Thou Shalt Have Fun...

Friday, December 19, 2008

Be careful what you wish for.

My friend sent me this cute video and I thought that I would share it with the rest of you.

I find this to be especially important around this time of year when people are wishing and telling others what they want for Christmas.

I hope that we can all be thankful for what we do have.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I'm not an analyst but...

A financial report on the Unites States Market
by a Music Major who is a stay at home Mom.

I thought that I should write this disclaimer before I wrote anything else. I have no idea what is going on or why but I sure have my ideas. So please do not laugh… humm (clearing of throat which is done by the intellectuals of Rome)*

I have heard a lot of theories on why the economy is unstable at this time and just today I read an article that stated consumer prices have dropped 1.7% in the month of November. It is a record setting Month and to some it reflects the awful state our country is in. I don’t believe it is as bad as the economist/media portray it to be.

What happened is after going to war with Iraq and Afghanistan and having Iran angry with us, PLUS the energy crisis, the prices of Gas shot up. This caused all other prices to rise as well. Being a stay at home Mom I watched how the price of a gallon of milk rose to $3.40.

In theory** the prices rose too quickly and for no other reason then greed. When the population saw that prices were rising they decided that they needed to curb their consumer driven lives and became more frugal, cutting down their spending habits.

This caused the investors and speculators, to panic as it began to fall: people just weren’t spending like they used too. And for the people who live off of borrowed money, their time to pay up had arrived.

The price of Gas had risen too high and the stock market had reached its ceiling (I'm sure it can and will go higher, but for now...). The economy is trying to reset itself to a more reasonable price. For example milk is down to $2.30 a price which to me*** makes sense.

It is not deflation, rather the prices are coming down from the gasoline scare/panic/money- hungry price. It was just a bump in the road, like running over road kill. Don't stop and study the already dead animal! Move on!

There, I have said my two pieces which is not worth much in the first place. If people didn’t panic so much/listen to the media, then I don’t think half of the things that are happening would happen. Self- fulfilling prophecy!

Lessons to learn: Don’t live off of borrowed money and stay within your means. And if you don’t, at least have a years worth of food storage!!

*Also made up by yours truly!
** *** again not qualified

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Old Spice and Dreams

It is warm today. The snow is actually melting in the road where the sun can get to it. I know that I am acclimatizing to the weather because at 26 degree’s I only need my jacket.
Though I am acclimatizing to colder weather, I’m not towards being inside. I think that when winter comes we should be more like the bears: grumpy and groggy not knowing what the heck is going on. Well, I’ve got the grumpy part down!
The man child got into Manly man’s deodorant and I now have little bluish clear chunky pieces all over my bed. Why the bed? And WHY MY bed?
So now, if I decide to take a afternoon nap the strong smell of Old Spice will cause me to have fantasies of a rugged strong tan man (Manly man of course) riding into the sunset on his horse that are not appropriate to write about. You know the clips that they show on TV for the cologne commercials. I don’t have time for such dreams HELLO!! Stay at home mom here!
Can you see me riding behind this handsome hunk (Manly man, just in case you missed who I was talking about) my arms stretched out trying not to fall off the horse’s rear end because (inevitably either the middle child or the man child will interrupt my dreaming) of the children sitting between us? Yeah, it doesn’t work!
Well, at least it is funny the way the man child keeps working his tong in his mouth. Feeling a little dry in there boy?
Maybe he’s tried of being inside and resorting to licking deodorant to get a kick!
On second thought, I just might take an afternoon nap!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Oh! The Yummy Carnage

The carnage has begun! But I will get to that in a minute.

On Saturday Lands' End hosted a breakfast with Santa and crafts. The kids had a great time. NJ was brave this year and sat on Santa's lap. The man child never has a problem with people when they give him candy! Banana still did not trust Santa, but she agreed to stand next to NJ. Though Banana would not sit on Santa's knee, she was the first kid on stage when they asked the children to come up and help them sing.

This year we made a cookie tree. We cut out gingerbread cookies and hung them up in the tree. We also made a popcorn and cranberry chain. The tree looks so pretty that I think as a new family tradition we will have a cookie tree and our ornament tree every year.

The first one to succumb to the temptation of the cookie tree.
Caution! This contains graphic violence towards a poor helpless gingerbread boy!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Start to Christmas

Sunday night it snowed. Not a lot of snow, but it was cold and windy enough to make the roads fun to drive on!
The kid’s are excited about the snow and Natalie heads to school every morning with the proper gear. We are also letting Natalie ride the bus home. Now that the weather is cold, it is a lot easier on me because I don't need to back up Hannah and Andrew. She gets home a little before four. What a long day for a little girl! The pick up is at the bottom of the street and the drop off is at the top.
I think the best part of the day for Hannah is when Natalie comes home. Hannah adores her.

For family Home Evening, we counted all the change the children had collected over the year and we divided it by three. Each ended up with almost 12 dollars! The plan is for the kids to use the money to buy a gift for each other. We had them draw a name, which took a while because someone kept drawing their own name. There are not a lot of variables with three children.
Natalie and Hannah are excited about the whole thing and I have a feeling the gifts will not stay wrapped under the tree for long. Andrew doesn't understand what is going on, but seeing his sisters excited makes him bounce around the room!!
Today I'm hoping to make some gingerbread cookies to go on the tree we got Saturday.
Christmas is official here in the Dietrich home.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Fiber in my life.

