Monday, August 31, 2009

Umm umm good!

This weekend Chad and I had a little date night at home. Since I was craving something sweet we decided to make cinnamon rolls. Normally Chad and I avoid cooking in the kitchen together. It works better for us if we are both working on different things. If we do work on the same dish together it usually results in one or both of us getting frustrated. However, I'm pleased to report that this time was a complete success! We had so much fun making these tasty cinnamon rolls together. Thanks Chadley for such a fun date night!

Chad is an expert dough maker. If you haven't had his rolls, you need to because they are amazing! He looks so handsome in this picture!

This is me at 25 weeks people and I look like I'm as big as a house. Chad kept snapping shots of me from the worst angles possible and this was the only decent shot of me.
So GOOD! I love a good cinnamon roll!
Chad finishing up the job by frosting the rolls.
The rest of this post is completely off the subject from the cinnamon rolls, but I'll share it anyway. In the past couple of weeks I've gotten some interesting comments from people about my baby belly. I've decided some people are clueless as to what is actually coming out of their mouths. One lady at work told me I was "getting pudgy."-Yep that didn't go over well with me. I felt like saying back to her, "Um, that was rude," but I kept my mouth shut and smiled instead. Then yesterday another lady at work told me that I was huge.-Ok I know my belly is growing bigger everyday and I might feel like I'm as big as house, but still to call a pregnant woman huge to her face is a knock. Ironically enough both of these comments have come from people that are on the larger side themselves. So what's the deal? Has this happened to any of you? I thought it was a known fact just not to say anything like that to a pregnant lady, but apparently some people really are clueless.


Jenny said...

People are so strange when it comes to making comments to pregnant women. I got comments like that ALL THE TIME. You sort of have to expect it I guess, but it still ticks you off!! When I was about 8 months pregnant people would say, "You still have another month left?! (Glance at the belly)! Wow." It makes you so mad! So just wait until you're ridiculously uncomfortable and ridiculously huge - it was really hard for me to just not smack people - and I'm usually a pretty mellow girl! Good luck, and just ignore people because you look darling!

Julie Thurgood Summerhays said...

Yep - people really are that clueless and yes, they need to say something mean to feel better about themselves I think - rudos!!! Those cinnamon rolls look AMAZING - I want one really bad now:)

Brekk Bird said...

It's so great to meet you too, thanks for leaving me a comment and taking the time to get to know me through my blog. You look like such a sweetie too! Congrats on the baby boy, they are the best and you will never be bored. Hopefully I will meet you on Saturday at the picnic. Cute blog!

Erica said...

Michelle, I think you still look so small! And you're definitely cute pregnant, so maybe those other ladies are just jealous that you have a baby bump and still are looking so great!

A Little Tidbit: said...

What is even worse is when someone is wondering when you are going to have the baby, when you have already had it. Thirty seven years ago I was much, much smaller. My youngest son came 6 weeks early and was still in the hospital. We went in for tithing settlement and the Bishop said "now, when is the baby due?" Oops, that didn't make feel real great.
You look cute kiddo!! Just smile, enjoy being pregnant and ignore the comments.

Megan said...

Okay, that is way too funny! Yes, your stomach is getting big, but you still have the signature Michelle twig arms (lucky girl!)
I love that you two usually can't make things together in the kitchen. It is a testament to how normal you both are, even though you have an almost perfect marriage.

lisa said...

Mich-when people tell you you look 'huge' or 'ready to pop' or whatever insane things come out of their mouth, just say "Hm...must be those donuts!" Or something like that. Just ignore them. Nothing is cuter than a pregnant belly--20 weeks or 39 1/2 weeks!! Live it up sista! And thanks, now I need a cinnamon roll!

Kari said...

People say YOU look huge?!! I think you should suggest they see their local mental health professional because they must be insane. You are darling, darling, darling pregnant. I think especially because of the light in your eyes because you can tell you already love this little boy to be. I agree with others, ignore those rude people and listen to us smarties!

katielovie said...

Those cinnamon rolls look delicous!! Actually- anything homemade looks good!! :) You dont look as big as a house- I barely noticed you were pregnant in that pictures

The Sayer Family said...

Michelle, I can't believe people would say that. I saw you on Sunday and you don't even look 6 months. I know a couple of other people that are 5-6 months and their bellies are twice the size of yours. Seriously! hhhmmm, now I have to reread this comment and make sure it's not offensive, ha ha! You look darling and $5 says you can fit into your preprego pants!

MomMitchell said...

Those rolls look so yummy!!! Now I think I should make some. I'm glad you could both be in the kitchen and have fun together cooking. In a few years, you will laugh at the things you did for date night!!! And you are not big!!! Just remember what you get to have and hold in a few months!!!

Liz Taylor said...

nope, never happened to me

Courtney said...

People can be so rude, and when we are pregnant we even more sensitive. When I was pregnant with Afton this one teacher kept asking me if I was having twins.
I am sure you are adorable with a prego belly.

Carrie said...

I have no idea why people think that they can just say whatever to pregnant ladies...I was walking into Wal-Mart (of course it would be someone at Wal-Mart!) when I was pregnant with Rylan and some random guy was walking in at the same time and said "You must be having twins, you look like you could pop right now!" Which was the comment that broke the pregnant lady's back and I told him that he should never say that to a pregnant lady and that it was totally rude! From that moment on, I've decided that if people are going to be rude to me then I have the right to point it out to them. You look great by the way...enjoy your pregnant body and don't worry about your size!

Wright Family said...

First of all, I'm glad to hear that i'm not the only one who can't work in the same area as my husband either. apparently we both want to be the boss. so we can't cook together either. That's totally my domain, his is outside. and about the prego comments, you just have to take it with stide. I kinda wonder, being large people if those aren't some of the comments they have gotten as well, except they aren't prego. Just something to think about. :) I think you are as cute as ever and I wished I looked as cute as you do when I was prego. Bec. I really am as big as a house and you are still tiny so don't fret!

Heidi said...

People are so strange when it comes to making prego comments! It makes me wonder if really chubby people get comments about their bellies!

Todd and Melissa said...

Big as a house? I think NOT . . .

(But I totally understand the feeling!)

Unknown said...

Don't worry, you know a good therapist you can talk to about it! :-) just kidding. I always try to talk my wife into working with me. I feel so bad after I do because I usually end up getting frustrated and taking it out on her. Maybe you two can give us therapy about how to work together!