Litter Throw Event
Welcome to the Litter Throw; I'm Petey, your humble annoucer. With all this excitement I have found it very hard to contain myself, but for the sake of professionalism, I will soldier on. With todays practice of the litter throw I was again impressed at the caliber of the cats at these games.
First up is Abby, I only wonder if being first is taking a toll on her performance; she steps into the box, she digs and flings and we're off. Good effort, Abby.
Next up is Boni, she is definately not as skinny as a stick of macaroni; she steps up to the box, enters and digs, there's the fling. Nice technique.
Up next is Egypt, all the way from Colorado: my humans were in the Rocky Mountain state last week and it said was gorgeous, just gorgeous; but I digress. Egypt approaches the box, digs in and; Wow, what an amazing fling, those long legs of his certainly have given him an advantage.
Stepping up to the box next is Finnegan; he digs, he flings, he scores; well done Finny, well done.
The next competitor is my sissyfur, Luna. I'm impressed just with her entering a litter throw. It is well known around our house that she never digs in the box, but none the less, she is performing well and it will be up to the judges to decide.
Now it is Mattingly's turn at the litter throw; he approaches the box with caution and digs in and squats. Oh my, he has left a deposit. Can we get a cleanup crew over here. I hope he is not disqualified for that.
Next up is Sammy. The break in the action doesn't seem to have affected him in the least; he steps up to the box, digs in and flings and the litter really is flying now.
With two more competitors left this is shaping up to be an exciting event, I only hope that it is included in the next games.
Scout is up next; he cautiously nears the box, steps in, digs around and appears to be searching for just the right pieces of litter for his throw; hopefully it will pay off for him. And here's his throw; yes, I think it just might be the winning throw.
We have one competitor left and that is Tuxie; little is known about Tuxie, but that only adds to the mystery and excitement. Tuxie steps up to the box, here's the dig and now the fling and we're done with the litter throw. All that is left is to await the judges decision.
Ahem......I am a boy. -Scout
Shaggy and Scout, at Saturday, June 17, 2006 8:13:00 PM
Scout...must be the To Kill a Mockingbirdie thing that gotted the announcer a'fused...
Timmy, at Saturday, June 17, 2006 8:18:00 PM
Wahoo! What a great event! Mattingly had better not have been disqualified! I'm rootin' for him!
Timmy, at Saturday, June 17, 2006 8:18:00 PM
Sorry Scout, I misspoke, I was a'fused with the book. You are a Boy Scout.
Petey, at Saturday, June 17, 2006 8:21:00 PM
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