Two trips to Home Depot: $97.44
Throwing away a shirt, pants, socks, & shoes: $60
Hours spent under the house: 9
Hours lost working due to rain/snow: 1
Having a handy husband: PRICELESS!!!
The time finally came where something in our house broke. Well technically it didn't break.
Some moron thought that you could use a dryer vent and duct tape for plumbing. Needless to
say, we kept smelling this foul smell. I am way weird about smells and sanitation, so I
begged my hubby to look under the house. I knew the yucky smell wasn't coming from
inside. I thought maybe an animal got under the house and died - you just never know after
winter when things thaw out. So the awesome guy that he is he got under the house and all
of a sudden I hear this hacking and I look out the window. My dear sweet husband is on his knees hurling into the bushes. The verdict...crap was everywhere! Lesson to the dork that 'thought' he could do plumbing...duct tape doesn't fix everything. I am so grateful that my 'Mr. Fix-it' installed an entire new plumbing system.Then he cleaned the concrete and topped it off with a good Clorox scrub. The poor guy totally burned his lungs and throat. When he finally finished at 8 pm he quickly showered (after throwing away his clothes) and we left for the evening. The smell of the bleach permeated the entire house, but for me that was a piece of mind knowing we weren't breathing in the poop fumes! So another shameless plug for my man who saved us a couple hundred dollars by doing the 'dirty work' himself!

That is crazy! I bet he was suprised to that under the house. It's a good thing you have such a handy man.
Wow that sounds horrible! I hope you don't have any more problems with your lovely home in Logan because I'll be hanging out with you guys there once school starts!
Poor Phil. He's awesome for taking care of this poopy situation!
That's unfortunate. I'm sorry.
If it's any consolation, the back groud on your blog is one of the most adorable i've seen. (:
Oh man! That is crazy duct tape!! What a handy man you have!!
So...duct tape doesn't fix everything??? This is news to me. J/K Way to go Phil! You shouldn't have to deal with that crap (pun intended) but it just goes to show how handy you are. Also I commented on the prev blog in case you were wondering or didn't notice. =) Hopefully, you won't run into anything else that bad. Keep up the hard work.
Hey Deneigh - it's MaryAnn from Colorado - I found your blog from a link on Heidi E.'s blog. Anyways - it has been fun to catch up with everything going on with you guys.
Our blog address is - Hope all is well! Take care - and by the way - that posting was really nasty! :)
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