Thou Shalt Have Fun...

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Cinco de Mayo

This is what we did to celebrate.

What did you do?

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Sewing projects 101

These are a few things that I have sewn since being in Idaho. They are not much to look at, but I have been improving. My next goal is to make a dress- nothing fancy but I need to get over my fear of sleeves and zippers. Time to graduate to sewing 102.
 Pillow cases for Christmas
 P.J.s for Christmas
 Three tired skirts and circle skirts. The girls are sick of skirts and want dresses. That way they don't have to worry about finding a clean blouse.
 I made this jumper a while ago for Christmas. The girls had matching ones that they were not too happy about. So now everything has to be different.
 I made a whole lot of shorts for summer last year. I got the cheapest material and just zig-zagged everything. It was great because I didn't need to worry about making them last. The only thing I will do differently this year is to make sure the material is dark and heavy enough to hide underclothing.
I made this a few weeks ago. A man child needs something to hold all his weapons, ammo and shields.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Get off the platform already!

It has been over a year since I last wrote.

I don't know why I haven't written. Lots has happened; good things, happy moments, struggles that I have overcome and times when I have cried. But why haven't I written?
I don't know why. I think that I have been waiting for something- something extraordinary or awe inspiring and I  keep waiting and waiting.

 I have been standing on the wooden platform waiting for the train of life to come speeding up and wash me with a dragon's breath of steam. And at that moment when everything is misty, I will have a moment of clarity and a new adventure will start. But as I wait and wait I am missing THIS adventure.

Life may not be the black polished steam locomotive that I have dreamed of, but there is nothing wrong with a train full of character.

Simply put I'm getting off this stilted platform and writing again.