Thursday, January 8, 2015

Chasing The Sun

When I don't see the sun for a few days I start to miss it. A LOT. Today I got the itch to visit the sun, since as you can see from the photos above, the sun was in no condition to come out. And I needed to know it still exists...It does.
 My sister and I took our boys up the mountain in search of the sun today. It was SO worth it. Under that thick layer of white is where I live and where I am now typing this post.

Gavin and Zane sure loved to scream on top of that mountain! Cooky kids!

It's going to be a great year. I can just feel it in my bones. I feel very optimistic about this year.

I work for my brother's vinyl lettering company and I see many of the quotes that get ordered. I don't usually pay too much attention to what people order but there's one quote I saw come through months ago that just stuck in my brain.

"Create A Life You Love"

I love that quote. It gives me power over my life to act and to create. I often times feel really overwhelmed by my life and it's many responsibilities and I hate that feeling of having so much to do and not enough time to do it. I hate being overscheduled. I don't think that is what life is all about. So I'm excited that this year I will be taking power back into my life and I won't allow time and busyness rule over me. This year I plan on not just creating a life I love, but creating moments I love. Even on those days I'm crazy busy, I will create a moment I love, and it will most likely be simple and will most likely involve chocolate (Just kidding!). It will hopefully involve doing good and showing love to others, including my family. Oh, and hopefully more writing, including on my blog (I'm old school like that).

Case in point...Today. I had to take the time to chase the sun and spend quality time with a few of my loved ones. A must.

And even though I slipped on the ice and sprained my wrist on the third day of the new year...It's still gonna be a good year!