Showing posts with label Website Wednesday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Website Wednesday. Show all posts

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Pamper Yourself!

I just had to share this website with you. These products are designed and created by a great friend of mine from high school. I have personally ordered and enjoyed many of her soaps, which are natural, old fashioned, cold processed soaps. I just received two pillar candles and they smell so good!

Besem is Hebrew for pure, worthy, a sweet smell. All Wendy's products are handmade in Brenham, Texas. In addition, 10% of her profits are donated to orphan relief.

So, if any of these scents sound appealing to you... cinnamon spice, lavender harvest, lemon tea, orange blossom, pink grapefruit, rosemary mint and much more... order some today for yourself or to give as a gift. Mother's Day is just around the corner!

Pamper deserve it!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Website Wednesday!

This week's Website Wednesday is It seems like all we hear on the tv, radio, etc is centered around the economy. It can be enough to really bring fear into our lives. Now, more than ever, we should all have a plan when it comes to our money.

Jason and I took a financial class called Financial Peace University a couple of years ago. This class was so good for us. Neither one of us are that great when it comes to managing money. So, this class was amazing in teaching us things we should know like budgeting, getting out of debt, living under our means, and saving for the future. Dave uses the phrase "changing your family tree" and goes on to explain how making smart decisions today will affect and enhance our children's future and their children's future, etc. Hand-in-hand with this concept is also teaching our children about money. Neither Jason nor myself were taught much about money growing up and have learned many lessons the hard way.

I encourage you to check out Dave Ramsey's website and enroll in a Financial Peace University (FPU) class near you. It will change your life and change your family tree! Jason and I will be completely debt free from credit cards, car payments and medical bills by February of 2010, not because of any luck that has come our way, but from putting into practice the lessons learned from FPU. Beyond February, we will aggressively pay off our school loans and then move on through the 7 Baby Steps.

From Dave's website:
(Click on the links below to read an explanation of each step.)

Get out of debt the same way you learned to walk, one step at a time. Dave has taught these principles to millions via radio, books, Financial Peace University, Live events, and online:
$1,000 to start an Emergency Fund
Pay off all debt using the Debt Snowball
3 to 6 months of expenses in savings
Invest 15% of household income into
Roth IRAs and pre-tax retirement
College funding for children
Pay off home early
Build wealth and give!

This class will not be a waste of your time and will empower you to be debt free and stay that way! If you are not able to find a class or have the time to attend, there's enough information on Dave's website and in his books to begin your Total Money Makeover. Dave provides all the forms you will need.

So, my friends, fear not and take control!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Website Wednesday!

Whether you are worried about the economy, have been affected by the economy, or just want to save money in your monthly budget, this website will help you ease your mind a bit. This week's Website Wednesday! is The Grocery Game. All it takes is a little bit of your time, organizational skills (at a minimum) and a few small bucks a month. You can try if for 4 weeks for only $1 with no obligation to continue, but I think you'll want to continue when you see the savings coming in. If you're like me, I would much rather spend less at the grocery store each month.

From the company's website:

How it all began...

The Grocery Game grew out of a very smart and frugal hobby. Teri Gault (the company's founder and CEO) was intent on saving her family money. Her common sense homestyle approach to good living included collecting coupons and matching them to grocery store sales. Eventually, this hobby became a passion. Teri would share her money saving ideas with family and friends who were more than impressed by her attention to detail and her ability to predict sales trends. After some time, it became obvious that Teri's "hobby" was more than just a good idea to share with friends. The business of The Grocery Game was underway. At first, The Grocery Game made "TERI'S LISTs" available mainly to members in Southern California. Later, by offering franchises to persons throughout the United States, the company was able to expand at an unprecedented pace. Currently, The Grocery Game offers "TERI'S LIST" in all 50 states. Tens of thousands of members log on each week and save hundreds of dollars a month on their groceries.

Teri suggests purchasing some sort of envelope that has dividers. I bought a canceled check file at Wal-Mart for less than $4. Label the sections by categories. File your coupons this way. Once you join The Grocery Game, you will select the list(s) for the stores you shop in your hometown. Teri's list is comprised of three categories: Green, Blue and Black items. Green items are FREE (by combining store sales and your coupons you've clipped), Blue items are for stockpiling so you have enough of a particular item until the next sale cycles around, and Black items are for need shopping only. Teri will tell you on your store's list what coupons to pull from your file and how to combine them with the store's sales to save you the most money.

