You may have managed to get rid of the turkey but I think it's a fair bet you still have some cheese you bought before Christmas lurking in the fridge. And only one day left to use it up before you go back to work if you don't want to find it awaiting you whiskerily next weekend.
Here are six simple ideas that will avoid it going to waste:
* Make a quiche. The advantage being you not only give yourself a meal for tomorrow but the basis of a packed lunch or light supper on Tuesday or Wednesday. Here's the
Stilton and leek quiche (above) I posted a couple of years ago.
* Make a mac'n'cheese. Remember the
Ultimate Macaroni Cheese challenge last year? There were lots of great variations on the classic that would use up odd bits of cheese. Here's
Signe Johansen's version which used four different kinds.
* Make a creamy
Stilton linguine. Doesn't sound quite as romantic as Gorgonzola but it's a great supper for one and dead simple.
* Make a steak sandwich with caramelised onions and Stilton - or Stichelton. Like this one
* Make Stilton butter. Beat equal quantities of crumbled Stilton and room temperature butter with a wooden spoon, season generously with freshly ground black pepper and a little salt if you think it needs it. You can also add a tablespoon of finely chopped parsley. Spoon the flavoured butter onto a piece of foil, shaping it into a rough rectangle. Roll the foil around the cheese mixture to form a cylinder, twisting the ends of the foil like a Christmas cracker and chill until firm - or freeze. Put a slice on a steak or burger (having brought the butter back to room temperature).
* Make 'fromage fort', a classic French way of using leftover bits of cheese. First cut up your cheese and remove the rinds. Whizz a couple of peeled cloves of garlic in a food processor, add the sliced cheese and pulse until you have a thick paste. Add just enough white wine to make a spreadable consistency and season with cayenne pepper or chilli powder to taste. (For a stronger version you can add a spoonful of brandy). The spread keeps in the fridge for a couple of days and makes a tasty topping for crackers, crostini or toast.
Oh, and a Happy New Year to you all!