I'm feeling frustrated today and could use a big cheesy greasy hamburger to help me feel better.

I was hoping to get a lot done and though I have been busy, I haven't accomplished much. Like the constipated urge to push; I'm working hard but nothing seems to be moving. I guess I need a little more fiber in my diet.

I could look at my frustration in two different ways. The first being the inner depressed voice, telling me that this is life and I should, "just get over it". The second and more reasonable voice saying that maybe I'm just tired and need a break.

I feel like I'm running to catch a train that has already left the station. I hear that metaphor a lot, but a train starts moving forward very slowly. I can imagine myself running after it thinking that if I just ran a little faster and a little harder my fingers could wrap themselves around the metal railing. At that moment moment all the hard work would drop away. Then climbing on board I would never have to run again. I don't mean to complain, for there isn't a better train to be running after, but no matter who you are or where you are headed we are always running after "a train".

If fiber is what keeps things moving nicely along like the train, then maybe I'm grinding the wheat at the mill, but not partaking of the bread. I work hard tring to get things done, but forget to take care of myself. The boss wants this, the kids want that. The list goes on and on and on.....and on.

While some people focus too much on themselves, others don't do enough. When I get tired of life, I realize that I need to fill my own cup so that I can keep on giving. Maybe it isn't fiber I need but the belief that the fiber is stong enough to keep going without my help.

Goodbye mill!

I need a girls' night out!!

Now, where's that burger!! Oh! and on a whole wheat bun of course.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Confessions of a stay at home mom

The reason my garbage can is not under the sink is so that I can hide the dirty dishes down there in case some one is coming and there isn't room in the dishwasher.

I'm afraid to go into the laundry room. I'm afraid of the huge scary pile that never goes away. I'm sure some of it is clean but I really do not want to go through the pile doing the smell check. Once is enough!!!

When every step in the kitchen is accompanied with either a crunch or a sticky sound, I know it is time to do something.

I've waited too long to sweep the floor and it took me three dustpan fulls to get it all swept up.

I didn't have time to mop the floor so I made a nice clean walking path though the kitchen using diaper wipes.

If you think my bathroom is clean, don't look in the bath tub; that is where I hid all the stuff.

Mats are so you can hide things under.

I didn't have time to shower so I just washed my hair so it would look like I took a shower. And if I didn't have time for that I just put on more deodorant.

Don't look in the master bedroom. That is another place where things get stashed. You know when my house is "truly" clean when I leave the master bedroom door open.

Dusting? What's that?

We have had cold cereal twice in one day.

Don't look behind the couch!

The toys are in boxes, not to be organized but because it is the fastest way to clean.

I let the kids wear the same clothes until they either smell bad or my hands stick to them when I try to take them off.

I have feed the children left over cake for breakfast.

I forget to eat!

Sometimes we don't have a vegetables with dinner. Mac and cheese is a balanced meal!

My favorite time of the day is nap time and bed time.

I've cheated and sung good night songs really fast!

For family scripture reading we have read only one verse and called it good.

I've put the kids in time-out because I just needed a few minutes!

I've tried to reason with a 2,3,4 and 5 year old. You would thing I have learned and yet I keep hoping.

I've worn the same shirt the very next day (see the earlier comment on the laundry).

I've cried over spilled milk.

I hide under my covers hoping the kids wont find me. I've even hidden in the closet.

The kids have watched the same movie more then once on the same day.

We have had fast food twice in one day.

I have wiped off my children's kisses. Only when they are really slimy or accompanied with food or green slime!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

8 list tag

1. 8 TV shows I watch . I'm sorry to say that I too do not have the ability to watch TV ( ok one off of youtube). But if I had to make a list of 8 things, then I will list the things I follow-
1. Family blogs
2. Friends blogs
3. Literary blogs
4. YouTube
5. America's Next Top Model. Yep, I confess I do watch this off of YouTube. I love the artistry of it and it has helped me understand how much they photo shop each picture. I also love the bone structures of different faces and how everybody has something unique and beautiful.
6. Look at blogs again, just in case something came up from the last time I looked
7. What?! more blog looking
8. Whats going on here? Is someone stalling or something?

.2 List 8 favorite Restaurants. First of all I live in a little town with not much to choose from and I haven't really eaten out much except when family comes or I go and see Melanie or Jenny.
1. Culvers- not a favorite but we go there. It is better then McD- but then again that's not saying much.
2. Wendy's/ Sonic- in the fast food department I think I prefer these two over the rest.
3. Cheesecake Factory. I had some realy good fish there...
4. British Bub . ate at one in MI
5. I would love a good Chinese restaurant. Know any around here?
6. The Macaroni grill.
7. Any meal for free
8. Any meal with friends (maybe this should be first) side note. I usually get sick every time I eat out! I guess I wouldn't say every time but 90% of the time.

3. 8 Things that Happened Yesterday.
I'm starting my list early in the morning because sometime it just happens
1. Got up twice with Hannah who was complaining that her tummy hurt. Got out a big bowl and put it next to her bed.
2. Got up and got breakfast going/family going/ Natalie off to school-Jim off to work
3. stopped Hannah and Andrew from fighting
4. cleaned up breakfast and got dishwasher going. I was lazy and called that a day's work!
5. Checked blogs (to help my list be less boring I will only list this once)
6. Worked (stopped fighting) on (got snacks) the (cleaned messes) computer (mediate a peace treaty between the fighting nations of Hannah and Andrew).
7. Cleaned up the after school mess of papers and a backpack full of leaves brought home just for me!
8. dinner-VOTE- primary meeting-bed.
I cheated a little but got the day in a list of 8!

