Showing posts with label dungeon of doom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dungeon of doom. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Dwarven Forge Wildlands Kickstarter Rewards Have Arrived

I backed the Dwarven Forge Wildlands Kickstarter for a small amount and really wish I had both the storage space and the money to have picked up a bit more than I eventually did.

Over the last three DF Kickstarters (Dungeon of Doom, Caverns Deep, Wildlands) I have had to limit my participation below what in better times I would have invested. One of the many types of items it would have been good to get are the Terrain Trays and the magnetized pieces instead of non-magnetized. In hind sight it is easy to recognize just how handy they are, but sadly they are all currently out of stock. Of course with the cost of my storage locker increasing every year I'm at a loss for where to put it if I had backed for more stuff.

The Dwarven Forge collection began with a Master Maze Room and Passage set. It started small, but as my income grew, so too did my appetite for the terrain. Now that my income has fallen to a bare trickle my ability to collect is about as limited as when I first got bit by the DF bug.

The Reliquaries Kickstarter was skipped since it held little usefulness for my terrain needs and displaying dice on top of stuff is a recipe for disaster with cantankerous cats lurking about.

Here are the Wildlands rewards I've received (pictures are from the Dwarven Forge website). I'll be taking them to the next game session since they'll either get used then or the session afterward (most likely).

And here are the aforementioned cats.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Sepulchre of the Bronze Legion: Room 6

Room 6:
Laid to rest here is the majority of the Legion's swordsman and officers. The sarcophagus contains the remains of the commander, waiting for the time when the Legion is called to fight again.

The commander is wearing bronze breast plate, grieves and bracers in perfect condition. He is wielding a bronze long sword and bears a bronze shield.

Upon the sarcophagus is the Legion Seal, a symbol of a bronze shield crossed by sword and spear. If this is taken from the lid skeletons from every room will begin to rise to pursue and slay the thieves.

In the Southwest corner is a door with a clockwork mechanism. It can be opened once the procedure is determined (easy task).

In the Southeast corner is a secret door leading south.

Full Map:

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Friday, February 15, 2019

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Sepulchre of the Bronze Legion: Room 2

Room 2:
In the secluded corner of this room is a burial niche containing a bronze shield in perfect condition. Beneath the shield of a trap that will launch a poisonous powder at anyone disturbing the shield. The trap will affect anyone in the secluded corner.

Full Map:

Monday, February 11, 2019

Sepulchre of the Bronze Legion: Room 1

Renowned for their skill and resolve in battle, the Bronze Legion built their own secret burial chambers. Here their dead are together in death as they were in life, ready to fight enemies that threaten them.

This is the third mini dungeon of an ongoing series that will be posted, built using Dwarven Forge terrain. The full map is at the bottom of the post.

Room 1: Pool of the Dead
This room is cold, barely above freezing. In the center of the room is a pool fed from an icy spring. It is fresh and clean. Marching in a line around the perimeter of the circular room are three skeletons armed with spears. They will ignore visitors unless they are attacked or thieves have stolen the Legion Seal from room 6.

Full Map:

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Dungeon of Jolokia - Rooms 1 and 2

Here are rooms 1 and 2 of the snake dungeon converted into Dwarven Forge terrain. Below the pictures is the original map.

Room 1: Flanking the stairsdown into this chamber are a pair of grand statues depicting great twisting serpents with human heads. To the south double doors bear the fading painting of a screaming face with images of flames inside the mouth.

Room 2: The walls of this room are covered in mosaic tiles depicting many beings contorted in pain, their mouths open with what appears to be flames around their tongues. The floor is covered in a swirling serpent-like pattern with worn pathways from the tread of many feet.

Tapestries hide doors on the west and east walls. The tapestries show a great open mouth, a human headed serpent wrapped around the tongue with flames stretching the length of the beast.

The door to the east is locked.

Any noise of normal talking volume or above will draw the attention of the naga in room 4 who will come listen at the west door to determine a course of action. If it believes the party have passed out of room two through the east door it will pause for certainty and then quietly follow them planning an ambush later.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Messing around with some Dwarven Forge

I'll be posting some short dungeons built with Dwarven Forge pieces, typically they will be 5 to 10 rooms in size. Meanwhile here are two pictures taken of some Dwarven Forge bits thrown together for the fun of it.

I'm looking forward to doing more DF setups as the blog progresses.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Dwarven Forge Kickstarter 5 Snakes and Jade (and corrections)

More beans have been spilled and a big reveal is coming later today.

First a correction, the blood red in the previous post was (to quote Darkest Dungeon's Wayne June) merely a trick of the light.

The design of the final segment of this kickstarter includes a massive amount of jade coloring and incredibly detailed sculpting of pieces.

This new Dwarven Forge set is gorgeous. I'm anxious to see the details in the full release information later today.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Dwarven Forge Kickstarter 5 Forsaken Temple (of Doom)

More previews from the Dungeon of Doom kickstarter. The awesome continues.

Blood red altar and steps, serpent pillars, the serpent floor design pieces speculated about in a much earlier post, additional decorative pieces, etc.


Monday, June 26, 2017

Dwarven Forge Kickstarter 5 - HOLY SNAKE SHIT

The Dungeon of Doom kickstarter is about half way through and already has eclipsed 1.6 million dollars on the way toward what could be well over 2 million by the end.

After looking carefully through the video of the kickstarter at the 3:38 mark you can see this amazing reveal of the heart and soul of this kickstarter: the real reason it is called the Dungeon of Doom; it may be inhabited by the bigger, badder brother of Conan's enemy Thulsa Doom.

Take a gander at these amazing pieces! The LED statue, the various wall pieces with intricate carvings, some with eyes, and the LED brazier with green flame. Wow!

At the time of writing this post, this has not been revealed in the kickstarter, but it isn't a secret since others have discovered it like I did by going through the video with frequent pauses to look for the cool pieces.

This truly is the dungeon of doom to your wallet; so much awesome stuff!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Dwarven Forge Kickstarter 5 - Ziggurat of stairs and other goodies

The latest teaser shows some interesting pieces. Take a good long, close look. Some we've seen before like the fancy floors. There's a corner pillar piece carved like a demon of some sort, some rune stones, etc.
The updated date of launch is back to the estimated date of June 11th.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Dwarven Forge Kickstarter 5 - Dungeon of Doom Traps

Here is the latest peek at stuff coming in the new kickstarter project. Traps.
While I am not interested in most of the trap pieces, I did notice the stone ramp which if painted to match the sewer set and offered as a pack of 4 would be on my list for a potential add-on to acquire. A slick, steep access point to a lower section of sewers and dungeon would make for a nice minor challenge to descend, and an obstacle to ascend (especially when being pursued by nasty critters).

It now looks as if the launch date is expected to be June 9th.