I encourage you to peruse the website, read the FAQ's and try it out for 4 weeks. You will be surprised how much fun it becomes to see what you can actually save on each trip.

So, grab a Sunday paper, save those coupon mailings that come in your mail this week, sign up for your 4 week trial for only $1, get your system going and watch the savings add up!

Let the savings begin!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Website Wednesday!

This week's website is WebMD. This is a great website to use when you want to check what might be causing your symptoms. You have to be very careful what you read (and believe) on the internet when it comes to medical conditions. So, stick with a website like WebMD or this site when the sniffles or aches and pains are knocking on your door. There's also a wealth of information and medical articles.

From the company's website:
The WebMD content staff blends award-winning expertise in medicine, journalism, health communication and content creation to bring you the best health information possible. Our esteemed colleagues at are frequent contributors to WebMD and comprise our Medical Editorial Board. Our Independent Medical Review Board continuously reviews the site for accuracy and timeliness.

Of course, your doctor is always the best place to go for medical advice. 

Here's to good health!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Website Wednesday!

This week's website is one that Jason and I use often, in fact, Jason uses daily. If you read my bog, you know that Jason and I are reading the Bible in 2009. We've opted to read the Bible chronologically and are both right on track and in the middle of Exodus. We've completed Genesis and Job. It never ceases to amaze me that no matter how many times I read the Bible, I always gain a new understanding and also have even more questions! There are some kooky things in the Old Testament, I'm telling you... 

So, Jason uses Bible Gateway to do his daily reading. He likes to be able to click to read more about the passage if he has any questions or needs more explanation. I use Bible Gateway on a regular basis to hunt for Scripture.

From the company's website:
The Bible Gateway is a tool for reading and researching scripture online -- all in the language or translation of your choice! It provides advanced searching capabilities, which allow readers to find and compare particular passages in scripture based on keywords, phrases, or scripture reference.

You can view a complete list of available Bible versions and translations. To access some of the Bible Gateway's other features (a Verse of the Day widget, Bible commentaries, audio Bibles, and more),...

I personally like the option to read Scripture in various versions right on the same website. I also like to be able to search by key words for verses in the Bible. I'm not the best at remembering where exactly a particular verse is located, so this option is great. 

Time to get into the Word and Bible Gateway is very user friendly and right at your digging for a Bible or wishing you had a different version in hand.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Website Wednesday!

This week's website is This website has every news story you need to know and more, including some not-so-news stories, too. I have not been one to read this website much, but my husband reads it daily, sometimes more than once a day and I frequently hear bursts of laughter coming from the corner of the room when he's reading Fark. There are tabs dividing the news into categories, so if you are interested in Sports, Politics, Showbiz, Music, there are tabs just for you. There's even a tab marked Geek and we won't have a show of hands here as to who would be interested in that tab. You can also choose to see all stories displayed.

From the company's website:
The first thing you should know is that isn't a Weblog., the Web site, is a news aggregator and an edited social networking news site. Every day Fark receives 2,000 or so news submissions from its readership.

What is Fark exactly? Fark is what fills space when mass media runs out of news. Fark is supposed to look like news... but it's not news. It's Fark.

Feeling bored by the every day news stories? Check out'll definitely find stories there you won't see on your local news station.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Website Wednesday!

Today's website is You may be familiar with this website as you may have used it several times yourself! You know all those forwarded emails that you get claiming all sorts of things and insisting they are true? Well, Snopes is the place to check their validity. It's very simple...type in the subject line or keywords of the email that was forwarded to you. Snopes will let you know whether the email you received was true or false and will also give you the background, including the origination of the email and more info than you would ever want or need to know!

Let me go ahead and help you with an easy one... Applebee's is not going to send you a gift certificate for forwarding emails to your address book. I know, disappointing, isn't it? Well, save yourself the embarrassment of forwarding the's false! And, if you've already fallen prey to the scam, have no fear, redemption is granted and adding Snopes to your toolbar will save you from such horrendous mistakes in the future!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Website Wednesday!

