Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sammie Lou-who

Sammie Lou's new favorite thing to watch on TV is the animated version of "The Grinch who Stole Christmas". Every time Cindy Lou-who comes on she yells - "It's Sammie Lou-who, it's Sammie Lou-who AND she's two!" I do see a resemblance there. She'll watch the movie a few times a day, I only wish it was a little longer than 30 minutes :)

Another funny conversation was between Sammie lou and Brad. If anyone has ever seen Brad doing house work you'll appreciate this better. He is fast, efficient and ruthless while cleaning. He is impressive about cleaning a room but where to find the contents that were in that room later are usually a total mystery. On that note, I was out of town and Brad was making our bed. Sl2 walks in :Daddy what are you doing?
Brad: What does it look like I'm doing?
Sl2: Going CRAZY!!
He says he was "fluffing" (more like beating) the pillows at the time. She's so perceptive:)

One more (I know, sorry I have to record it or I'll forget).
Sl2: Mommy you have scary eyeballs!
Rach: They're not scary, what about your eyeballs?
Sl2: I have nice eyeballs, but yours are SCARY!!

I must have been giving her the evil eye about something?

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thanksgiving Feast!

The preschool Thanksgiving Feast is always exciting. The kids all helped make the friendship salad, they made their Turkeys and costumes and they were ready to feast. (Pay no attention to Sammie's Joker like lip stick job. It is a common sight in our house. I swear I have put up or thrown out all my lipstick, but she keeps finding new ones.)

We made the mistake of putting Lou-lous costume on first. She was ready to take it off right when she sat down.

I'm sure when she is older she will not appreciate me posting this photo - but how could I resist?

We tried to ignore her while we quickly readied the other children. In this photo almost everyone is is dressed. Notice Sammie Lou still struggling with the pilgrim attire.

A group shot, Sl2 had successfully gotten her hat off and was feeling much better.

Aren't they so cute. Maybe I'll make Sammie Lou were her pilgrim outfit on Thurs. :)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Baby Kate

Beautiful Baby Kate is here! She's adorable and I wished I lived closer to her and her family.

Here cute head gear supplied by her favorite aunt :) was purchased from Mandi at Ruby's Clips. There are so many cute designs, I left more than a few to decorate her adorable head.

My mom and I got to see her for the first time in the hospital.

Carter couldn't wait to bring her home.

Who wouldn't want him for a big brother? :)

It's a sign.

Does this mean I go to In-n-out too much?

We were going through the drive through and a worker hands us our food, Drew comments.

"That guys new here."

He was right! When a 5 year old can recognize the employes I think it's a bad sign.

Friday, November 14, 2008


Jedi-Knight take first place in U10 boys division. Cole had GREAT coaches and team mates. There was fun had by all.

The fans!

He sees it! He runs for it.

He takes it!

The tunnel.

Little Kickers Soccer

Drew took a fun soccer class this season. He was lucky enough to have about 9 kids he knew from church on his team. (sorry we missed you in the photo Sam) *note: Lou-lou was told she could not be in the photo (can you find her?)

Drebie has always had an awesome RUN!

Michael in the goal.

Action Shots!

This one is my favorite. Drew, Cameron and Zach, didn't fully understand "don't take the ball from your own team!" It was shouted at them many times by the coaches. Not to mention the excessive use of elbows and pushing :) Oh BOYS!

Monday, November 10, 2008

It's offical!

Today was the first day that Sammie Lou stamped her foot, turned on her heal and walked away from me. I was telling her to take off my glasses, so she wouldn't break them. She did not agree. Everyone told me that girls were more dramatic and emotional than boys. I didn't believe them. . .they were right. I'm sure this is far from the last time she'll do this.

Earlier in the week Brad came home early from work. Sl2 and I were in my bed watching a movie (nap time for me, she has to sit right by me so it will wake me up if she leaves. This time my back was turned - but still touching her).
He walked in and says loudly "What is going on in here?"
I groggily reply "we're watching a movie."
Brad: Umm, have you looked at her lately?"

It's lotion, if your wondering. She did smell lovely.