Showing posts with label 2014 Reboot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2014 Reboot. Show all posts

Friday, December 4, 2015

@Shaynacat and Gemma #TheDuckieClub

@Shaynacat's duckie is named Gemma. Isn't she pretty?

Miss Shayna is a very busy kitty! She is an anipal DJ who runs #NipClub; BlackEared Peas singer, manager of Sweet Moo and the Troublemakers, Anipal Times Social Events Correspondent; member of #TheAviators, #WLF, and #PinkAngels.

@Shaynacat's personal blog is Shayna's Sun-puddle


Saturday, August 15, 2015

Millie In Da Park

Dis Millie and her duckie hat.  She lubs picnics in da park and dat where we did meet her.

She very nice and most beeyootyful!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

@DoggyMolly and Donald

@DoggyMolly's duckie is named Donald like Donald Duck. Donald's squeaker not work any more. I wonders why?

When she's not savaging Donald, Moo DJs at #nipclub. She is the lead singer and pyrotechnic expert for Sweet Moo And The Troublemakers and always one step ahead of da law.

Friday, July 24, 2015

@kritterkondo and #TheDuckieClub

@(krittercondo likes to cuddle in a blanket wiff her duckie.


Thursday, July 23, 2015

@MiloutjeMilou's Kiki and Eendje

@MiloutjeMilou's Kiki is a new fledgling.

@MiloutjeMilou says

My 'sister' Kiki also has a little ducky!
We just call it "eendje" (dutch word for duckie)

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

@busybuttons wif Bob

@busybuttons is an old pal of The Duckie Club. she and her Duckie Bob like to wrassle. Buttons has no idea why this duckie is losing his stuffing...

Buttons has a bloggy called Busy, Busy Buttons.


Sunday, July 19, 2015


Angel @Smokey8 and his duckie Callum are also original members of The Duckie Club. Look for them on The Duckie Club Movie Volume VII at 3:30.

Smokey blogs about his siblings and their lady at Random Musings.


Friday, July 17, 2015

@kittehboi wif @SirFrancisDuck

@kittehboi is an old pal of The Duckie Club. You can see him and @SirFrancisDuck in The Duckie Club Movie Volume VII at 4:15.
Mr. Breeze says

I haz a duck!

Mr. Breeze's bloggy is Call Me The Breeze.
He helps his plush avatar blog at MiniBreeze Visitz!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015


@pankythepanfur and his brofur Troyer lives wif our pal @EdnasPetHacks.

Panky have a bloggy called Mancat Musings.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

@LilyLuWhoT's Luna

@LilyLuWhoT's Luna <3 da duck 2! OxO


Friday, July 10, 2015


@kushpanfur do likes to sing to his duckie.

rubber duckie u make nippin lots of fun--rubber duckie im awfully fonds of u


Tuesday, July 7, 2015

@PumpkinPuddy wif Fred

@PumpkinPuddy's duckie is named Fred. @Georgetheduck says he thinks it's one of his cousins. He has a lot of cousins! MOL!!

Pumpkin blogs at Adventures of a Suburban Kitty.


Monday, July 6, 2015

@TeaganTheDog and His Big Duckie!

Dat beeyootyful @Teaganthedog has a big duckie!

Miss Teagan has a bloggy called The Teagan Times.


Saturday, July 4, 2015


@Toby_cat and his duckie Pillow are original Duckie Club members. You can see them in The Duckie Club Movie Volume VII at 3:59.


Wednesday, July 1, 2015


Here is @(HenrytheCat2002 with his little Duckie!


Tuesday, June 30, 2015

@Katiebella2 wif Griff

@Katiebella2 is the sisfur of dear AdmiralHestorb OTRB. Katiebella have a duckie named Griff who she noms most thoroughly.

Katiebella's bloggy is called Katie Isabella Colors My World.


Monday, June 29, 2015

@RoccoHavanese Won A Duckie!

@RoccoHavanese is following in his brofur @CosmoHavanese footsteps. He won his duckie at an agility trial! Wheee!

(tweet1) (tweet2)

Sunday, June 28, 2015

@Jazzydacat wif Daisy Boo Duckie

@Jazzydacat is a old pal of The Duckie Club. She even has other duckies in a previous post. This is her newest beautifulest yellowest duckie, Daisy Boo Duckie.



Saturday, June 27, 2015

@Pandafur wif Griselda

@Pandafur is an old pal of The Duckie Club. You can see her in The Duckie Club Movie Volume VII at 3:17.

Miss Pandora's duckie's name iz Griselda teh duckie.



Let The Duckie Club reboot begin! Will be publishing pals duckies over da next few days.

Dis handsome panfur @BarnabasKitten wif his blue duckie.


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