4. 8 Things I’m looking forward to
3. Sister reunion
4.Family reunion
5.Primary program (this Sunday)
6.Lunch (in ten minutes)
7. Nap time (right after lunch)
8. Book club

5. Thing on my wish list
1. Maid to do the cleaning
2.Maid to do the laundry
3. A cook
4.measuring cups that stay in the kitchen
5. Spatulas that stay in the kitchen
6. A new whisk that stays a whisk and stays in the kitchen
7. a fence
8.a tight bum- I'm being lazy and just writing the last step to getting into shape.

6. 8 Things I Love
1. family and friends
2. Listening or performing in an romantic sized Symphony Orchestra
3. A night where I slept the whole night through
4. A reason to celebrate
5. watching a baby sleep
6. Happy children
7. A good warm pie with cold ice cream on top!
8.Laughing so hard it hurts

7. 8 Things I Can't Stand
1. nose hairs sticking out
2. Big boogies
3. The smell left after changing a stinky diaper because that is when someone always shows up
4. I go crazy when I can't find something I just had in my hands a moment before
5. When the kids wont stop fighting
6. Lack of concert etiquette
7. Cleaning up gross things
8. Bullies

8. 8 people to tag. I don't like tagging people so I will make up some.
1. George
2. Job
3. Heather
4. Nillie
5. Wally
6. Cheese and crackers
7. Family who want too?
8. Tarzan

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween Night

We had a fun Halloween. As I mentioned before, NJ had the stomach flu and I felt trepidation towards Halloween. Gratefully (is it me or does this word just look wrong), she was the only one to get ill. Banan's, The boys, NJ and my pumpkin.
NJ was a fairy princess, Banana a princess and the man child was a Halloween present. On the back I wanted to put a sign that read, "Isn't my presence enough?" But he decided that he wanted to wear a cape (by the way he is still wearing it today) and it hid the written note.

The last two picture is what Athe man child prefers to wear when he is permitted to chose his wardrobe.

No pants with marker drawn legs, jacket (just in case we go somewhere), red cape and a car in each hand.

Flying through the air- typical man child.
Completely off the previous subject, I found a new phrase that I'm smitten with and I'm determined to find a opportunity to use it. Shouldn't be hard seeing that we live in WI. Ahem... Shredded Sharp Cheddar Cheese. I think it sounds better as Sharp Shredded Cheddar Cheese, but it is the Cheese which is sharp, not the shredded. Therefore, to be correct it would need to be Shredded Sharp. What do you think?

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Party

The weekend before Halloween our friends the Tatro's had a rock'n party at their house. They pulled out all the stops and I was happy that people came dressed up.
We even had the Clintons over! Talk about scary!!
There was a pie contest which of course could only be the coolest thing ever. To go to someones house all dressed up so that no one can recognize you and there is tables full of good food and all different kinds of pies can only equal pure glutony!!!!
I'm sorry about the picture of me. I think I must have been casting a constipating spell on Manly man the rapper guy. Also take note that Manly man is standing next to THE Joe the plumber.
Thanks to the Tatros for being willing to put all their other friendships on the line by having over the Dietrich hooligans.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Crafts

I didn't want Melanie to feel alone in her bagging's, so here are the crafts we have been doing on Friday's of this Halloween month.

Don't I have great ideas! I love the warts on the witches!! Who said you have to have money to have you house decorated cutely?!?! Also notice the googly eyes on the bats.

Today the girls made crowns for their costumes tonight. You will have to wait until later to see them because A.) the glue is still wet and runny
B.) you will see it when the kids are all dressed up and ready for trick or treating!
Yesterday NJ was sick with the flu but today she feels much better. What a bummer to be sick on a day off of school! I'm hoping that none of the other kids get sick. Imagine having the flu for Halloween NO! On second thought don't think about having the flu of Halloween. It is truly a scary thought.
Oh! by the way. NJ has the hiccups and she said it is because she is just a little (holding up a infinitesimal gap between her thumb and pointer finger) sick.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I'm sorry that I am behind in my blogs. My excuse is my level of activity. It has been the kind of busy that does not leave time for me to sit around feeling sorry for myself. Last week was full of this awesome kind of busy and I have pictures from a totally wicked Halloween party. Don't worry it was family friendly!! I will post those pictures later. The reason the soccer post is first (though it was one day later) is because it felt easier. Plus what can be more important then soccer, besides working off the previous night's cookies, pies, candy, and doughnuts? It was really cold on Saturday. Brr! You will have to look under their coats and jackets to see the jersey color. I coached the blue team.
NJ is the one in the light pink jacket. NJ does a really good job of running back and kicking the ball away from the goal. Last year she would hurry and stand in front of the little goal so that the ball could not get past her, but this year she has really improved in her understanding of the game.
The one skill that seems to be the hardest to learn (besides passing) is being able to quickly change the direction of the ball or to turn it around. A lot of time our team scored on themselves. But we clapped and cheered them on just the same.
This is me trying to be the bossy coach and tell NJ where she should stand. She mostly likes to do her own thing. One thing about NJ is she is very competitive, so that I don't have to be running around trying to keep her engaged in the game. There was a few this year that I would have to refocus.
"No we are not playing monster! Please get up off the ground! Hey no playing in the nets!!! Stop! Come back!! Where are you going? COOOOMMMMEEE BACK! You just took a water break. Can't you wait until the ball goes out again? Yes I saw that big kick. Good job! "

