Showing posts with label dark eldar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dark eldar. Show all posts

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Dark Eldar Transports and some new project.


This week I had time to work on my Dark Eldar Venoms and I managed to do some considerable progress. The only thing to paint are the red banners and some decals on them but to do that I need a decal fix that I have ordered so I need to be patient :D. Below you can see some photos.

In meantime I started to pain a model that I wanted to paint for a while. I started to work on her and it was only 2 hours of painting. I enjoy this mini very much and its a super project. My goal here is to paint her as good as I can so it will take many hours to finish this mini but I hope it will be worth the effort.


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Dark Eldar Venom VIP’s and a small tutorial.


Here you can see my progress with my 3 Venom Transports for Dark Eldar.

There is still much work to do but now I will have more time to paint so I expect to finish them by the end of the next week.

I wanted to show you how I make some simple wasteland bases for my Dark Eldar. Now lets get started.

For my bases I’m using:
-         Vallejo Grey Pumice,
-         Tom Holtz Distress Crackle Paint,
-         some small rocks from Games Workshops 40k basing kit (u can use normal rocks if u can find similar ones),
-         some bark,
-         and some gypsum bricks and plates,

First of all I glued some rocks, bark and gypsum elements to the bases to make some rubble and rocks that will be very visible on the base.

Next using the Distress Crackle paint I painted the whole base to make some interesting texture on the base. This paint is fantastic in my opinion because you can paint with it some elements and even models to make crackle effects on them and it only depends how thick you lay the paint. If you paint it thick then the cracks will be bigger but with a thin layer they are very small and give you a very interesting effect on different surfaces.

Here you can see how it looks after drying. Some cracks are big and some are delicate.

To finish the modeling I added some Vallejo Grey Pumice to make some sand and after drying those bases will be ready to paint. I recommend this Pumice because it’s a fast and easy way to make sand and you don’t need to mix sand with glue you just take it from the pot and put on the surface.

So the modeling stage is finished and they look like some post apocalyptic wasteland with some old battle debris. You can add mode elements like barbed wire or other metal elements that you like but I wanted to keep those bases simple.

Next time I will show you how to paint those bases and what materials I use to for finishing effects so lets hope you find something interesting.


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Dark Eldar Venom Transports - WIP


I'm very determined to paint my Dark Eldar army because I feel bad to play with plastics that hold only on rubber bands or blue tac :P. This is my next step to complete this task and as you can see below I'm in the middle o completing three DE Venoms.

I want to paint this army on a level that is equal to Games Workshop's new models. I know that it looks simple but my goal is that this army will look good on the battlefield. As or now I managed to paint metallics, black parts and the drivers heads. Now I started to work on the red parts and you can see ho will they look like on the next photo.

I have much work to do on them but step by step I'm getting closer to finalizing this project. Thing let to paint are: Red parts, violet buttons and lenses, banners, gunners on the back and some freehand like on my Razorwing. I hope to finish them by the end of the month so lets hope that I can do this :P.


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

REDAV's painting reactivation


I'm back to active painting and I will post more projects here. For some time I haven't had time to paint because I have a small baby to care for. Recently I decided to paint during the night because its the only time of the day I can paint. Gimiak gave me a link to a very useful review of a desk working lamp. I decided to buy one for myself and I'm very happy with the end result. Here you have the link so maybe you will like something like that →

About a month ago using the spare scraps of time I had I managed to pain a Necron Overlord model just to stretch my rusty painting bones and here you have some photos.

An a couple days ago I managed to finish the first vehicle for my Dark Eldar Army.

I will paint mode Dark Eldar models in general but now I'm working on 3 Venoms for them.

I hope you like those models and I will post some more updates on my future projects.


Sunday, November 27, 2011

Back from a long painting brake - finished Lelith Hesperax


It was a long time since my last post but now I'm back. I had some difficulties with finding time to paint and some problems with inspiration but now its better and my projects will see some progress.

I wanted to show you the finished Lelith Hesperax model. I painted her for the polish Hussar 2011 competition but there ware so many better paint jobs and she wasn't so good, so better luck next year (and by luck i mean much more work to beat those fantastic painters).

So tell me how do you like this model.



Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Lelith Hesperax - late WIP


It was a long time that I posted something here. I started to paint that Kaldor Dragio model that I mentioned earlier but during painting I didn't have the strength to paint that model and maybe its because some time ago I painted 5 Grey Knight Terminators. I wanted to paint a good sculpt and I have chosen the new Lelith Hesperax model. I like this model because she is dynamic and has nice details and also is a part of my Dark Eldar army.

I wanted her to have some oldschool colors because I started playing Dark Eldar when they ware red and not so dark as now. Here you have some photos of how she looks like now.

The is lots of work to do and I must fix some things, model and paint the base.

Stay tuned for more progress.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

2 minis!


here are some good quality photos of my Eldrad
Soon on ebay:)MORE PHOTOS!!:)
and finally last harlequin finished. Great model but I'm really happy I finished it:)
Concept is similar to my old harlequin troupe master.
Hope you like it as I do:):)



Friday, August 5, 2011

Eldrad and troupe master

Few months ago I started to paint Eldrad. I somehow forgot about him and painted other minis. Yesterday I decided to finish him becouse I had some free time while the putty on harlequin troupe master was hardening.

I'll put this mini on ebay tomorrow or even today.
---> more photos <---

and here are some wip pics of troupe master.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Urien Rakarth painting log - part three

My third post with Urien. I was experiment a little bit with some of his clothes (again). Few elements and this little guy will be finished. I still don't have a bloddy idea how to paint his venom blade, so probably this will be my last painted element. Sorry for dark pictures but Today morning my camera's flash batteries say no to me.


Ps: Next time I'll show you some progress of my Dreadnought. Urien absorbed all of my time.
Ps2: Beside painting models I'm working on tyranids (again). It seems that first love (actually army) doesn't rust. So far I've cleaned some Zoanthropes, Hive Guards, Hive Tyrant, Trygon and Raveners. I know that current army is weak comparing to other armies, but I want to play them anyway.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

The 5th one...

I've finally finished the 5th harlequin. Now there's only troupe master left. I've already started the conversion, will show you some pics in a few days.

I also wanted to show you a few wip pics of a miniature painted by my young padawan (actually he's the same age as me but it sounds cool). It's his second miniature painted after 5 years of break. And also his 10 or sth miniature in his life.

Tell me what you think!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Urien Rakarth painting log - part two


Yesterday I couldn't stop myself painting Urien. I know I should turn my attention to dreadnought but last painting was so enjoyable that I knew I'll finish this guy earlier.

So far I've painted tabard and almost all of the silver elements. Today will be my third attempt on painting venom blade. I'm not and wasn't satisfied with former and current painting. Tabard was painted with Tallarn Flesh foundation paint, shaded with Green and leviatan washes, highlighted with Fortress Grey, Bleached Bone and Skull White.

Today I'll correct blade and work on Urien's skin. Ill stay within purple - grey palette.

Till next time,

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Urien Rakarth painting log - part one


As planned before, yestarday I've started to paint Urien Rakarth. So far I'ce done only coat... or more likely dress. Rather to go in purples I've decided to go in leather direction. Snakebite Leather paint was used as a base for his dress. I paint shadows with mixture od Snakebite and Asurmen Blue wash. Then I've applied watered down Liche Purple paint in some areas.

Watered down Snakebite and Skull White mixture was applied as highlight. Top highlight I've achieved using Skull White paint.

Overall I'm satisfied with choosen colors. I've to make some corrections on the Urien's front side. So next time I'll start with it and then paint his chest bony armour.

Till next time,