Kale - Dwarf, Blue Curled - Planted outside 03/05/12
Daffodils, a sure sign of Spring!
My Magnolia bush in bloom! What a lovely smell they have!
Burpee Pea - Burpeeana, Early - Planted outside 02/20/12
My small garden bed - Radishes, Burpee Cherry Belle
Planted 03/11/12
My Transplantation Day! It was time to transplant my Tomato and Pepper Seedlings!
What a fun Day! I also transplanted some 4 o'clocks, Salmon Sunset and Gaillardia, Arizona Apricot
Kale, Dwarf, Blue, Curled
Viola's, one of my spring favorites! Lovely smell and the flowers are edible!
More Violas
My seedlings before transplantation! As you can see they are a bit crowded!
After Transplantation and back to the grow light they go!