The cutest thing was when they backed up 10 feet to kick the ball really hard. It mostly threw them off, but at least I could tell that the were planning a HUGE kick!
The most rewarding aspect of coaching was seeing the players improve. It may not necessarily be in terms of soccer skills, but in how they related to the other players or just their confidence in their own abilities. I loved it when a big smile would cover their face and they jumped up and down with excitement. "I did it coach! I did it!"
I have a drawn picture from one of my players. It is a picture of him and I playing soccer. That is why I coach, so that they can have fun playing the best sport in the world!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The man child is stuck

On a lighter note then today's earlier blog.
Banana came up stairs to get me today. She told me that the man child was stuck in the laundry room.
Do you think I should turn on the fluff or do we have enough silliness in this family?

Wednesday write-up

On mornings when I can not seem to get going on my story, I open up a new page and just start to write. Sometimes it make sense; other times it's just ranting and raving. Once in a while it ends up being something I can use in my book. I decided to post this one because I did go to all the work to look up scriptures. There is a saying, "If you wrote today, then you are a writer." I hope grocery lists count!

It has been a week and I need to make a post. If I don’t then I might get out of the habit, and since I love reading other peoples blogs I feel I have a duty to keep up mine. At least it is not like having to clean your house when other people come. Why is it that as women, our self-worth is attached to the cleanliness of our homes?
We understand that our homes should be like a temple and that God is orderly. Then how come no matter how hard I work, the laundry and dishes are never done and the messes always seem to magically appear. What is it that we should learn from the polar opposites of what it real (realistic) and perfection.

Our home is like the temple:

After reading nearly 500 pages of neglect, grief and dealing with emotional trauma in Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre, the book ends happily with the marriage between Jane and her Mr. Rochester. The ending is worth the wait.
She states, “I hold myself supremely blest-blest beyond what language can express, because I am my husband’s life as fully as he is mine…” Our homes are where this happy ending begins.
Not only can marriage last beyond the grave for us as couples, but also for children and siblings brought into this relationship. Home is where eternal families are made, taught and nourished.

God also stated in Eccl 3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
This is a season and time when my house is going to be messy. My focus is on teaching and nourishing little spirits. That takes a lot of time and effort. And when I use the word effort I mean, spiritual, physically and mentally.

D&C 4:2: Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day. Whether we are raising children of our own, as members of a family are we not doing the work of God as we strive to have or continue our forever family?
“Only the home can compare with the temple in sacredness.” Bible dictionary (p.781)
We need to understand that these small mundane tasks are “sacred” and that they do not “get in the way” of the sacredness of our homes.

In an Essay by Kristine Manwaring, she begins expressing her discouragement in the daily routines of motherhood: three meals a day, soccer practice, dirty laundry. The connection between eternal life and daily life…escapes me… When I think of “sacredness” I think of temples…white couches, hushed voices, crystal chandeliers, and uninterrupted worship… Homes, on the other hand, are noisy, messy and often disorganized, and characterized by nothing but interruptions. But when we look on Christ’s life, he also took care of others physical needs along with their spiritual needs. Family work and talking care of life-sustaining tasks helps to bind family member.

When work is done together as a family, it gives a great opportunity for parent and child discussion and great teaching moments. When we realized that mundane tasks, such as like folding laundry, putting away dishes, picking up toys, help the child/parent relationship feel equal. The child feels a sense of family unity, involvement and needed. As an adult it teaches us humility and to not feel above these simple and repetitive tasks.

Matthew 25: 35-40
35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:
36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.
37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?
38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?
39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?
40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

When I think of these scriptures the first thought is of those outside my family, when actually the first people we should be serving are those within our own families. Then as a Mother am I not doing this every single day?! What more could be important and sacred then this?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Spoon to good use

I took this video a while ago, and I'm tired of not posting things. To tell you the truth I have a few posts written out but never "aired." The reason you may ask? is the manly man. When I'm worried about a post-will it make since, does it sound silly or dumb-I have manly man look it over. GLUG! It falls into the ever stagnant pond of perfection. Talk about a lonely place! Manly man is a perfectionist and if he can't say what he wants in three sentences or less, it doesn't get written/sent. It's a great skill to have for memo's and things of work , but what about (do I dare use the word?) art. Or in my case an attempt at art. (I'm still in the crayon and construction paper stage. But hey, since when are crayons boring?).
He will be a tough editor to please. I'm working on thickening my skin in preparation . (If I look larger it is because of this skin thickening workout NOT because of the ice cream, cheese burger, pizza diet.) This short rant has nothing to do with the man child using his spoon, but there it is and I have said it.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

When not to sign your name...

The other evening I went into the front room and saw that someone (who could it be?) had colored all over our piano. By then the crayons had been put away and the kids were happily playing in their rooms. Of course I was not very happy with the new color scheme and when looking at the markings on the wall I saw that the artist had signed their work. This is one time when one should not sign their work; at least not until they have a degree to stand behind or when it is done on ones own canvas!
H,H,H,H,H,H.... who could that be?

