Showing posts with label Indians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indians. Show all posts

Friday, October 15, 2021

Who Knew?

Minnetonka, the maker of moccasins, isn't owned by Native Americans.

You mean my Minnetonkas weren't softened by a squaw chewing on the leather? I"m devastated.

Monday, October 08, 2012

Oh, That's Why No School Today

It's National White Guilt Over Exposing American Aborigines To Death and Slavery Day, formerly known as Columbus Day.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Meanwhile, In the Place I Grew Up...

...which is the area around Melrose, Florida, an extended drought has revealed numerous ancient Native American dugout canoes in the dry lake beds.

I used to find Indian relics as a boy; spear points, arrow points and pottery shards. After a heavy rain I would walk along the dirt road we lived on and find them along the shoulders where the rain had eroded the soil. I was careless with them and usually found a way to break them, never making an attempt to display them as a collection. Regret that now, but hell, my life is full of regrets.
