Showing posts with label wolfram alpha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wolfram alpha. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Wolfram Alpha Daily Question

With today's question, we discover that Wolfram Alpha is a folk music fan and possibly a Communist:

Monday, May 18, 2009

New Feature: Ask Wolfram Alpha!

Wolfram Alpha is a new search engine that promises to be able to answer text questions asked of it. The UK Guardian has a fine story about the new search engine, including a cogent analysis of its current cababilities:

"like a roomful of idiot savants. Each knows a scary amount about a topic. And, unlike a such a roomful, WA also knows how to recombine and compute what each of the savants knows. But if the room doesn't have the savant you're looking for, you get back nothing but a "Huh?"

So, as a new feature after amusing myself with a few tests, here is a question I asked of Wolfram Alpha:

Eventually I hope to teach Wolfram Alpha jokes, and hope that it will assist in my tentative plan to overthrow the Obama government.