Friday, October 3, 2008


I am so glad that it is a new day! I also really like Friday's. Yesterday started out not being the best of mornings and I should have known that it was going to only get worse. I don't mean to be a pessimist, but in this case my gut feelings were right.
I was hoping to make breakfast, but instead ended up with cold cereal. Maybe if I had made the planned oatmeal with raisins the rest of the day could have moved happily along.
The man child got into the Frigidaire and decided to satisfy his egg fetish for the day, and painted wonderful yellow and goopy white pictures on the kitchen floor. The yokes clean up pretty easily, but the whites just slide around the floor in it's congealed form. After cleaning that up, I put the man child in his room to play with his toys while I took a shower. I guess that this wasn't necessary seeing that I no longer had eggs in the fridge, but he didn't mind and it made me feel safer. Now for the middle child....
Banana wanted to color a picture. I got her out a nice clean sheet of paper and a pencil. Seems harmless enough so I felt that everything would be ok while I took my shower. I didn't take a long shower but by the time I got out things had gotten black and ugly.
Banana no longer satisfied with the pencil decided that she should change it out for one of those dark black markers I keep up in a cup on the open shelve near the window. Needless to say this kind of black marker smells bad but can sure make beautifully dark art. The cheap paper that Ban was using could not hold this awesome marker and it leaked all over the kitchen table.
When I came into the kitchen she was waving her hand over her nose and grinning up at me. I'm sorry to admit but I did not return this cute smile. Ban was sent to her room while I scrubbed and scrubbed trying to remove the permanent marker of the kitchen table. Most of it came off which was good for Banana's salvation. Now for NJ...
NJ is in kindergarten and therefore I don't have to worry about her, but that didn't protect her from the curse of the day. She got stung from a hornet and cried and milked the situation for all it was worth. The school nurse did call me to let me know and to make sure she was not allergic to a sting. Back to the man child, poor guy.
The man child has this talent for getting into my kitchen drawers and yesterday it happened to be the knife drawer. I don't know how it happened but he sliced open the top of his head. I heard what sounded like he had been in the knife drawer and when I came to check on him I could see blood all over his hand. I thought that he had cut up his hand at first but after cleaning it up I couldn't see anything. Then I noticed blood all over his blanket!!! Apparently he had used his blanket to comfort his wound head. When I saw his blood soaked hair I about died, but knowing that head wounds bleed a lot I was able to stay under control. I cleaned it up and it wasn't too bad, but I wanted to make sure. Lands' End has a little clinic and it being almost 5:00 I didn't have much time to get him there. I called Manly man but he didn't answer so I headed out to Lands' End kids in tow. Needless to say, I got the man child there right before they closed. They cleaned out his cut which didn't feel to good and then they glued it shut. The doctor also sent me home with some antibiotics just in case. Hey! my kitchen knifes are clean!! All in all it cost me $30.00. You can't beat that. When we took MM to the ER for his cut (doing the same procedure) it cost a WHOLE lot more. Well, at least something went well and I am glad that the manly child's cut wasn't bad.
We picked up Manly man from work and I went into my room and read for the rest of the night except for the 6:30 lesson I had forgotten I had. Good thing it is a man so I'm sure he didn't notice my messy house (this is what I keep telling myself so I don't feel embarrassed).
To finish the day I had a bowl of sanity fixing and well deserved ice cream!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Got Milk

On Friday Dave, Stephanie, Jo and Kevin came over for lunch. Stephanie is pursuing a masters degree in Dairy Science. It was interesting to ask her questions about regular milk vs. organic milk and about the growth hormones that everybody seems worried about. Stephanie was more than happy to answer our questions. I will give you a brief overview of what I learned.

The difference between Organic milk and regular milk:
1. Organic milk costs more $$$
2. To be qualified to use the word "Organic" you have to have been organic for three years.
This doesn't mean you have to treat your cows any different, have them in greener pastures, give them bubble baths, etc. What "organic" does mean is that when they are sick or ill, you can only use certain kinds of medicine. For example if your cow gets mastitus, instead of giving her antibiotics you put garlic up in her udder. I don't know about you, but I would rather have meds then garlic in funny places.
3. Every truck that leaves a dairy is tested, regardless of what kind of milk it's carrying. If it doesn't meet code the farmer has to pay for the whole truck. Not good! No farmer wants to pay for his own milk. So in fact it is not likely that you will get sick or ill from milk, whether it is "organic" or not.
4. Organic milk does come in very cute container and has a smiling cow, so the cow must be happier right?

Growth hormones in milk.
The growth hormones in milk should not be confused with human growth hormones If milk from cows contained human hormones, milk-drinkers would be very big and very sick people (not to mention cows with human hormones would probably be mutants). Hormones in cows' milk are not the same in people - very different.

The most interesting bit of information related to the research she is doing on the feed they give the cows. The farmers add a substance to the plants to get them to produce more (I don't have the correct jargon, but I hope that I can at least get the idea across). A side effect is the growth of Streptococcus-like bacteria in the feed made from the plants when it is processed and stored. She is doing a study on that. This same substance used by the farmers is also used for some of our own foods, but her focus is on the cows. Interesting huh??!