This week's website is Have you been stuck at times and not sure if you are using the correct form of a particular word? How about words like affect and effect or aggravate and irritate or good and well? I know I get stuck sometimes with the good and well. This is a website where you can check yourself and see if you've been using the words in the correct context.

From the company's website:
Richard Wanderman

In 1990 my wife Anne came home from school and asked me if there was an easy way to collect the words that her students confused so that they might refer to their own personal list on their own personal computer.

I put the question back to Anne: if you had such a list, what kinds of information about the confused words should be included, and how should the information look? I asked her to come up with some examples, the first few of which were effect and affect and there, their, and they're.

We decided that we needed to show each set of confusables together so that an easy comparison could be made. We also thought that the list would include more confusables than just homonyms, words like aggravate and irritate, and good and well.

We hope you find Confusing Words useful and we look forward to your comments and feedback to make it even better.

If you are feeling well enough to do some writing, it might be a good time for you to check out this website! How's that?

Happy writing!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Website Wednesday!

Have you discovered Etsy? This is such a cool website and is this week's Website Wednesday! Etsy is the place for everything handmade. Now, before you envision a less than par homemade project, take a minute to click on this and this and this and this. I thought these were so cute, too! Etsy is a great place for creative folks to market their products. It's also a fantastic place for buyers to find unique items to keep or give away. Prices range from low to high, depending on the product. 

From the company's website:
Etsy is an online marketplace for buying & selling all things handmade. Our mission is to enable people to make a living making things, and to reconnect makers with buyers. Our vision is to build a new economy and present a better choice:
Buy, Sell, and Live Handmade.

Since our launch in June, 2005, over 100,000 sellers from around the world have opened up Etsy shops. 

But, beware! 
You could spend HOURS searching through this site!


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Website Wednesday!

Thanks to my mother-in-law, I have been introduced to a cool website:, which is an internet radio site. That may not sound so exciting to you, but wait! "It's a new kind of radio... stations that play only the music you like"!

It's so simple... first you must create a log-in. (Don't worry, they don't ask for anything too personal here... no credit card, no blood type, etc...) After you have your log-in, you're ready to go. Select "create a new station" and a window will pop up for you to enter a song title or artist name. The site will then search for songs that match your search as well as songs that are similar to your selection. If at any time, there is a song playing on your station that you don't care for, just delete it. So, I created a John Mayer station, did a search for John Mayer in creating my new station, and I now have a station called John Mayer that plays songs by John Mayer, Matchbox Twenty, Maroon 5 and other artists that fit within the same genre of John Mayer's songs. I now have several different stations created and can listen to them individually or select "Quick Mix" and Pandora will shuffle through all my stations.

From the company's website:
When was the last time you fell in love with a new artist or song?
At Pandora, we have a single mission: To play music you'll love - and nothing else.
To understand just how we do this, 
and why we think we do it really, really well, 
you need to know about the Music Genome Project®.

Since we started back in 2000, we have been hard at work on the Music Genome Project. It's the most comprehensive analysis of music ever undertaken. Together our team of fifty musician-analysts has been listening to music, one song at a time, studying and collecting literally hundreds of musical details on every song. It takes 20-30 minutes per song to capture all of the little details that give each recording its magical sound - melody, harmony, instrumentation, rhythm, vocals, lyrics ... and more - close to 400 attributes! We continue this work every day to keep up with the incredible flow of great new music coming from studios, stadiums and garages around the country.

With Pandora you can explore this vast trove of music to your heart's content. Just drop the name of one of your favorite songs or artists into Pandora and let the Genome Project go. It will quickly scan its entire world of analyzed music, almost a century of popular recordings - new and old, well known and completely obscure - to find songs with interesting musical similarities to your choice. Then sit back and enjoy as it creates a listening experience full of current and soon-to-be favorite songs for you.

You can create as many "stations" as you want. And you can even refine them. If it's not quite right you can tell it so and it will get better for you.

The Music Genome Project was founded by musicians and music-lovers. We believe in the value of music and have a profound respect for those who create it. We like all kinds of music, from the most obtuse bebop, to the most tripped-out drum n bass, to the simplest catchy pop tune. Our mission is to help you connect with the music YOU like.

