Thou Shalt Have Fun...

Friday, November 18, 2011

Idaho Falls Symphony

The Idaho Falls Symphony has a concert tomorrow. If you go to their web page you can find me!
How exciting right?
Look under the heading about us and click on meet the musicians.
You will see my name under the viola section.

They did take a picture of me, but that was at the first concert I played in and they must have wondered, "Who in the name of Mike is this hot red head?"
I looked completely wrecked and they thought it best to have it redone.

I'm crossing my fingers for the former

Thursday, October 6, 2011


I am so far behind on my blogging. I blame it on the fact that I haven't found the camera cord.
It is snowing today; some serious chockablock flakes are falling. My job is to have some toast and hot chocolate ready when they are done building their snowman.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

New Home

We have moved into our new home. I have every box for the kitchen unpacked except for one- which I can't seem to find...

We love it here! The back yard has a huge tree and the kids are within walkings distance of school. And it took Jim's mom 100 steps to the church parking lot.

I will post pictures once we find the cords and the camera...

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Mommy HELP!

The other day I was happily reading my book when I got a call from the bathroom. Now it is not unusual for me to get a shout out from the bathroom.
I seem to be the favorite when it comes to bathroom rescues. I guess I am the best at retrieving TP, smashing bugs, cleaning up various surfaces (some cuter then others), and just plain conversationalist when things become long and boring.
But this call was a little different, it was a desperate cry and the mama came running.
"Whats wrong?"
"My ear is making a funny sound."
"Like a ringing sound?"
"Ears just do that when they are practicing listening." Sometimes Moms make-up stuff. It is our prerogative.
The short legs start swinging on the toilet again. "Oh, I thought I was dying."
And I thought my life was stressful!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Nattie is 8

My oldest turned 8 last week.
Can you believe it? I have an 8 year old.
Emily said that now I am old.

All are invited to her baptism.
Saturday June 4Th

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Feeling oh so Good

This day has been a long time in coming. Last week was really hard and I had a hard time doing anything but sleeping
BUT this week
has been completely different.
I am singing and dancing and I'll tell you all about the things I have planned about saving money so that I can spend it and the projects I have planned or am planning to do and how I'm going to get into shape and the things I'm going to do for my husband and the things I'm going to do for my kids and the things I'm going to do for myself and for the state of Idaho and for the United States and the things I'm going to do for the World, if only people would ask me...

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mothers Day

This Mother's Day was the best yet.

I got breakfast in bed.

Cold cereal

Glass of Milk

2 toasts heaped with grape jelly

After Church the hubby and kids made a wonderful dinner.

Mother's Day wouldn't be complete without lots of lovely letters and pictures.

From the girls I got beautiful letters stating:

I know you love me because I am gentle and kind

Mom, I love you because you are nice and remember me.

The notes contained different sized and colored hearts

From the man child he made comments like:

I know you love me because you make me food

Mom, I love you because you make me snacks.

The note contained a picture of fighting guys in a car.

Truly this was the best Mother's Day EVER

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Still Alive

We are still alive.

My brother Jared has left his laptop in my lap so I decided to write a quick post.

We have made it though a Idaho winter and are excited for the warmer weather.

The kids are doing very well in school because the schools in Idaho Falls are behind the schools in Dodgeville. It was good because then the kids were able to focus on adjusting to a new school and making new friends.

Jim is enjoying work and our home is full of Melaleuca products.

There are two great things about living in Idaho:

We are closer to family and
I am playing in the Idaho Falls Symphony.

Being able to play in the Symphony has made this move so much easier for me. It has helped me stay positive.

Boy do we miss our friends in WI. We love you all!