I just wanted to give a shout out to my Mom for Mother's Day. She is my best friend and one of the funnest people I know. Anyone who knows her knows that whenever she is around you are bound to have a good time and with lots of talking and laughing.-Probably where I get my giggles from. :) She is constantly serving everyone around her and has the biggest heart. Love you Mom!
I LOVE this pic! I still wish we would've bought those oven mitts!
Seeing Wicked
Having a blast together in Disneyland
so sweet! Mothers are the best
I LOVE those oven mitts--I didn't even know that's what they were. Ah...Wicked...don't even get me started!!!
love this lady too...most of that service is provided in my behalf and for that i am grateful beyond words. you're a lucky gal to have had her in your life all these years.
You're so sweet. I love your mom too. She is the absolute best!!
AWW! Love it - and I love her too!!!
She is a great women. I love her too!
I LOVE the picture of your mother in the oven mitts!!! What fun memories! Your mother is amazing and will always hold a special place in my heart.
Oh! I really do love your mom, too! She was almost a second mom to me growing up since I spent so much time at your casa. They don't come much better than her!
Thank you for the sweet message. I so loved our trip to Disneyland and to see Wicked. We sure did have lots of laughs and fun. So excited to see you in a few days. Love you lots
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