No commercials, no unwanted songs, 
easy filtering for younger ears...

Happy listening!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Website Wednesday!

Do you need to know how to make a strait jacket or maybe a sabre-toothed Halloween costume? Have you wondered how to make ole fashioned caramel apples or that soda can hinge wallet chain you've always wanted but just weren't quite sure how to construct?

This week's website is This website has instructions for just about everything you would need or want to know how to do. There are definitely some silly and "out there" projects, but there are also very practical projects. The website is divided into categories to make your browsing easier and also has a search engine. 

From the website:
Instructables is a web-based documentation platform where passionate people share what they do and how they do it, and learn from and collaborate with others. The seeds of Instructables germinated at the MIT Media Lab as the future founders of Squid Labs built places to share their projects and help others.

Next time you're not quite sure how to do a specific task, check this website; I bet you will find exactly what you need!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Website Wednesday!

  Uncle John's Bathroom Reader

This week's website is a little different, I guess. I figured with Christmas coming quickly (yikes!), this might be something a little out of the ordinary to give to that one person that is difficult to shop for. Is it just me, or is it kind of funny that we stock our bathrooms with some of our best reading? (In potty training our children, a book on the potty was a must.) So, several years ago, Jason received a book called "Uncle John's Bathroom Reader". It wasn't long, and we were both hooked. Over the years, we've collected several of these books and they aren't just read in the bathroom!

From the company's website:
It was 1987. Uncle John found himself stranded on the pot in the second worst way that you can be stranded on the pot—with nothing to read! He thought to himself: I have a book by my bed; I have a book on my coffee table; I even have books in my kitchen! How come there are no books especially made for the bathroom? And then a shaft of light appeared in Uncle John's privy, and angelic voices began to sing! And lo, Uncle John proclaimeth'd: "There is a whole world of forgotten readers out there. We must all unite as one and make our voices be heard! 'We read in the Bathroom and we're proud!'"

And with that, the Bathroom Readers’ Institute was born. Nearly two decades later, we're still going strong. Uncle John and his crack research staff work year-round to make each all-new 
Bathroom Reader a stand-alone, sit-down masterpiece! Since 1988 we've sold seven million books and have now reached a membership base that's over 35,000 loyal readers. 

With the need for great bathroom reading at an all-time high, we’ve got two groups of dedicated trivia nuts churning out these books:

THE BATHROOM READERS’ INSTITUTE works out of a little red house in Ashland, Oregon, bringing you the ClassicBathroom Readers, the For Kids Only series, and the occasional “Little John” (such as Tees Off On Golf and the Colossal Collection of Quotable Quotes). 
THE BATHROOM READERS' HYSTERICAL SOCIETY is based in San Diego and writes the Plunges Into... books. The BRHS also finds new titles for the Uncle John's Presents... series and puts together the highly popular Uncle John's Puzzle Book series. 

So worry not, faithful readers: As long as we keep finding stuff to write about—which isn't that difficult in this strange and silly world—then know that you'll never have to be stranded on the throne the way Uncle John was all those years ago. 


These books are stocked with things you really need to know and had no idea! Things like, "George Washington's shoe size was 13" or "Theater spotlights used to burn lime for light. That's where the term 'limelight' came from" or "Plants, like people, run a fever when they are sick" and much, much more!

If you haven't discovered these books, 
it's time to take the plunge 

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Website Wednesday!

This week's website is Jason and I have used this site on several occasions and found some amazing deals. The purpose of the site is to give you a daily list of sales, rebates and free offers that go above and beyond a regular sale. Last year, I kid you not, I got 8 pairs of pants from a clearance sale on a major retailer's website for $20. I found the sale through's daily list.

From the company's website:
Founded in 1999, is a free, user-driven deal sharing site with a mission to provide consumers an avenue to collaborate and share information in order to make the best shopping decisions. Slickdeals achieves this by providing its users a forum for communication and various shopping tools. prides itself on being user and community focused, never allowing paid placement for frontpage deal listings.

If you like to bargain shop and walk a little bit taller after finding amazing deals, this site is for you.

Warning: it might become addicting!