This made me think about how much influence the media has over people. They might be right in some areas, but the reason they are telling us is for the shock value. If it was boring would we listen?? I need to do my own research and ask people who are in the field of expertise. Just something I was thinking about.
What do you think?

Friday, September 19, 2008

Banana's Blog

Now that NJ is in school, Banana gets to be my big girl and helper. Ban has the cutest sense of style and her take on the world is fun to hear. The other day Ban was dancing around in the front room while I clapped. She stopped and told me, "I'm beginning to look like Rapunzel. You know, the one with the long golden hair."
She danced a little bit more before telling, "And you can be the bad witch mom!"

Both NJ and Ban like to put things on their heads, but I always wondered about the hat. Today I learned that the hat keeps on the long blankets and table cloth, whatever is in style that day.

Yesterday while we waited outside the school for Ban she found a bunch of small sticks. She put one under her chin and then drew a second stick over the other one.

"I'm playing the ola (viola, violin)." It was so cute that I had her take home her "ola" so that I could take pictures of her.

I used to think Ban was going to play a brass instrument, but now I'm not so sure.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Man child's Birthday

Today the man child turned two. I can hardly believe that my baby is now two years old! He is such a happy guy and has a lot of energy. He adds a lot of excitment and joy to our family. I'm sure that manly man enjoys having someone on his side when it comes to watching Princess movies.
The girls were realy excited about the man child's birthday. They helped me shop for his presents and helped me decorate. They were more excited about His birthday than HE was.
The girls each gave him a matchbox car. I let them pick it out themselves and he couldn't open up their wrapped bags fast enought. He also got a new fuzzy blanket and a play hammer. But as you can see, he liked the cars the best.
For His birthday cake I made him an alligator. It would have liked to make him a frog, but I couldn't figure out a shape without having to make a whole lot of different shapes. After I had the alligator all decked out I felt like I needed to name it. But I couldn't name it because then you have a hard time eating it.
The alligator on fire. I have grand plans for a dragon if ever a kid wants one. The man child had a hard time blowing the candles out. He just wanted to smell the cake!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Corn and Tomatoes

We have been eating a lot of corn recently. Canned corn, frozen corn does not have a leg to stand on when it comes to fresh, sweet corn on the cob. The first time I cooked up five ears of corn thinking that the kids would only eat half of a cob but that wasn't enough and we all ended up wanting more. Natalie showing off her half eaten cob.
The next time we had corn on the cob for dinner I cooked up a dozen. I was worried that we would not be able to eat that much, but I was wrong-very wrong.
The only sound at the dinner table was the biting and chewing of the corn. I had cooked it just right and the kernels still crisp, yet soft burst with sweet juice. There was no fighting or bickering that night. It was wonderful! I think that we should have corn every night, just to help keep the noise down.
This is a small picture of the damage done to my cherry tomatoes. The man child turns my lazy Susan (I think that is what the cupboard that goes around and around is called?) and climbs up it to get onto the counter. Since I come into the kitchen when I hear the loud scraping of a moving chair he has learned to do something that is very stealthy. He had a great time smashing the cherry tomatoes. Pop, pop POP!!!

First Day of school

Here are a few pictures of NJ on her first day of school. Her teacher is Miss Steger and she has two kids from her soccer team in her class. NJ realy likes school and yesterday got a note telling me that she had done very well in class that day.

She has a deaf student in her class which I think is realy neat. Hopefuly she can put her signing time skills to use!
This skirt we got at the Lands' end sale. Isn't it cute!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Tag your it

My sister Melanie's roommate from Ricks tagged me. If you are thinking why in the world would someone who was Melanie's roommate be tagging me? Then you have never met Mauvia. She came and visited us once in NM and everyone though she was a long lost sister. We think of her that way. So here are the rules of Tag:
Link the person who tagged you
Mention the rules on your blog
Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them
Leave a comment on each of the tagged bloggers blogs letting them know they have been tagged.
My Tagger was
My Quirks are:
1. My moods are not very stable and I can go from one minute on top of the world to the very bottom. When I start to get grumpy my family, not saying a word about it, will set food in front of me. If they did tell me to eat then I would get upset, but once I eat then I will be my cheerful self again.
2. I'm trying to write a book, but I don't think that I will ever be able to let someone edit it. I know that it wont be perfect and that I NEED someone to edit it, but I'm afraid that I will lock myself up in my room and not come out for day's. But right now I just need to focus on getting it written. I love to discuss other writing and I have a lot of opinions, so I think that means I'm not good at writing. Isn't that how things go? If you can't write then you tell everyone else how? I'm all about Character development. Right now I am frustrated because I can't see how my heroine and hero are going to end up together. They should!!! They really should, but I don't think its possible and I don't want people to hate my book at the end because they don't. I know I would!!! What a wast. Why did I read this! Ugghh
3. I love classical music, but I also like Avril and evanescence. Jim was shocked when he heard me listening to it. Nathan was the one to introduce me to them. I think it has to do with my moods. I love Beethoven's fifth and that has to be the evanescence of classical music.Right?
4. I hate doing the dishes! When I make my millions (0ff 0f my book of course) I plan on having two dishwashers; one for pots and the other for smaller dishes. I don't want to have to wash anything.
5. I can't play chess. I get so upset if I loose. I have a complex that if someone beats me then that means that I am dumb. Jim loves to play chess and I have tried on more then one occasion but the chess board ends up on the floor with the pieces flying around the room. Therefore it has become something I just can't do.
6. I always thought that I could be the brave sort of person that could live anywhere; even in a foreign country. I have since learned that I need my family and I wish that I lived closer!!!!! So much closer... Anyone know of job openings?
Though there is only six listed I'm going to list a 7th. I'm always worried that I am bugging someone I'm not going to tag anyone else. I of course like doing tags but I don't know how others feel. I don't want anyone to hate me!
If you read this and want to, those on my blog roll........?
Andrea? Stacey? Amy? Kristi? Chelsea? Molly?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Milk Break

