big rock" but going back was a different story! The tide had come up, it took 3 adults and we still got a few soaked pants.

It was a fast trip but we packed a LOT in:) That's the way we roll:)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Football on the Beach

I didn't get a good group shot - here's the best we could do:)

The girls lost interest in the football game pretty quick and decided it was time for a swim. It was about 8:00 and FREEZING, but that didn't stop them.