If there's one thing that goes together so perfectly like peanut butter and jelly, you and me , meat loaf and mashed potatoes, it's coffee and books . Just the thought of me reading a favorite book on a soft lounge chair, sipping from a warm white mug with my favorite mix of espresso, milk, choco syrup, whipped cream and cinnamon powder gets me so pleasantly elated like you wouldn't believe! That's my kind of rest and relaxation, my "ahhh, this is the life" moment, but I'm sure I'm not alone. Davao Readers Circle, the book lover's club I'm part of, love their cup of coffee as much as I do! We all go around the city to visit coffee shops, hang out and discuss our latest reads and share books to members. Our meet ups haven't been as regular recently, but we hope to remedy that soon! We all feel that there are so many things to catch up to. I miss those guys and I'm looking forward to meeting them again. So whenever I think of coffeeshops...