Today Natalie went to school and had a meeting with her teacher for about 15 minutes and tomorrow she officially starts school. I have mixed feelings about her going to school. I think that I would only feel happy about her being able to be a big girl and going to school, if it weren't for the fact that Kindergarten is ALL day. I think that that is just too long to be gone when you are only five turning six. I know that now the kids are reading already, but still they are kids. Let them be children for as long as possible. Plus I went to half day kindergarten and turned out alright, right?
Another thing that made me grumpy was the fact that I have to pay for milk for her milk break. I'm serious they have a milk break. I guess that if you are from Iowa you would have a corn break, from Idaho a potato break and from New Mexico a tortilla/salsa break. Seems kinda silly to me. I know that it is to help the state with it's milk selling. I like supporting my local dairy's. I guess what makes me upset is I want to be able to choose how to spend my money. I know I'm just griping, and if everyone was drinking milk Natalie would want to drink along with them so of course I'm going to pay the monthly milk break free, but wouldn't it be nice if I had a choice or better yet pack her own snack? what happened to that? What about the gushers or the crackers that you can smear on the fake cheese with the small red stick of plastic? The kind of snacks everyone else had but you? I have been waiting for the day when I, the cool mom, could buy a fun treat and my daughter would think I was the best ever!! Ok! So maybe I wanted to have an excuss to buy them and not feel guilty. Something I could sneak and eat after the kids had gone to bed. Alas, my goals in life have been shattered!!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

FHE Pudding and Soccer

After family home evening, we all helped make pudding for our treat. The kids all took turns dumping in the milk, and took their turn stirring. We also got really wild and added marshmallows. You can see Natalie holding up her puddin' covered marshmallow. They were so excited to eat the pudding! They were squirming in their seats with mouth watering anticipation. You would think that I had never given them a treat before. I think that they were so excited because of their participation in the preparation. Hum... that sounded like some rap song or something. The participation in the preparation. Dum, dum dee dum. WWWAAA!!

My sister Melanie has started a blog and I have to admit that I am a little jealous. She was worried that she had nothing interesting to write about and yet her blog is a whole lot more interesting then mine. So I will try to jazz mine up. But I can't think of anything right now.

Last night I did go to a soccer meeting and the name of the team I am coaching is the Wave. Natalie is going to be on the team or should I say I am coaching Natalie's team the Wave?
Every team has two coaches because they split up the teams when they play a game; except for mine. I hope that I have a parent that is willing to help with the games. The ICUSL also wants me to join as the VP or anything to help. Maybe it's because I am so much younger then the rest of them and they think I have lots of energy and time. I did agree to come to their meetings once a month. From there I can see what I want to take on. I would love to help the league, but I don't want it to take away from my church callings and teaching lessons. We will see. At least it made me feel important.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Prince and Princess

Right now I'm trying to work on my story sitting in the front room on the couch, which had been made into a bed. I know that I will get into trouble for sitting on it in a moment; it has something to do with the game that Natalie and Hannah are playing.
The story writing isn't going very well because the girls have music playing and are dancing together. Natalie is in a princess dress and Hannah put on black pants and a white shirt. A Princess and Prince. Why is it the older sister that always gets to be the Princess? No matter because they are both laughing and having a good ol' time. It is very cute and every time they laugh I have to look up and smile.
The most fun thing is to watch as they look at themselves in the grandfather clock's pendulum swaying side to side as they look at their reflection.
Kids are great at helping you remember how simple things can be fun and what a great gift our imagination is.

