Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thanksgiving Feast!

The preschool Thanksgiving Feast is always exciting. The kids all helped make the friendship salad, they made their Turkeys and costumes and they were ready to feast. (Pay no attention to Sammie's Joker like lip stick job. It is a common sight in our house. I swear I have put up or thrown out all my lipstick, but she keeps finding new ones.)

We made the mistake of putting Lou-lous costume on first. She was ready to take it off right when she sat down.

I'm sure when she is older she will not appreciate me posting this photo - but how could I resist?

We tried to ignore her while we quickly readied the other children. In this photo almost everyone is is dressed. Notice Sammie Lou still struggling with the pilgrim attire.

A group shot, Sl2 had successfully gotten her hat off and was feeling much better.

Aren't they so cute. Maybe I'll make Sammie Lou were her pilgrim outfit on Thurs. :)


Katy said...

Oh the lipstick, she's hilarious! I love those costumes, great idea! Looks FUN! Happy Thanksgiving!!!

AnnieB said...

Love the crossed-eyed Sammie! So cute!
Thanks for taking pictures!