Saturday, January 10, 2009

Ski Season's here!

Ok, I knew dating a ski instructor is one of many girls fantasies but to actually marry one is even BETTER! It comes with so many benefits I didn't even think about! He teaches your kids to ski and actually has fun doing it! It was so great, to see the kids with their daddy out on the slopes. They all had a blast and are improving in leaps and bounds. I was a little sad to be on the sidelines this year, but it gave me a few priceless photos...

Sammie Lou was SO EXCITED to ski this year. She did it a few times last year and talked about going again ALL summer. So she was thrilled to open a new ski outfit on Christmas and find out it was ski season again.

It's Cole's first full season with poles and he was AWESOME.

Drew got his edgie-wedgie (holds together the front of the ski's in a snow-plow position) taken off on the first day. He wasn't too sure he was going to like it. He yelled down the whole first run "I WANT MY WEDGIE! PUT BACK ON MY WEDGIE" My dad, who was with him, said they got a few strange looks, people weren't quite sure what a "wedgie" was.

After that run, he learned how to do his "french fry" turns and turned into a speed demon. He thought the rest of the group was "way too slow for him." Notice his hair coming out of his helmet in next photo. It was stuck like that at the end of the day from flying down all the hills.

We even lost him a few times, he had gone and gotten back in line because we were all too slow to hop back on the lift.

Grandma and Grandpa were crucial in helping to manage the kids' 3 different levels of skiing on the first day.

What kids are lucky enough to go skiing with their grandma and grandpa. Actually Grandpa Hank (great grandpa) came one day too, but we were leaving that day so we didn't actually ski with him. That would of made a 4-generation ski day!!

My mom and Nikki.

Carter decided to try skiing out. After getting all the gear on and strapping the skis to his feet he decided it wasn't the thing for him. He preferred wrestling with Lou-lou. See the screaming coming from both of them. Bystanders were a little disgusted with us for just watching and letting it happen. Not to mention the laughing and photo snapping from their parents, I'm sure they would have declared us "unfit parents."

Some soon-to-be-classics of Brad and Sammie Lou.

Can you tell how happy she was?

When I took her skis off to go home, she got so mad. "PUT MY SKIS BACK ON!! I'M NOT READY TO GO HOME YET! PUT THEM BACK ONNNNN!!" I think she might have stayed all day had we let her. Notice her clinging to them in this photo - still hoping that she would get to put them back on and ski a little (or a lot) more.

Finale shot of most of the gang!


Britt said...

Oh, I need ski instructor Brad for my kids. These are such darling shots. True future classics.

Ashly said...

too cute- looks like you all had a blast. i can't get over sammie-lou's tiny little skis! hope you guys are doing well- when's the new addition due?

Jayne said...
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Katy said...

These pictures made me SMILE the ENTIRE TIME!!!!! (and cringe at the memories of myself with the edgie wedgie, creeping down the slopes with 3 year olds blazing past me!) You took really really GREAT pictures!!!

Jayne said...

We loved looking at the pictures. We had lots of fun too skiing with our kids. Except Erin did almost lost her leg off the lift one time. Can you imagine a ski and leg skiing down the slope! Come to Utah sometime to ski.

Mandi said...

you are so brave! i can't believe you got all the kids out to do all this and you're pregers! i'm impressed! great pictures. missing you big time!l

Jen said...

We are loving ski season too! But Ladd forbids me snowboard when I am pregnant! It drives me crazy. I am glad to see Brad is a little more reasonable.

AnnieB said...

I love ALL these great pictures! Soo dang cute and the commentary is awesome, especially all the SL2 anecdotes and Drew's perma wind-blown hair. I love your daring and darling kids!!