Update photo's

Melanie took us out to eat. It was a small fun restaurant and of course I love the fact that I didn't have to cook. It looks like Natalie has the same "bubble" issue's that Melanie has. Thanks Melanie for the good time!
This is the handsome Alec with something in his mouth because his hands were full. He had just gotten back from band.
Natalie and Jacob playing fireman. I mean fire person.
Andrew was mostly interested in driving, but he let his cousin Carly drive for a while. By the way Andrew is looking out for cats so that Carly can smile in the picture. They had a table where you could make bubbles. I think that everyone had fun at that station seeing that everyone was getting in the fun...well, maybe not Alec. Someone had to be mature.
Some more of the kids making bubbles. I think that the bubbles came second only to the light sensitive wall. As you may notice there are no photo's of that because I too was plastering myself to the wall. We made some beautiful body/shadow art.
Jenny and Tom also took Jim and I out for launch at the Cheesecake Factory for our Anniversaries; we both got married on August 16 just 11 years apart. Sorry that we rained on your parade!
Thanks for letting us come and swim in your pool!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Here we are in Texas. Yesterday I experienced one of the joys of being in Texas; I was bitten by a Fire Ant.
I had always imagined that fire ants looked like the big red ants in NM, but in fact fire ants are small like sugar ants but sure have a big OWCH! I looked down on one of my toes when I felt a heated pain. WHAT! I said looking down and seeing a little ant holding on tight to my toes. With an easy smash it had bitten it's last victim. But how could something so small hurt that much? If you have nothing to do, looking up red ands in wickipedia is very interesting and the methods they are using to try and control them.
The weather here has been very cool for Texas August but I realy don't mind. Hum...I wonder why?
The Parkinsons have a beautiful pool in their back yard and we played in it yesterday. Natalie threw a fit about having to go inside for dinner. I'm not hungry! I want to swim! She whined at me. I had to laugh. The only way I got her to come inside was to explain to her that there was a pool in the back yard and we planned on playing in it tomorrow. I guess that she hadn't thought it through very well, but since when was a hungry tired five year old reasonable? I'm almost 27 and I'm not reasonable when I'm tired and hungry, but in my defense at least I know it's because I'm tired and hungry.
I'm enjoying being here with family. My nieces and nephews are so grown up. I remember them being so little and though I am excited for them I still wish there were still little and looking up at me like I was a cool person. Ok I realy miss the cool person thingie. I guess that is what growing up means. I'm not "cool" anymore. But maybe it's not so bad because I still think my big sister is awesome. She drives her kids here and there to all their different activities and she does it cheerfully. I'm very impressed. So maybe the cool thing doesn't go away entirely; it just changes.
Today we are planning on going to the aquarium. I don't have the cord to get the pictures from the camera to the laptop. You can't have everything when you travel. I'm just glad I remembered the toothbrushes, underwear and bathing suits.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Hey! What did you do today?

This is what we did today. What did you do? Andrew put himself in time out. He laughed at first but then it wasn't so much fun when he couldn't get out.
Melanie is here visiting, but of course I forgot to get my camera and we can't get the pictures off of hers. Maricalesf inslkut htliw sorry I changed to dragon. RARRRWWWRR! and that's lion. Just in case you wanted to know. Melanie and I have stayed up way past midnight. Ask us about the pig in the livestock pavilion next time you see us.....wearing our new clothes.
Oh and by the way Gage likes US the best. We got a letter from him. Have you got a letter from Gage? I don't think so.

Thursday, July 31, 2008


So I don't having anything exciting or cute to write about but I wanted to write something, because I sure enjoy reading other people's blog.
I broke down and let Jim get me a laptop computer. I hate spending money on myself when there are so many other things we could use the money for, but I love it and I use it all the time...I mean... so anyway I can read blogs look on youtube, I MEAN work on my story. It has been really nice to not be stuck down stairs. The kids can play at the park or in the back yard and I can get a few minutes here and there to work on it. I has been wonderful!

I titled this post ants and I bet you are wondering why. On Friday we noticed that down stairs we were seeing a bunch of ants. Yes, we have got some sugar ants. Last night while I was picking up the kid’s toys and then vacuuming the floor, I realized that for the ants this must be the promise land. We have three children that leave yummy sticky spots where ever they go and no matter if you put a bib on or something, crumbs of delectable goodness fall to the floor. I bet that the Queen ant is sitting down in her dark chambers giving everyone high fives. "I'm the bomb!" she is probably saying. 'Talk about the land flowing with milk and honey." To bad their fun is about to end, but now seeing things from their point of view I feel kinda sorry for them....then again maybe not.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Grandma and Grandpa

Sorry it has taken me so long to write-up a new blog.

We have been having a good time with Grandma and Grandpa who came from Pennsylvania to visit us.

We were blessed to have had great weather, which has wonderfully continued. It hasn't been hot and muggy. Or maybe I'm just getting used to humidity.

Here are a few highlights of the fun things we did.

Andrew in a car at the Children's Museum. The children (and even the adults) had a good time playing. At first the kids were so excited that they were alowed to touch everything and play with anything that was there, that they were running from room to room and object to object. It was fun to watch their excitement.
They had a funny car/wind thingy that Natalie loved to "fish" off of. Here she is holding up a fish she caught.
Hannah climbing in and out of a very large fish.
Grandpa pushing Natalie at the park. Natalie kept asking Grandpa for an underdog. He did oblige her. The things grand kids can milk out of their grandparents is just amazing to watch. By the way, where in the world did underdog come from? I mean what a funny name. It reminds me of the underminer from The Incredibles.
Andrew and Hannah climbing on the humpty-dumpty ladder. Andrew is amazing, he has absolutely no fear and he believes that he can do anything anyone else can. The problem is that he has a great sense of balance and can get himself into very "sticky" situations.

One funny thing that happened while we were at the park was while Jim was watching Hannah she stopped in the middle of her climbing and sat down with a quizzical look. Jim asked her what she was thinking about.

"I'm thinking about college." She said her face still very serious with contemplation. Then after a few moments she stood up and said. "I'm all done thinking."

I don't know why she was thinking about college, but I'm glad that one of my children is looking ahead and planning for the future. But I think I will grow worried if she starts thinking about marriage. Which reminds me...Natalie asked me when she could get married and I told her not until she was 28. She has a great memory and so when she is talking to Hannah she tells her that she can not get married until she is 28. "Right Mom?" She yells at me. "That's right." I confirm.