Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ladybug Turns 1!!

Hard to imagine our precious girl is one!  On her actual birthday, Daddy had to work, so we waited till the next day to have cake and let her open a few presents.  So, two weeks later we had her party.  So much fun!  Anyways, I know you all are eager for the pictures so here you go...
This is a bunny I bought years ago.  Long before I had kids...just on the hope that someday I would have a girl.  It is a special bunny and I love to see her play with it. 

On her actual birthday

Before she gets messy!

Who wouldn't love this face?!?!

The rest of the pictures are from her birthday party.

Opa with his girl

Hugs for Oma

Mommy and Ladybug

What a ham!!

Gotta love red icing!!

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